Chapter Sixteen: No 'I' In Leader.

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A/N: Hello, readers! I might have a chapter where Tanner gets his magic back. But that won't be until after the whole Dominic episodes. Enjoy!

re-edited on febuary 25th, 2021 @ 6:01pm

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WE WERE ALL IN THE Loft training. Theo, Lily and I tried throwing attacks at RJ but he ended up blocking all of ours. Theo and I fell to the ground as Casey walked in. "Didn't I tell you guys 3:00?" Casey asked. "Yeah, but RJ changed it to 2:00. No one told you?" Theo asked.

"No." Casey replied. "So, I was thinking maybe we could do some weapons practice just to—" Casey started to say. "Uh, we already did weapons." Lily interrupted. "I thought we could get into some light one-on-one sparring." RJ suggested. "Sounds cool." Lily said.

"All right." RJ said. The four of us began sparring with RJ. That's when the alarm blarred throughout the Loft. "Looks like it's time for a little on-the-job training." RJ informed. The five of us headed out. "Let's show these two who they're dealing with." Casey said. We began fighting the two guards. The four of us got thrown back by one of the guards.

"Those guys are strong." Theo said. "Casey, what should we do?" Lily asked. "Well, uh, we should, uh—" Casey stammered. "What?" Theo asked. "We should what?" Lily added. "We should..." Casey started to say. RJ put his hand on Casey's shoulder. "Let's attack in sync. Theo and Tanner, go left. Lily, go right. Casey, from the front." RJ said.

"I'll do an aerial." RJ finished. I joined Theo as we got one of the guards. "Wolf beam!" RJ shouted. Lily, Theo and I moved out of the way. "Look out!" Casey warned. He ended up getting caught in the blast.

The two guards ended up disappearing. RJ stepped in front. "VOILa." He said. "What now, Wolf Master?" Theo asked. "Now we do more training." RJ replied. "All right, now, give it your best. I don't want any sore losers." RJ informed.

"Jungle Beast, Spirit Unleashed!" We all shouted. We all had our weapons as we headed for RJ. "Claw Cannon! Launch!" We shouted. "Let's see what that new morpher can do!" Theo exclaimed. "Ready, RJ?" Lily asked. He activated his morpher. "All set!" RJ replied.

We fired all attack as both of the attacks collided. We ended up getting demorphed. "Are you guys okay?" RJ asked. "I'm okay. I feel like I've been hit by a truck." Lily replied. "What went wrong? I thought you adjusted your morpher." Theo stated. "Wasn't my morpher that was too strong. One of your animal spirits wasn't up to strength." RJ informed. We all looked at Casey as he left.

We were all back at the Loft. "Theo, Tanner, Lily, why don't you help Fran?" RJ told us as we followed Fran. "They're back." Theo said. "Let's go." I said. "Uh, Casey and I will catch up." RJ told us. "Looks like our old friends are back." Theo stated. We began attacking the guards. We continued fighting them until Theo, Lily and I ended up getting demorphed.

"You are defeated." One of the guards said as they both headed towards us. They launched an attack on us until Casey stepped in and blocked the attack and fired it right back at them. "Thanks, Casey." Theo said. We all got out our morphers. "Jungle Beast, Spirit Unleashed!" We all shouted. We then did roll call.

"With the Strength of a Tiger — Jungle Fury, Red Ranger!"

"With the Stealth of a Jaguar — Jungle Fury, Blue Ranger!"

"With the Speed of a Cheetah — Jungle Fury, Yellow Ranger!"

"With the Fury of a Dragon — Jungle Fury, Green Ranger!"

"With the Courage of a Wolf — Jungle Fury, Wolf Ranger!"

"Spirits of the Jungle! Power Rangers Jungle Fury!" We all shouted. We began fighting the guards. Theo, Lily and I got into Jungle Master Mode. "It's payback time!" Casey said.

"RJ, we'll fire the Claw Cannon, and you boost it with your wolf beam." Casey said. "Sounds like a plan." RJ agreed. We called out the Claw Cannon and fired as we finally destroyed the guards. That is until they both grew. We called out the Zords as we got into the Jungle Master Megazord. We fell to the ground once more.

"There's only one way to we can defeat these guys." RJ said as he formed the Wolf Pride Megazord. "Let's see how they cope with two Megazords." RJ said. We each took on a guard. We finally ended up defeating the guards.

We were all back at JKP. "Ready for my special dessert?" Fran asked. She bought out chocolate and anchovies on a plate. "I'm not eating that." Lily said. "Come on. Please." Fran said. "How about we all try just one — deal?" Fran asked. "Deal. Let's check it out." Casey replied. Each of us grabbed an anchovy as we dipped it in chocolate. "Well?" Fran asked. All of us felt like throwing up as we spit ours out.

"That bad, huh?" Fran asked. "Hey, Fran, the deal was we all try one." Casey told her. "Would you like one anchovy or two?" Theo asked.

"You got to taste one." Lily added. "No, no, no." Fran said as she ran away. We all chased after her. I stopped as I groaned. Images appeared in my brain. A Rhino Ranger, the Rino Nexus, and me becoming the Sliver Ranger again.

"I haven't had any visions since my magic disappeared, why are they just now returning?"

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A/N: Two updates in one day? You're welcome. Hope you enjoyed!

Word Count: 953 words.

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