Chapter Ten: Pushed To The Edge.

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A/N: Where did all my readers go? Did they all abandon this book? Anyways, enjoy!

re-edited on febuary 25th, 2021 @ 5:31pm

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I PULLED OUT A PIZZA just as Fran came back from dealing with a customer. "What's the matter, Fran?" I asked, seeing that Fran was stressed. "Well, I-I have a... let's say difficult customer over there." Fran replied. I saw a blonde woman sitting at a table. "She's probably just having a bad day. Here. You stir the sauce. I'll handle the customer." I told her. "Thanks." Fran said.

I went over to her table with a slice of pizza. "Hi. Welcome to JKP. I'm Tanner." I greeted. The woman said nothing as I looked at her. "I swear her face looks familiar. She could be Camille's twin. Just the nicer version of her I hope." I think to myself.

"Are you new in town? I haven't seen you here before." I asked. "Yes. I'm new." She replied a little too quickly. "Well, you're in for a treat. And, um, just between you and me, I get a little cranky when I'm hungry, too. Especially before a big race." I said. "I... got to go. I just want to be left alone." She said.

"No, wait! I need you to taste-test our new soy-rific safari pizza — on the house." I said as I set the plate down. The woman took the pizza and began eating it. "I'm pretty new around here, too. And I do get home sick a lot. I do cry myself to sleep because I miss my boyfriend. But don't worry, you'll make heaps of new friends. Just like I did." I informed.

The woman smiled as she sat down. "I love that top. Green is really your color." I complimented. She looked down as she said nothing. I sat down across from her.

"Look, I know it can be hard to be in a new city. Take it from me who travels a lot. If you need someone to talk to, I'm a pretty good listener." I stated. The woman chuckled. "It's nothing. It's just, someone I... care about really let me down." She explained.

"I'm gonna tell you the same thing I told an old friend of mine. Sometimes people make mistakes. You should give your friend another chance." I told her, remembering the time Madison wanted to give up about ever dating Nick. "Are you always so... nice to everyone?" The woman asked.

"I've had a lot of things happen in my past. Things that I'm not proud of. I've been trying to change since. Besides, I can just tell you're a good person." I said.

"My boss thinks I'm useless." The woman informed. "That's ridiculous. Sounds to me like you need a new boss." I said as I got up. I turned back around from the counter. "More..." I started to say but the woman was already gone. "" I finished.

"Is she gone?" Fran asked. "Aw, she wasn't that bad. She just needed a friend." I replied. "Well, I don't trust that girl." Fran said. My morpher suddenly beeped. "Break time!" Theo said as he entered the kitchen.

"Back in a few!" Casey added as he followed Theo with Lily right behind him. We all handed the plates to Fran. "I know. "Thanks, Fran." "You're the greatest, Fran."" Fran called after us. I saw Carden with a bunch of Rinshi. "It's time for my revenge, Rangers!" Carden exclaimed. "Lily and I will take care of the bird!" I said.

"Let's go, Theo!" Casey said. Lily and I began fighting Carden. "You can't run from me!" Carden exclaimed. We continued fighting him. "Jungle Katana!" I shouted as I got out my weapon. "Jungle Bo!" Lily also got out her weapon as we fought Carden once more.

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