Chapter 13 Tourists for the day!

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Within minutes girls came rushing in all of the stopping in shock while looking at the wrecked room. Ha I guess that's why they call it the reck room. "What did a tornado hit this place?", one girl screeched and the boys were on the stage. "Actually no it was a twister and it sent everything flying. We tried to stop it, but it was too powerful and it looked like this.", Carter explained and all the boys got in a circle and started spinning around making Whoosh noises. I face palmed and they broke apart. "And after the twister rolled through here we tried to set the chairs back up, but miserably failed and then we... DID NOTHING!", Cameron exclaimed in a southern accent. "That sounds amazing Cameron!", another girl stated and I laughed as everyone packed in by the stage.

I stood off to the side watching them as they did their thing. "Hey Lizzy get up here!", Nash yelled and they were motioning me up there. "Nah guys.", I waved it off and Cameron, Matt, Taylor and Nash came down and each grabbed either an arm or a leg and carried me onto the stage. I tried so hard to squirm free, but that didn't work out. They set me on my feet on the stage and I stood in the middle as they all backed away. "What am I supposed to do?", I asked them and they all looked at the DJ and all of the sudden Swagger Jagger by:Cher Lloyd started playing over the speakers. The boys seperated into two groups and I realized what we were doing. I went to Matt's team and then Nash went out and started dancing. Me an Matt went out after and started dancing.

As soon as it had all ended we went back to our hotel rooms to rest. It was only about 5. We all took about 20 minutes to rest before be met out in the hallway again. I looked at Matt and I so badly wanted to just hug him, but I couldn't. "Hey um Matt can I talk to you for a minute?", I asked and he nodded going around the corner with me. "I think we should tell the boys. I can't stand not being able to hug you in front of them.", I told him and he smiled. "I agree. I want to hold your hand and I can't if they don't know.", he laughed and I smiled at him as we walked back out from around the corner. We all stayed in the hallway and stood in a group. "Guys me and um Elizabeth are dating. We have been since this morning and you know. We thought we should tell you.", Matt said and they all cheered.

"It's about time!", Carter exclaimed. "I thought it was never gonna happen!", Aaron said relieved. I laughed at all their reactions as Matt pulled me under his arm. He's not much talled than me, but he's still taller. I hugged him and we finally all started walking towards the elevator. We all fought to click the button and of course I eventually won. I slowly moved my finger toward the 1 button making it more unbareable for the rest of them. I laughed as I finally pressed it and we made out way down to the lobby so we could all go walk around because we were bored. "I have an idea! Let's go be tourists for the day! And I mean like full on. We all have to dress like them and everything.", Nash exclaimed and I laughed. Soon enough we had all bought the shorts shirts and disposable cameras and fanny packs to do this. After that we were off to be tourists with funny accents. "Are you guys ready?", Nash asked. "You betcha!", I smiled cheerily and they all laughed.

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