Chapter Nine: Blind Leading The Blind.

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A/N: Welcome to another chapter. Enjoy!

re-edited on febuary 25th, 2021 @ 5:24pm

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WE WERE ALL WORKING AT JKP. Theo was sitting at a table. "Hey, Theo, how's it going?" I asked. "Couldn't be better. One more cheese shaker to fill before I stamp this last napkin and finish the final chapter in "The Art of War." Not only will I be the world's greatest warrior, but I'm quite possibly the employee of the month." Theo replied as he tried to wink but failed.

"Well, you might want to read "The Art of Filling Cheese Shakers" 'cause this..." I started to say as I took it from him and licked it. I spitted it out. "...It's salt." I finished.

Fran went to see all the commotion about our customers groaning from the salt on their pizza. "See? That's what happens when you try to do too much at the same time." I informed. "I think I'll read upstairs." Theo whispered as I chuckled.

We were morphed as we rushed to the scene. "How cute! Colorful fools!" Carden exclaimed. We began fighting them. Casey, Lily, and I fell to the ground. Theo tried to get to us. "Theo, keep that other freak off us." Casey told him. "I'll help you first, then go back." Theo stated. "No, Theo!" Lily said. "Are you insane?" I added.

Carden then attacked all four of us. "Let's show them what we can do!" Cardon said. They grew bigger. We got into our Megazord. "Spirit of the Elephant, Unite!" We all shouted. "Let's use the Jungle Mace!" Lily said.

"Jungle Mace! Bird Attack!" We all yelled. We ended up missing both of them as our attack fired back at us. Our Megazord fell to the ground. "They are defeated! Let's get some more power to open the vortex." Carden exclaimed.

"Right behind you, Carden!" Bai Lai agreed as they flew away. We were all back at the Loft. "Who were those things?" Casey asked. "And more importantly, how do we beat them?" Lily added. "Their names are Bai Lai and Carden — insanely powerful creatures." RJ replied.

"Yeah, we kinda figured." I said. "Yikes. You guys want to figure this out up here? I'll think downstairs. I need to make some pizza sauce." Theo stated. "Pizza sauce?! Theo, we need you to focus on defeating these beasts." I informed. "Okay, okay. You're right. Sorry. Let me think." Theo said as he thought for a moment and looked up at the ceiling to find a man hanging from it.

I flinched. He flew down and he was carrying some kind of fan. Casey, Theo, Lily and I all got into a fighting stance. "Whoa! Wait, stop. Master Swoop." RJ said.

"Greetings, RJ." Master Swoop greeted. "You know this guy?" Theo asked. "Oh, Swoop was my favorite master. Taught me the swoop technique of fighting without eyesight." RJ explained. "You taught this blind master a few tricks yourself." Master Swoop informed.

"Well..." RJ trailed off. Theo walked up to him and waved a hand in his face. "Yes, Theo... I'm blind." Master Swoop said as he took off his glasses. You could see that his eyes were glossed over. "That doesn't mean I enjoy you waving your hand in my face." Master Swoop continued as he put back on his glasses.

"You always did like to make an entrance. Think fast." RJ said as he threw an orange to him. Master Swoop easily caught it as his master stripes were shown. "Still got it. I can only guess why you're here." RJ said. "Indeed. My Bat Spirit picked up a sonic disturbance in the skies. Bai Lai and Carden have returned. Can I have a word with you, RJ... alone?" Master Swoop asked.

"Sure. Uh, guys, do you mind?" RJ asked us. Casey, Theo, Lily and I headed out of the Loft. "Great! You two masters catch up. I'm gonna make some sauce, figure out how to defeat those beasts, and... make some sauce." Theo repeated as he fell and got back up again.

Casey, Lily and I rushed into the Loft. "The birds are back in town?" Casey asked. "Where's Theo?" Lily added. "He's off training with Master Swoop. Until he gets back, it's up to you three." RJ replied.

"I hope he trains fast." I stated. Casey, Lily, and I grabbed our vines as we headed out of the Loft and then morphed. We headed to the scene as I saw a vortex in the sky. "I've had enough of these birds." Lily said. "Rangers!" Bai Lai and Carden both said. "Back for more?" Casey asked.

"Ready for another bird battle?" Bai Lai asked. The three of us got out our weapons and began fighting. Carden took both Casey and I down. "I sense victory!" Carden exclaimed. Casey's weapon broke as I was still fighting with my katana. Casey, Lily and I both fell to the ground at the same time.

"Man, I hope Theo gets here soon. We need him." Casey said. "He'll come. We've got to stay on our feet." Lily told us. We got attacked once more as we fell to the ground.

Suddenly, Theo arrived as he hit a weapon at Bai Lai and Carden. "I'm crashing the party. How about some Jungle Fan?" Theo asked. "Look who's here — The Blue Ranger." Carden said. "No matter! He will fall, too." Carden informed. "Not this time." Theo disagreed. Theo began fighting Bai Lai.

Then, he began fighting Carden. He began fighting both of them at once. He then had two fans. That's when both Bai Lai and Carden grew big. We called out our Zords as we changed into the Megazord. "That vortex is creating massive suction." Theo stated.

"Spirit of the Bat!" We all shouted as a Bat Zord came. The Bat Zord attacked and destroyed the vortex. "Spirit of the Bat, Unite!" We all yelled. "Jungle Pride with Bat Power!" We shouted. We then began going into the air. We attacked both Bai Lai and Carden as they were destroyed.

We were all at the Loft. "You seen Theo?" Lily asked. "I would like to say goodbye." Master Swoop said. "Ah, he should be around here somewhere." RJ said. "Right here." Theo answered as he flew down.

"I was just doing a little meditation. It helps the mind to stay focused and on task." Theo explained. "I'm proud of you. You are an excellent student, and I will miss you. But don't forget, you have to sweep out the stock room, roll some pizza dough, and focus on saving the world." Master Swoop reminded him. "Right." Theo said. He stopped and turned around.

"Gotcha." Master Swoop said.

Theo just laughed.

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A/N: There you go! Hope you enjoyed!

Word Count: 1139 words.

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