Chapter One: Going Green, Part 1.

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A/N: Welcome to book three! If you have not read the first two books then I suggest you do.  Enjoy the story!

re-edited on febuary 25th, 2021 @ 2:55pm

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I STOPPED MY MOTORCYCLE AS I took off my helmet. I was finally in Ocean Bluff. The place where I was gonna end my tour in. While I was here I was gonna learn something called Pai Zhug. It was some kind of martial art and I heard one of the masters owned a pizza parlor here. I headed towards the building only to see a flier with my picture on it by the entrance.

I smiled to myself and walked into Jungle Karma Pizza. I was wearing my hat so no one knew who I was. I placed my white and purple duffel bag on the ground and sat down. "Welcome to Jungle Karma Pizza. What can I get you today?" I looked up to see a boy about my age.

When I looked up he was shocked to see me. "Oh my god. You're—" I covered his mouth before he could say anything. "Please don't say anything. I'm currently on tour and Ocean Bluff is my last stop before I get to go back home. I don't want the paparazzi or anyone knowing that I'm here." I informed.

He nodded and I let go of him. "Anyways. Is the owner of this parlor here? I need to see him." I said. "He's probably in the Loft. I'll take you to him. I'm Casey by the way." He answered. I nodded and followed him. "Casey? Who's that?" A girl that was in the kitchen asked. "Tanner Morgan. He's here to see RJ, Lily." Casey replied.

I followed Casey up the stairs and into the Loft. "RJ! Someone is here to see you." Casey said. A middle aged man looked up as well as an Asian looking boy that was wearing blue. "Who is this?" RJ asked. "Tanner Morgan. He wanted to see you." Casey answered.

I took off my hat showing my white hair. "No way. Tanner Morgan? As in the famous motorcrosser?" The Asian looking boy said as he stood up. "That would be me." I said. He shook my hand. "I'm Theo. One of your biggest fans." He informed as he shook my hand. "Glad to hear that." I said.

"Anyways, what do you need from me?" RJ asked. "I heard that you teach Pai Zhug right? I wanna learn it." I answered. RJ thought for a moment. "All right. I'll teach you." RJ finally said. I smiled. "Thank you so much." I said. That's when an alarm went off. "What's that?" I asked.

"Casey, Theo, and Lily are something called Power Rangers. The alarm means there's trouble in Ocean Bluff and one of Dai Shi's monsters came here." RJ explained.

It's been a long time since I was a Ranger. But I bet I still had my moves from being with the Dino Thunder Rangers. "Maybe I can help." I said. Casey looked at me. "No way. You don't have any experience. You'll be better off staying in the Loft." Casey informed as he, Theo, and Lily disappeared.

I crossed my arms. "You're time will come Tanner." RJ informed. I looked at him. There was no way he could've known that I was a Ranger. "How did you?" I started off. "Know that you were a Power Ranger, not once, but twice? I have my ways." RJ replied. I began training. RJ said that I needed to find my animal spirit.

"You can do this, Tanner. Focus." I think to myself. I began my training with RJ. I was still training when Casey, Lily, and Theo came back from defeating the monster. "Tanner, if you don't mind, you'll be working with Casey, Lily, Theo, and Fran at the pizza parlor. That way you can be closer." RJ said. I just nodded in reply.

Working at JKP has been great. Casey, Lily, and Theo have started to become great friends of mine. Fran was pretty amazing too. I met a few of my fans while working there. We were all in the Loft training when the beeper went off. I sighed as I saw Casey, Lily and Theo leaving.

"By the way, RJ. How is this gonna help me find my animal spirit?" I asked as I was balancing books on my head and both of my hands. "Don't ask any questions, Tanner. Just focus." RJ said. I ended up dropping the books and I fell to the ground. I hated this. Before I never had to train this hard before. Not even when I was with the Mystic Rangers.

"I wish Xander came along with me on my tour..." I thought. I remember asking my boyfriend if he wanted to come on tour with me. But he said that it would cause problems with my fans and he also said that he things needed to be done at the Rock Porium.

I missed him a lot. Every tree reminded me of him. "I just need to be done with a few races, complete my Pai Zhug, and then I can go back to Briarwood and see Xander again..." I reminded myself. That's what I was planning to do. I hated to leave my new friends. But they needed to save the world.

I couldn't help them, because my time being a Ranger was over.

Or so I thought...

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A/N: There's the first chapter! Hope you all enjoyed!

Word Count: 934 words.

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