Chapter Three: Going Green, Part 3.

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A/N: Sorry for not updating this in a while! I'm back in school so updates are gonna be slow since I'm in my junior year and my main focus is passing. Enjoy!

re-edited on febuary 25th, 2021 @ 3:05pm

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I WAS STANDING OUTSIDE OF Jungle Karma Pizza, leaning on my motorcycle. I pressed a contact and pressed my phone to my ear. "Hey, it's Xander. Leave a message, mate." I heard Xander's Australian accent as I got his voicemail once more. Then it beeped.

"Hey, Xander. It's Tanner. Again. Your boyfriend? You know, it's crazy how I left so many voicemails because I wanted to hear your voice even if it is your voicemail. Anyways, I've arrived in Ocean Bluff. And I wanted to let you know I'm gonna be here for a while. Some things have come up. I have friends who need my help. Call me please." I said over the phone.

I stopped and took a deep breath. "I love you." I finished as I sent the voicemail and put my phone in my pocket. I ran my fingers through my hair as I headed back inside JKP. I walked into the kitchen and sighed. Casey and Theo were there.

"Something bothering you, Tanner?" Casey asked. I looked at them. "It's my boyfriend. I left yet another voicemail on his phone. At first I just thought he was busy. But I don't know maybe he's just not talking to me because of this whole long distance thing." I explained. I stopped at what I said. I accidently said boyfriend instead of best friend. "Boyfriend?" Casey and Theo asked.

"I had no idea that you prefer guys." Casey said. "Well, yeah. I guess this is me coming out. I'm gay." I said. "Don't worry, Tanner. We support you." Theo said as Casey nodded in agreement.

"Thanks, guys. That means a lot. And can you please not tell Lily, Fran, or RJ?" I asked them. "Of course. We'll leave that up to you." Theo answered as Casey once again nodded in agreement. "And don't worry about your boyfriend, Tanner. I'm sure he'll call you." Casey said.

I nodded. "I don't know. I just feel like I need to get back to Briarwood and see him again." I admitted. Casey and Theo looked down in sympathy. That's when our morphers beeped. We stopped what we were doing and headed to the Loft. "What's the problem, RJ?" Casey asked. "The monster and Camille are back." RJ informed.

"Don't worry, RJ. We'll take care of them." Theo said as we headed out of the Loft. We arrived at the scene where Camille and the monster were. "Ready?" Casey asked. "Ready." Theo, Lily, and I replied.

The four of us put on our glasses. "Jungle Beast, Spirit Unleashed!" All of us shouted. We morphed and began fighting. "Camille is mine!" I told the others. They nodded and I began to fight Camille. "Oh my, A legendary Ranger fighting me? I'm honored." Camille stated as she attacked me. I looked at her.

"What?" I asked. She can't know that I was a Mystic Ranger. She would tell Dai Shi and I would put Xander and the others in danger. "Oh yes Dai Shi and I know all about you, Silver Ranger." Camille informed.

I got up. "I don't know what you're talking about." I informed. I got out my Katana and began fighting her once more. "I suppose your new friends don't know about your past Ranger teams." Camille said.

"Like I said, I have no clue what you're talking about." I denied. Camille and the monster finally retreated. "Let's head back to the Loft." Casey informed. The rest of us nodded as we headed back. Casey, Theo, and Lily went back to work while I just stayed in the Loft.

"Something bothering you, Tanner?" RJ asked. I sighed. "Might as well tell him." I think to myself. "When I was fighting Camille, she told me her and Dai Shi know I'm a past Ranger." I replied. RJ looked at me. "I see." He said.

"What am I gonna do, RJ? She knows about my original team. This is exactly why I didn't want to become a Ranger after the Dino Thunder Rangers. I didn't want to put my original team in danger. I don't want them to get hurt because of me." I stated.

RJ nodded. "You should call one of your former team members just to check on them." RJ suggested. I just nodded in reply and headed down from the Loft and outside of JKP. I got out my phone to see a missed call and a voicemail from someone who I missed so much.

Missed call from Xander 💚

Voicemail from Xander 💚

I quickly unlocked my phone and listened to his voicemail. "Hey, Tanner. I just got your voicemail that you left for me. I suppose you're busy right now so I'm just replying to your message." Xander's Australian accent rang in my ear. I heard him take a deep breath.

"I'm glad you made it safe in Ocean Bluff. I wish I could come see you. When are you coming back? I hope whatever you have to do it gets done quickly." I could hear Xander sniffling through the phone. He was crying.

"I miss you so much, Tanner. Please come home soon. I love you." Xander finished and then the voicemail ended. I dropped my phone on the ground and slid down the wall that I was leaning on. Before I knew it, I was crying too.

"I miss you too, Xander. I'll come home soon, don't worry..."

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A/N: Yay! I finally updated! Hope you guys enjoyed!

Word Count: 962 words.

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