Chapter Six: Pizza Slice Of Life.

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A/N: I'm skipping episode six because that's all about Theo and Lily and this is a Casey x Lily fanfiction. And I also might be skipping a few episodes like that if they're not important. Enjoy!

re-edited on febuary 25th, 2021 @ 3:36pm

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WE WERE ALL AT JKP WORKING. I walked into the kitchen as RJ was coming down from the Loft carrying a suitcase. "See ya, Adios. Au Revoir. Ciao. See you in a few days." RJ said. "What? You're going fly-fishing?" Theo asked.

"No. Why would you—" RJ started off as he looked at he was wearing. "Oh, This getup. I'm just going to a fly-fishing contest." RJ informed. "RJ, You're such an animal-rights guy. I just don't see you fishing." Lily told him. "Oh, I'm not going to fish. I'm going to disturb the fish so the fishermen don't catch the fish." RJ said.

"Hold on there. You can't just go without leaving someone in charge — Someone bright, resourceful, and very responsible. Me." Theo said. "If you don't say so yourself." Lily said. "Theo's right. We need someone in charge." RJ agreed. At that moment, Casey walked into the kitchen.

"Casey, you're in charge." RJ told him. "Me?" Casey asked. "Good. It's settled. Ta-ta." RJ said as he left. "But I..." Casey started to say but RJ was already gone. "All right. What's the plan, Stan?" Lily asked. "Beats me. I didn't even actually agree to being in charge." Casey replied. "I'll do it." Theo offered. "No!" Lily, Fran, and I both said at the same time.

"Tell you what, I don't want the responsibility. So why don't we all split it? We'll all be in charge. Lily can run the kitchen. I'll handle meeting, seating, and greeting." Casey said.

"What about Tanner and I? What are we gonna be in charge of?" Theo asked. "You and Tanner can be the waiters." Casey replied. "I got no problem with that. Gives me a chance of meeting my fans." I said. However, Theo didn't like it. "Oh, so I'm just the waiter? What if I don't want to be the waiter?" Theo asked.

"Great. I'll switch with you. You work in the sweaty kitchen, and I'll get the big tips along with Tanner." Lily said. "My bad. Forgot about tips. Vice President in charge of service is fine with me." Theo said. "W-Well, W-What about me? What am I gonna do?" Fran asked.

"You'll be our "floater."" Casey replied. Fran didn't look too happy about it. "Great. Everyone's in charge. Everyone's happy, especially me." Casey said. Casey was looking for Fran. "What's she doing out there?" Theo asked. "As Maitred', filling the tables is my responsibility, right? So I've got her helping me." Casey replied. Fran came in wearing a pizza suit.

"What is that?" Lily asked. "I am the Jungle Karma Mascot — Pepperona. And I hate it. It's garlicky, and my cheese is melting in the heat." Fran replied. "Well, I need you and your pepperoni in the kitchen now." Lily said.

"And I need you out here." Theo told her. "Well, you got Tanner. I need her more." Lily argued. "I looked for her first." Theo informed. That wasn't until Fran turned around and knocked over a customers table. "Casey!" Theo and Lily said.

"Don't ask me. That's why I didn't want to be in charge. You're a third of the boss, too, guys." Casey said. Theo and Lily continued arguing. "You decide." Casey muttered as he walked away. Fran fell over on the ground as Theo and Lily were back to arguing once more.

"What'll it be?" Theo, Casey, and Lily asked at the same time. "Hey. This is my table." Theo informed. "Yeah? Well it's about time. You didn't cover your last three tables." Lily said.

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