Chapter 29 MY LITTLE EYES!

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As we finished our pizza the girls for meet and greets began to pile in one by one. It was a little overwhelming because there is a lot of girls here. I mean you wouldn't expect it especially in Greenland, but this is the last show here anyway. Just like usual there were girls that were all over each one of the boys and being the flirty cheeky boys they are they would be all over them too. You just can't stop them. But then there was Matt who when some girl was trying to feel him up he had the most uncomfortable look on his face. It was kind of hilarious, but at the same time it wasn't. I watched closely as all of the girls waited patiently in line to come in. It was all good until the last group of girls came in. They were all Matt fans and let me just say I never knew there were shorts that could ever be as short as the ones they were wearing. They were wearing croptops with Matt written across them and they showed half of their junk.

I couldn't help, but laugh at them when they came in. I laughed even harder when each one looked at me with their cakefaces. They all had a bucket load of makeup on and they could pass for a slutty clown if anything. The boys turned to me as I continued to laugh. "I'm sorry..I'll just..go", I breathed out still laughing histerically. I then walked out of the door and all the guys had confused looks on their faces. "Finally. I thought she'd never leave. Now we can have some alone time with our Matt.", one of the girls said and I was actually listening through the door. "What?", Matt asked confused and I looked through the window seeing one of the girls go for a kiss from Matt. I then stopped laughing and burst through the door. "What do you think your doing?", I questioned walking into the room.

"Um I was about to kiss my man, but you just happened to ruin the moment.", she said snottily. "Ok um I'm sorry, but you know he's not yours. And uh I guess have fun with your moment.", I told them. "What?!", Matt screeched. "Wow typical that a whore like you would just let it go.", the girl smirked. I then turned around. Ok now I'm pissed. Sass mode just got bumped up to a 10! "Excuse me?", I asked. "You heard me. Your nothing, but a lowlife whore that Matt just feels sorry for. That's the only reason he's dating you.", she told me. Matt was about to speak, but I innteruppted him. "Please explain to me in anyway how I am a and I quote 'lowlife whore.'", I asked her. "Well first of all you never stand up for yourself because your always too scared. YOu don't know how to fight and I have seen some of the clothes you wear and let me just say it's not pretty.", she explained. "Please look who's talking! Your the one wearing shorts that ride up your butt and a croptop that shows half of your boobs. SHould I go on?", I asked.

All she did was scoff and stomp out of the room shaking her little ass as she went. I smiled and went back to sit down. "Woah.", was all Matt and any of the other boys could say. "What? It was about time I stood up for myself and now was a perfect time to do it. Nobody kisses Matt, but me.", I said and they all laughed. Matt looked at me his eyes glowing while he smiled warmly. He walked over to me and picked me up kissing me in front of all the other boys. "EW!", they all screeched and I just laughed as we pulled away. "MY LITTLE EYES!", Cameron screamed and went to hide in a corner. "And nobody kisses Elizabeth, but me.", Matt stated and then everyone came in for the show. All the girls flooded the room and we all went on stage. I wasn't supposed to, but Matt carried me up there. "Where's Cameron?", one girl shouted. Matt, Taylor, Nash and Carter ran off the stage and picked him up carrying him onto the stage. "NO NO MORE KISSING!", Cameron yelled.

I shook my head and walked off the stage and sat on the side watching them. Then it was time for Shawn to sing. I still don't know what he's singing. Matt took my hand and brought me on stage and made me sit on his lap and he put his arms around me while Shawn sang You and Me by LifeHouse.

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