Epilogue: Reunited.

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A/N: We're finally at the epilogue where Tanner reunites with Xander! I'm only making one epilogue for this book. This will be written in third person. Enjoy!

re-edited on febuary 25th, 2021 @ 7:18pm

»»————- ✼ ————-««


Three months after Dai Shi was defeated...


A MAN WEARING A GREEN flannel and his brown hair slicked back walks into Jungle Karma Pizza. He sits down at a booth. Casey, noticing there's a customer, walks over to him not noticing who he is at first.

"Welcome to Jungle Karma Pizza, what can I get you—" Casey started off. The man looks up. Finally, Casey knows that he's seen this man before. It's the same man that was in Tanner's photo with the Mystic Rangers.

"Oh my god, you're Tanner's—" Casey started to say. The man immediately shoots up from his seat, covering Casey's mouth. "Please don't say anything. Tanner hasn't come out as gay to his fans yet and don't know that he has a boyfriend." He said.

Casey nodded, understanding. "Hold on, there's someone here you have to see." He said. The man raised an eyebrow and shrugged. "Uh, okay..." He said as he sat back down.

Casey rushed into the kitchen where Tanner was making a pizza along with Theo and Lily. "Casey, what's up?" Lily asked her boyfriend. "Yeah, you looked like Dai Shi just walked in here." Theo added. Everyone looked at him.

"Kidding." Theo added. "Tanner's boyfriend is outside." Casey mouthed when he was sure Tanner wasn't paying attention. "Tanner, you've got to come outside now!" Casey told Tanner. "Wait, wha—" Tanner said but he was interrupted by Casey, Theo, and Lily pushing him outside of the kitchen and towards the mans booth.

"Guys!" Tanner shouted.

"I know that voice..." The man thinks to himself. When he looks up, his eyes widened as he stood up.

"Seriously, what's up with you g—" Tanner stopped himself as he looked at the man and his eyes widen in realization of who it was.



They both seemed to be frozen in place, just looking at each other. Tanner rubbed his eyes, making sure that he wasn't seeing things.

Then, Tanner ran up towards Xander and kissed him. People looked over at the couple, but didn't seem bothered by it as they just smiled.

"I'm pretty sure I'm gonna start crying at any second now." Tanner said when the two broke apart, chuckling.

"Don't do that, love." Xander said as he smiled. They kissed again and Tanner hugged his boyfriend, not letting him go.

Casey, Lily, and Theo watched the couple as all three of them smiled. Then, RJ walked up.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Tanner just reunited with his boyfriend." Casey answered.

"Love is a crazy thing, isn't it?" RJ asked.

Casey looked at Lily and held her hand as he smiled at his own girlfriend.

"It sure is, RJ. It sure is."

»»————- ✼ ————-««

A/N: Tanner and Xander have been reunited! Hope you enjoyed the epilogue and sorry that it was short!

Word Count: 513 words.

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