Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Spirit Of Kindness.

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A/N: Hello, readers! Welcome to another chapter. I'm going to have Tanner save the mouse or whatever instead of RJ. Enjoy!

re-edited on febuary 25th, 2021 @ 6:52pm

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I ENTERED FROM THE KITCHEN as I saw everyone on the counter. There was a rat on the ground. "Mighty Power Rangers, the Green Ranger has come to save you." I informed as I held a rat trap. "Now, I just need some bait. Ah, everyone loves a slice of pepperoni pizza." I said as I placed the pizza in the trap.

"Our furry friend will crawl in for a nibble of our delicious and famous pizza, and then I'll slide in from behind and safely and humanely close the cage." I said as I set the trap down. "Then I might just keep him around as a friend." I added. The door to the cage suddenly closed as I picked it up. We were all playing soccer in the Loft.

That's when the alarm suddenly blared. We saw that there were two monsters on the tv. We all got on our vines and left. We all appeared, morphed. "What'd you do with everyone?" Theo asked. "You're about to find out." Badrat replied. "Great, Another rat." Lily said.

We all got into a fighting stance as we began fighting. "Lily!" I shouted as Lily fell to the ground. "Playtime's over!" Theo exclaimed. We got out the Claw Cannon. We fired it as Badrat fell to the ground. He then disappeared. "We still got to find all those people." Lily informed. "No more games, Badrat!" Lily informed. "What did you do with everyone?" I added. "Uh, I forget." Badrat replied.

"Careful, this beast is up to something." Theo warned. We started to fight him but then he attacked us. "Bye-bye! Come on, disappear!" Badrat said as he sprinkled the dust on us.

"Oh, yeah, their animal spirits are stronger than normal. We'll have to wear them down." Badrat said. "He thought that dust would make us disappear!" Lily exclaimed. "I guess our animal spirits protected us." Theo said. "Don't go anywhere. I'm not done yet." Badrat said. "Neither are we!" RJ said. We suddenly all gasped.

"You want to tangle? Then mess with me!" Rammer exclaimed. "I'll fight the Ram with Rhino Steel." Dominic informed. "And I'll use Wolf Pride Megazord." RJ added. "Okay. We'll take care of this rodent." Lily said. "Tanner, catch." Dominic said as he tossed his morpher to me.

"Thanks, Dom." I said. RJ and Dominic went into their Megazords to fight Rammer while Theo, Lily and I stayed on the ground to fight Badrat. We continued fighting Badrat. Badrat grabbed hold onto Lily as I combined my claw with Dominic's morpher. "Rhino morpher — Raw power!" I shouted as I attacked Badrat. "Now I'm annoyed." Badrat said. "Firing jet!" I shouted as I attacked him. Both Rammer and Badrat were destroyed or so we thought.

"Whoa, they switched places!" Lily exclaimed. "Hey, Rammer, think they're worn down enough?" Badrat asked. "Maybe a little more, just in case." Rammer replied. Our weapons dropped to the ground as we got attacked. RJ and Dominic ended up getting out of their Megazords.

"Rammer, do you think they're worn down enough now?" Badrat asked. "There's one sure way to find out." Rammer replied. That's when we got that dust sprinkled onto us as we disappeared. We appeared in a mouse trap. "Where are we?" Lily asked.

"In some kind of a box." RJ replied. "I can hear people yelling for help." Dominic said. Theo rushed and saw a bunch of traps. "I see a lot of traps hanging from the ceiling. They must be in there." Theo said. "They must be trapped just like us in this— this — we're in a rattrap!" Lily exclaimed.

"Oh, that's Karma for you — Help trap a rat, and now we end up caught in a trap like rats." Dominic stated. "Actually, we didn't trap it. I did. But at least I was humane about it. They didn't even leave us pizza." I informed. That's when all of us started falling down. "Scream, Rangers. We want your fear, too!" Badrat said. "They're really huge!" Lily exclaimed.

"Au contraire. I think that we are really small." RJ said. "T-That dust must have shrunk us so we'd fit in these cages." RJ continued. "Well, there's nothing wrong with being small — even this small." Theo said as he broke the stick.

"It won't work, rat! We're not afraid of you!" Theo exclaimed. "You will be." Both Badrat and Rammer said as they left. "I sure hope Casey can find us." Dominic said. We were all sitting in the trap as we heard someone come in.

"Someone's coming." Dominic informed. "They're in that trap." I heard Whiger's voice say. "Casey!" RJ and Lily shouted. We began to shout for him. "I'm here. I'll get you out." Casey promised. "How pathetic — A Ranger with no spirit and a General with no Rinzin. A stiff wind could blow you over." Camille said as Casey and Whiger began fighting her.

"Two tigers — no problem." Camille said. Whiger ended up saving Casey from being attacked. "We have only one hope of defending ourselves. You have to trust me." Whiger told Casey. "What do I have to lose?" Casey asked. That's when Whiger gave Casey his tiger spirit back.

"Okay, Whiger, the Rinzin that once made you great will now destroy you." Camille said as she tapped our cage. "Casey, help us!" Theo shouted. Casey and Whiger began fighting Camille.

"Spirit of the Tiger." Casey said as he glowed red. "And the White Tiger." Whiger added as he glowed white. Both of their spirits charged at Camille. Camile then left.

Whiger ended up fading away. Casey morphed as he got out his Shark Sabers and broke every cage. Theo, Lily, RJ, Dominic and I appeared from out of the cage. "You guys okay?" Casey asked.

"We are now." Lily replied. "Come on, we still got a pair of beasts on the loose!" Casey informed. "Well, I guess we'll catch them again, too." Rammer said. "Not gonna happen." Casey said. Casey, Theo, Lily and I got into Jungle Master Mode. That's when we began roll call.

"With the Strength of a Tiger — Jungle Fury, Red Ranger!"

"With the Stealth of a Jaguar — Jungle Fury, Blue Ranger!"

"With the Speed of a Cheetah — Jungle Fury, Yellow Ranger!"

"With the Fury of a Dragon — Jungle Fury, Green Ranger!"

"With the Courage of a Wolf — Jungle Fury, Wolf Ranger!"

"With the Power of a Rhino — Jungle Fury, Rhino Ranger!"

Casey started attacking Badrat and Rammer. "Call to the beast inside! Free the Tiger!" Casey shouted as a red tiger appeared. Theo, Lily and I were next to attack Badrat and Rammer with RJ and Dominic right after. Casey ended up destroying them using Dominic's morpher.

We all went over to congratuate him. That's when both Badrat and Rammer grew big. We all got into our Megazords as we began fighting. They began spinning as they attacked us. "Let's hit them with everything." Casey said. That's when we called out all of the animal spirits.

"Animal spirits, Full Fury!" We all yelled. It didn't work as Badrat started spinning and attacked us once more. We finally ended up destroying Badrat. We were all at JKP as I decided to hand over my pet rat to a little girl.

"Goodbye, Maurice." I said. "Aww, that's lovely." Her mother said. "Maurice?" Lily questioned. "Well, it's a long story. But I heard about this girl that lost her pet, so I thought..." I trailed off. "You're a nice guy, Tanner." Lily said. "Well, yes I am." I agreed. I forgot that RJ helped me make a pizza box for him as I followed them out.

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A/N: And there you go! Hope you enjoyed!

Word Count: 1325 words.

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