Chapter Twenty-Eight: Maryl And The Monkeys.

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A/N: We only have three episode chapters left until Tanner and Xander reunite! Enjoy!

re-edited on febuary 25th, 2021 @ 6:56pm

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I ATTACKED SOME RINSHI AS Camille was attacking an innocent woman. All of us were fighting the Rinshi. We all met up with Dominic as the woman walked away. "Who was she?" Theo asked. "I don't know, but I'm gonna find out." Dominic replied. "She's not that pretty." Fran informed as we watched the security tape on the tv. No one said anything.

"Well, she's not." Fran continued. "Not only is she beautiful, she's a genius. I did some research after I got this image from the parking-lot surveillance video. Maryl Snyder is a leading scientist in her field. She's a genetic engineer." Dominic explained. "Great. She can drive trains, too." Fran said sarcastically.

"Uh, Fran, I think it's time to go downstairs and open the restaurant." RJ said. "Fine." Fran said as she left. "So, something to do with genetic engineering interested Camille enough to make an attack like that." Casey said.

"But what?" Theo asked. "That's what we're gonna have to find out." I replied. "Let's go talk to her." Lily added. "No. No. I don't think that would be a good idea." Dominic said. "Why not?" Casey asked. "Well, there's a lot of work to be done... in the restaurant." Dominc quickly added. We all gave him knowingly looks.

"Okay. I like her." Dominic finally admitted. Casey chuckled. "All right, that settles it. Dominic goes, and we go to work." RJ said. "Yes!" Dominic cheered. "If that's what you want, boss." Dominic said when he saw RJ looking at him. We were all working in the kitchen when Fran walked in.

"Dominic brought her back here." Fran informed. That got all of our attention as we listened in. "I need to know what was taken from you. It's already gotten into the wrong hands, and we need to know what we're up against." I heard Dominic say. "I swore I wouldn't tell anyone until it was perfected. It's just that I don't really trust anyone." Maryl stated.

"I understand. But you can trust me. You know my secret. I need to know yours." Dominic informed. "Please tell me he didn't reveal that he was a Power Ranger to her..." I think to myself. "Well, I guess I have to trust someone eventually." Maryl started off as Dominic looked towards our direction.

We quickly disappeared. We pretended like we were working when Dominic entered the kitchen. "What's going on?" Dominic asked. "We're just working." Casey replied. "And spying?" Dominic asked. "Oh, that. Well, we weren't really spying. We were just looking." Lily replied as she set a bag of cheese on the counter.

"Yeah." Dominic said, not believing us. "We were spying." RJ finally admitted. "You know, she's really not that pretty." Fran informed, showing her jealousy once more. "Uh, Fran, why don't you go upstairs and watch the monitors, huh?" RJ suggested.

Fran just sighed and headed upstairs. "We're going about this all wrong. Maybe I should go in there and just explain all this to her." Theo suggested as Lily nodded in agreement. "No! You guys have got to trust me on this one. I'm the only one who can do this." Dominic said. "Are you sure?" Lily asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure. I asked her about the vial, and she was just about to tell me. I don't need you guys to act weird and stuff, okay? Got to play it cool. She's got some trust issues." Dominic replied. "And just tell us why she'd tell you and no one else." Casey said. "Because, well... 'cause the girl likes me. I mean, she likes me." Dominic answered. We noticed that Maryl was right behind him.

"She'll tell me everything, and then I'll tell you. I'm her hero." Dominic continued. We all started giving him signs that he should stop talking. "She's fallen for me. She's putty in my hand. She's at the door, isn't she?" Dominic asked when he noticed our signs. We all nodded. The door closed as Dominic chased after her. "Great, got another Xander..." I thought.

We were finishing making pizzas when Dominic finally came back in. "I'm sorry, Dom. That was some bad timing." Lily stated. "Yeah, no girl, no information — not sure which one I feel worse about." Dominic said.

Suddenly, Fran came down from the Loft. "Uh, big problem — A monkey is attacking the city." Fran informed. We all showed up morphed. "Who let you out?" Casey asked. "One monkey shouldn't be too much of a problem." Casey informed. "Maybe not one, but how about a ton?" The monkey asked as he started pouring this blue stuff on him.

"I got a really, really, bad feeling about this." I muttered. "This is going to be fun!" The monkey exclaimed as multiple monkeys started flying out. "Okay, I guess that takes the mystery out of what was in the vial. It's a cloning formula." Casey said. "And there's hundreds of them!" Lily exclaimed. "Advantage, monkeys." RJ said.

"Not if I can find Maryl and figure out the secrets of the formula." Dominic added. "You sure you're the best person to do that?" I asked. "Yeah, I do." Dominic replied. "All right, Dom. We'll hold them off." RJ said. Dominic went off to find Maryl as we got out our weapons and got ready to fight them.

I was fighting one of the monkeys. I attacked the monkey with my katana as green energy came out of it. We ended up regrouping. The monkeys kept multiplying.

"We can take them!" Casey informed. "You can't be serious! There are hundreds!" Theo said. "Time to call some reinforcements." Lily said. Casey, Theo, and Lily called out the Spirit Rangers. We began fighting once more with the Spirit Rangers help. Theo, Lily, and Casey called out their animal spirits.

"Call to the beast inside — Free the Dragon!" I shouted as I glowed green and my animal spirit attacked a few of the monkey copies. We ended up joining Dominic by the lake to fight Grinder. "He's the source. We've got to destroy him." Dominic told us.

"How do you know?" Casey asked. "Did you charm Maryl?" Lily asked as well. "She doesn't work like that." Dominic replied. Grinder ended up getting back up as we got into a fighting stance. Dominic ended up grabbing Casey's claw. "Rhino morpher, claw power!" Dominic shouted. "Oh, so you plan to interrupt more of my fun?" Grinder asked as something grew big. But Dominic ended up destroying him.

"Not bad, little Rhino, but try this on for size!" Grinder exclaimed as he turned big. We all got into our Megazords. Grinder attacked us with fire but Dominic counter attacked it using superfreeze. He ended up freezing him as well as we got all of the animal spirits together. "Animal Spirits, Full Fury! Sonic Spin!" We all shouted. We finally ended up destroying him once more.

I was looking out from the kitchen to see Dominic and Fran eating pizza. I smiled to myself as I quietly closed the door. I took out my cell phone and looked at Xanders contact. I put my finger above the "Call" button and stopped. I ended up exiting out and locking my phone.

"I'll be home soon, Xander. I promise..."

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A/N: Sorry this took so long to update. Hope you enjoyed!

Word Count: 1255 words.

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