Chapter Thirty: Path Of The Righteous.

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A/N: Only one more episode to write until Tanner and Xander reunite! Enjoy!

re-edited on febuary 25th, 2021 @ 7:11pm

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WE WERE ALL IN THE Loft as Theo was eating a chip. "Casey's really taking this master thing hard." Theo informed. "Wouldn't you? He's been working his tail off, just like us." Lily said. "Yeah. I'm sure he'll figure out what to do." Theo said.

I took a chip from Theo. "Well, just because he isn't a master yet doesn't mean we can't celebrate our accomplishments. You know, it's the second Tuesday of the month. What are we gonna do?" Lily asked. "We're masters now, Lily, Tanner. We should probably stay focused and on task." Theo told us. "Oh. Okay. Well, I guess I'll help open the pizza parlor." Lily said. "I'll come with you." I told her as I followed her.

"Casey's been gone a long time." Lily told Theo and I. I could sense the worry in her voice. "Yeah. I'm starting to worry a little." Theo admitted. "You and me both." I added. Fran appeared from the kitchen. "Guys, you need a break." Fran told us. "Fran, we're working." Dominic informed. "It's Casey." Fran said. All of us dropped what we were doing and headed into the Loft.

"You guys are not gonna believe this. It is unbelievable." Fran informed. "Fran, slow down. Just tell us what's going on." Theo said. "Where's Casey?" Lily asked. "He is at Dai Shi's temple." Fran answered. "What?" Lily said. "Look, this was recorded just a few minutes ago. From the geocentric satellite." Fran said.

We saw Casey going into Dai Shi's temple. "What's he doing?" Dominic asked. "He's crazy thinking he can stand up to Dai Shi on his own." I added. "Whatever it is, we have to help him. Come on." Theo said.

"No. Not yet. This is Casey's destiny." RJ stated. "Destiny, huh?" I thought. Thinking back to the visions and the dreams I've recently been having. We were all looking at the screen, anxiously waiting for a sign that Casey was okay.

We finally saw Casey running out with Jarrod and Camille. We all sighed of relief. "Casey's done his job. Let's do ours." RJ said. We all appeared morphed just as Scorch and Snapper were about to attack them. "You okay?" Lily asked Casey. "Never better. You up for this?" Casey asked. "Absolutely." Jarrod replied.

Casey, Jarrod and Camille stepped forward. Casey, Jarrod, and Camille all morphed. "We're gonna settle this now, Snapper!" Camille exclaimed. "Now witness the full lion spirit, Scorch!" Jarrod added. "Rangers, let's give them a hand!" Casey said. We then began roll call.

"With the Strength of a Tiger — Jungle Fury Red Ranger!"

"With the Speed of a Cheetah — Jungle Fury Yellow Ranger!"

"With the Stealth of a Jaguar — Jungle Fury Blue Ranger!"

"With the Fury of a Dragon — Jungle Fury Green Ranger!"

"With the Courage of a Wolf — Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger!"

"With the Power of a Rhino — Jungle Fury Rhino Ranger!"

"With the Spirit of the Mighty Lion —"

"With the Cunning of a Chameleon —"

Casey and Jarrod began fighting Scorch. While Theo, Lily, RJ, Dominic, Camille and I were fighting Snapper. Camille protected Lily when Snapper was about to attack her. Dominic and RJ held Camille back as Theo, Lily, and I went up to attack Snapper next.

"Gotcha!" Theo, Lily, and I said. The three of us moved aside as Camille, Dominic, and RJ attacked Snapper. We finally ended up destroying Snapper. Jarrod and Casey finally destroyed Scorch. We all raised up to them to congratuate them. "Are you all right?" Camille asked Jarrod.

"I—" Jarrod started off. "Jarrod, what's wrong?" Casey asked. "You thought it would be that easy? Think again!" Dai Shi said as Scorch appeared. "This isn't over yet!" Casey exclaimed. "Lion Spirit!" Jarrod shouted. "Chameleon Spirit!" Camille shouted as well as their animal spirits appeared.

"Animal Spirits, unite!" We all yelled. Jarrod and Camille's animal spirits attached to our Megazord. "Ha! You're no match for a Phantom Beast General!" Scorch said. He then attacked us. "So, you think you can defeat me now?" Scorch asked. "We can do better than that! Come on, guys!" Casey said.

"Tiger Power!"

"Lion Power!"

"Chamelon Power!"

Casey, Jarrod, and Camille ended up attacking Scorch. We ended up finally destroying him. We were all demorphed as we cheered. I hugged Lily. I looked at her. "What?" She asked.

"Nothing. There's just something I have to discuss with you later." I promised. Casey and Jarrod shook hands. That's when his arm suddenly glowed red and he pulled up his sleeve. "Ohh, look! I'm a master! I got my stripes!" Casey exclaimed.

Theo, Lily, and I cheered for him. "Why now? Why not before?" Casey asked. "A Master cannot be a follower. When you chose to defy Master Mao and believe in your own convictions, your path to masterhood became your destiny." RJ explained. Jarrod suddenly got on his knees.

"Tiger Master, I'm prepared for whatever punishment you deem appropriate." Jarrod said. "No punishment necessary, okay? We're gonna need you guys to help save humanity." Casey told them as Theo, Lily and I nodded in agreement. Jarrod got up.

"I think we've done enough." Jarrod said as he walked away with Camille following him.

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A/N: Sorry this chapter is short. Most of it was Casey saving Jarrod from Dai Shi. Hope you enjoyed!

Word Count: 915 words.

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