Chapter Fifteen: Friends Don't Fade Away.

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A/N: So, I already got Endgame spoiled for me and I'm so pissed. Like, I'm going to see it with my boyfriend on Wednesday after our track meet and I feel like I have nothing to look forward to anymore. Enjoy the chapter!

re-edited on febuary 25th, 2021 @ 5:57pm

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WE WERE ALL WORKING AT JKP. A guy walked in with no shoes. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You need shoes. No shoes, no shirt, no pizza." I informed. "Well, she doesn't have shoes." The guy said, referring to Lily.

I cleared my throat. "Lily." I said. "Yeah. What?" Lily asked. "Put on some shoes." I replied. Lily walked away. "See?" I told the guy. "No shoes, no shirt, No—" I started to say, pointing to the sign.

Suddenly, RJ walked in with his shirt all torn up. "You call that a shirt?" The guy asked. I decided not to argue. "Sit wherever you like." I said. Casey stopped Munkeywi from attacking RJ. Theo, Lily and I then showed up and began fighting him.

Casey joined in. Munkeywi attacked RJ as he fell to the ground. He suddenly turned into a wolf. "Wolf!" Theo exclaimed. We were all shocked to see that the wolf was RJ.

"He's the wolf we fought before!" Casey said. "Yeah." Theo agreed. He moved Munkeywi away and began attacking us. Munkeywi laughed. "Looks like I've got some help! Banana break!" Munkeywi exclaimed. RJ attacked Casey. "RJ, stop!" Lily said. "Hold on tight!" Theo added.

"RJ, it's us." I informed. He threw us on the ground. He changed back into his normal self. We were all in the Loft, Fran was with us as well. "Being in the animal form is too powerful for the human spirit to handle. If I stay there too long, that fur doesn't go away." RJ explained.

"You mean you'd be stuck... as a werewolf?" Theo asked. "Exactamundo." RJ replied. "Then we have got to find a way to get you back in control." Casey informed.

"Well, unless you can crawl into my head, this is one mess only I can undo. And until then, I'm a danger you've got to steer clear of." RJ said as he groaned. The alarm then went off. "Lily, stay with RJ. Theo, Tanner and I—" Casey started to say. "I'll stay with him. You guys are gonna need all the help you can get." Fran interrupted.

"Hey, monkey boy!" Casey called out. We began fighting Munkeywi. The four of us had our weapons as we began fighting once more. I tried to attack him with my katana but he ended up throwing me down on the ground. "Your weapons are no match for me, and neither are you!" Munkeywi exclaimed as he attacked us and we fell to the ground.

Suddenly RJ showed up. "Hey! Spirit of the Wolf!" RJ shouted as a purple wolf attacked Munkeywi. Casey, Theo, Lily and I all gasped. "Maybe I can give you the challenge you're looking for." RJ said.

He opened up a brown box and took out a morpher as he attached it to his arm. "Jungle Beast! Spirit Unleashed!" RJ shouted. RJ then appeared in a purple suit. "With the Courage of a Wolf — Jungle Fury, Wolf Ranger!" RJ yelled.

"RJ, you're a Ranger?!" Lily asked. "The Wolf Ranger!" Casey exclaimed. "What — another Ranger? Rinshi!" Munkeywi shouted as a bunch of Rinshi appeared. RJ began attacking the Rinshi. "All right, time for some extra wolf power." RJ said as he pressed a button on his morpher and fired at the Rinshi.

He then started fighting Munkeywi. RJ finally destroyed Munkeywi. We all went up to congratuate him. "Talk about a Master!" Theo exclaimed. "Not bad for your first morph." Casey complimented. "Oh, you like that?" RJ questioned as we all laughed. Suddenly, Munkeywi grew big. "This monkey doesn't know when to quit." RJ stated. "Thanks, RJ, but we'll take it from here." Casey said.

We transformed into our Megazord. We immediately fell to the ground. Munkeywi grabbed Lily's part of the Megazord as he attacked it. "Lily!" Casey exclaimed and ran over to her. "Give me a hand, Theo, Tanner." Casey said.

"Now to finish you off!" Munkeywi said. That's when the Wolf Zord appeared and attacked Munkeywi. "Wolf spirit, combine!" RJ shouted as Lily's Cheetah Zord was replaced by RJ's Wolf Zord. "RJ, I could sure use some help." Lily stated. Casey was still holding onto her. "No worries, Lily. The wolf has got you covered." RJ told her.

"Let's go." RJ said. "Theo, Casey, Tanner, ready?" RJ asked. "Ready." Casey, Theo and I replied. "Animal spirits, unite!" We shouted. We began fighting Munkeywi once more. "Ready to finish this?" RJ asked. "Yeah!" Casey, Theo and I replied.

"Spin Fury!" We all yelled. We finally ended up destroying Munkeywi. We all entered the kitchen. "Hey, where's RJ?" Casey asked. "He went upstairs." Fran replied as the four of us headed up towards the Loft. We suddenly heard growling. We walked up to the Loft as we saw hair everywhere. "RJ?" Theo questioned. We then saw a dog appear.

"RJ!" Fran exclaimed. We headed downstairs. "Oh, he's in the animal form forever!" Fran said. "Uh, don't worry, RJ. I'll brush you everyday." Casey said. "And you can have all the pizza you want." Lily informed.

"And a flea bath once a month." Theo added. I tried to hide my laughter by covering up my mouth with my green hoodie. "Uh, ixnay on the flea bath." I heard RJ's voice say as he chuckled. "But the pizza and getting brushed every day — that sounds great." RJ finished.

I busted out laughing. "Come on, Nicky, it is definitely time to go home. I've just been dog-sitting— and not very well, by the looks." RJ explained. I left them to do whatever they were doing as I got out my phone and FaceTimed someone.

"Tanner, good to see your face." Xander's face popped up on the screen. I chuckled. "I miss you too, Xander." I stated. "You must be, you're wearing my color." Xander informed, referring to the green hoodie I was wearing.

"It's my Ranger color now..." I wanted to say. But I didn't. "How are the others?" I asked. Xander sighed. "They're... all right, I suppose. Everyone still misses their magic." He replied. I shook my head.

"How long has it been since we defeated The Master? Two years now? Everyone should be used to being back to normal." I stated.

"That's what I keep telling them. I keep saying that our time of being Rangers is over. Hey, speaking of Rangers, do you know there's Power Rangers in your area? Nick keeps saying how he wants to challenge them. Make sure they're a good team." Xander explained.

"Xander! Get off the phone and come help us!" I heard Vida's voice in the background. "Gotta go, hope you come home soon, love." Xander said as he ended the call. I thought about what Xander said. I looked over at Casey, Theo, Lily and RJ.

"Don't worry, Xander. They're a pretty good team..."

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A/N: How did you like that little ending I had with Xander in it? Figured that I would add it. Hope you enjoyed!

Word Count: 1224 words.

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