Chapter Eight: Good Karma, Bad Karma.

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A/N: Hello, readers. Welcome to the next chapter. Enjoy!

re-edited on febuary 25th, 2021 @ 5:20pm

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"RJ, ARE WE GONNA HAVE ENOUGH DOUGH?" Theo asked. "You mean enough drinks." Lily corrected him. "The real question is, where did all these kids come from?" Casey asked.

"Right? Honestly, I think I have more fans who are kids then I do adults." I agreed as I finished up signing an autograph for a kid. "It's the perfect storm. The new toy store down the road has revitalized the pizza business. Not that I care about money, but I'll be out of the red in five years." RJ said.

There's was suddenly an explosion in the kitchen as Fran came out. "Sorry. My bad." Fran said. "Maybe six." RJ corrected himself. Casey was cleaning up. He rushed over to help a kid who was having trouble with a game that was out of order. He went back to cleaning up. We started heading to a scene where there was a monster making the ground slippery.

"Jungle Beast — Spirit Unleashed!" We all shouted as we morphed. "Power Rangers, Jungle Fury!" We yelled. The four of us stopped two cars crashing into each other. "See how you like this." Rinshi Eel said. He started doing the worm on the ground. "Just when I think these monsters can't get any weirder." Lily commented. "I've seen a lot weirder than this, Lily. Trust me." I thought.

"You said it, Lil." Theo agreed. "Yeah. Come on, guys!" Casey said. The Rinshi Eel changed into his form. Casey got out his weapon and started fighting the Rinshi Eel. Theo, Lily, and I were next as we called out our weapons and began fighting the Rinshi Eel.

"Our attacks are slipping right off him!" Lily exclaimed. "It's the slippery slime on that slob." Casey explained. He powered up his weapon as he fired at the Rinshi Eel but the attack didn't do anything. "How did he do that?" Casey asked himself. Casey fell to the ground once more.

"All slime, all the time!" The Rinshi Eel said. "Prepare for a slippery situation!" He continued. "This guy's a freak!" Lily exclaimed. "You can say that again, Lil." I agreed. "Let's send him back to where he came from!" Casey said. That's when the monster turned himself into slime as we slid down the street.

Theo, Lily and I walked into the Loft trying not to slip. "RJ!" Lily shouted. The three of us finally fell to the ground. "Oh. Wipe your feet, man. This is my home." RJ informed. "Sorry." Lily apologized as she took off her shoes. "This slippery eel guy's impossible to beat." Theo started to say as he took off his shoes as well. "He's covering the city in slime." I added.

"Where's Casey?" RJ asked. "He said he had something important to check on." Theo replied. "Well, we better figure out a way to deslime this slippery serpent before the city slips away." RJ said as he chuckled a little.

"Certainly." Theo agreed. Theo, Lily and I headed for the monster while I saw Casey with a boy. Theo, Lily and I got thrown to the ground. Casey later joined us with a kite around his shoulders. "Nice of you to join us." Lily told him.

"We need to deslime him." Theo said. "Any ideas?" I asked. "Yeah. How about a secret weapon?" Casey replied. "This time, I brought some friends!" The Rinshi Eel said as Rinshi came out. "We'll deal with these guys. You go after the slimeball." Theo told Casey.

"Right!" Casey said. Casey headed for the Rinshi Eel as Lily, Theo and I headed for the Rinshi. I hopped over a fence as I fought a group of Rinshi. "Jungle Katana!" I shouted as I got out my weapon and continued fighting. "Rinshis are toast." Lily informed. "Let's send this eel back to the drink!" Casey said.

"Claw Cannon!" We shouted. We fired at the Rinshi Eel until he was finally destroyed. At least, we thought he was destroyed. He suddenly grew big. "Animal Spirits Unite!" We yelled. Our Zords changed into a Megazord.

We attacked the Rinshi Eel as he fell to the ground. "Since I'm down here..." He said as he began to do the worm and flip up into the air. He latched himself onto us. We were finally able to get him off. We started to glow our colors.

"Calling on the spirit of the Elephant!" We shouted. "Spirit of the Elephant — combine!" We shouted as the Elephant Zord began attaching to the Megazord. "Jungle Mace Sonic Spin!" We yelled. We finally destroyed the monster. We were all back at JKP working.

"How is it that all of your tables are clean and all of ours are a mess?" Theo asked Casey who was just relaxing. "Easy — I have a helper today." Casey answered. The boy who he was talking to earlier sat down next to him and gave him a hand shake. "Another quarter. That makes $2.50." Casey told him.

"Awesome. You know, the right choice feels so much better than the easy choice." Josh stated. "I want a helper." Lily said. "Me too." Theo agreed. "It's a quarter a table." Josh told them.

"You got it." Theo and Lily said at the same time. I chuckled to myself as I took my phone out of my apron to check my messages. I saw two messages from Nick and my boyfriend, Xander.

Xander 💚:
> I miss you, love 💚

> Tanner, when are you coming back to Briarwood? Xander is getting on everyone's nerves here at the Rock Porium saying how he misses his boyfriend. Did you hear about the new team of Power Rangers? Apparently they are in the same town you're in. You probably crossed paths with them or something like that.

I locked my phone and sighed as I looked at Casey, Lily, and Theo.

"Yeah, something like that..."

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A/N: I have to help with Murder Mystery that my Theatre class is doing. And I really don't want to do it because I'll be missing track practice and I won't get home until 9pm. Send help.

Word Count: 1042 words.

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