Chapter Eighteen: Path Of The Rhino.

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A/N: Here's the chapter where Dominic finally comes in! Enjoy!

re-edited on febuary 25th, 2021 @ 6:12pm

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I WAS WORKING IN THE kitchen with Casey, Theo and Fran when some guy walked in. "Guys, this is Inspector Fuller from the health department." Lily said. "My, my, my. This is gonna be ugly. You'd better get the owner." The guy informed.

Casey and I looked at each other. "These counters are filthy. Let's get this cleaned pronto." The guy ordered. He sniffed a tomato as he set it down. "These should be fresh." Casey told him. He crushed the tomato as sauce went all over Casey and Fran screamed. The guy licked the plate.

"You are right. Let's check out this milk here. Hmm." The guy said as he took out the milk from the fridge as Fran moved out of the way. "And this cheese... smells bad." The guy informed. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. What's going on here? We just had an inspection just last—" RJ started to say. The guy turned around. "Dominic? Dom! I should have known!" RJ exclaimed as they both laughed.

RJ and the guy, now known as Dominic, hugged. "Hey, this is my old buddy from Pai Zhuq. Dominic, this is Casey, Fran, Theo, Tanner, and Lily." RJ said as he introduced us. "Hey. Gotcha." Dominic said. "Hey, come on upstairs, man. Where you been? Last I heard, you were wondering the world like a nomad." RJ stated.

We were all in the Loft. "So, how long can you stay?" RJ asked. "Only a day or two. To much time in one place, and I get antsy." Dominic replied. "Well, then, we can catch up more later. Right now, we've got work to do." RJ said.

"Um, well, I could — I could help out if you want. Yeah, I'd love to make pizzas." Dominic offered. "Sure. I can find you a job." Casey told him. "Dominic was, uh, one of the best. Master Mao was gonna choose him to be a protector." RJ explained.

"Why didn't he?" Lily asked. "Eh, because Dom had a curious streak. He wanted to see everything, do everything. Master Mao sent him out to find a focus, and years later, he's still looking." RJ continued explaining. A crowd was screaming as we went to the scene.

"You don't stand a chance, Rinshi!" Lily exclaimed. "Not just any Rinshi. I am Crocovile!" Crocovile exclaimed as he changed into his monster form. We began fighting him. "Focus, guys. This is one vile crocodile." RJ said. "I'm here now." Casey said. "Where were you?" Theo asked. "Jungle Beast, Spirit Unleashed!" Casey shouted as he morphed into his suit.

"The odds just changed, buddy." Casey said. We began fighting Crocovile. All of us were on the ground. "Ha-Ha! And now for the knockout punch." Crocovile said. That's when Dominic suddenly came out. "Dom, get out of there!" RJ warned. "Don't mess around!" Casey added.

Dominic was fighting Crocovile. A car headed towards a skateboarder until Casey moved the skateboarder out of the way and the car crashed. Crocovile then left. "Dom, you okay?" RJ asked. "Never better. You should have told me you guys were Power Rangers." Dominic replied. Casey joined us.

"Sorry I was late. I got held up." Casey said, looking at Dominic. We were all back at the Loft. "How could you not hear us call?" Theo asked. "Dominic knocked them in the trash. It's not my fault." Casey replied. "All right, dudes. Cool your jets. It's all water under the bridge. Let's just concentrate on the real enemy here, shall we?" RJ said.

"I want to join you. Help you fight Dai Shi." Dominic suddenly said. We all stopped to listen. "Master Mao told me I'd find my path when I least expected it. And, man... I didn't expect any of this. I feel like — like I've wondered in the dark for six years and today the sunlight finally hit my face." Dominic explained.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Casey informed. "Everything's a big game to you. Someone would get hurt." Theo said. "I'm sure you're a great guy, Dominic. But both Casey and Theo are right. We can't have someone like you out with us when lives are at stake." I added.

Casey and Lily nodded in agreement. "Please. Give me a chance." Dominic begged. RJ looked at us. The four of us said nothing as we left. "Okay, checks on 2 and 4, water on 7." Dominic said. "The guy's all over it, huh?" Theo asked. I was getting orders and collecting cups.

"You know, I don't know why everyone always panics about the lunch rush." Dominic stated. Everyone started waving their hand in front of their mouth. "Water on the double!" Theo said. I followed Theo and Lily into the kitchen to get water as Casey took a bite of a pizza.

"I said pepper, not hot chili pepper." Casey told Dominic as I helped Theo and Lily get water. We collected water as we headed back out. Theo and Lily were sparring as Dominic watched. "That's good balance, but let me show you something. When you strike like this... Rotate your wrist like this — more power." Dominic said. "And when you shift from side to side... loosen your fingers. You're gonna see a big difference." Dominic added.

They tried to do it Dominic's way as Lily's practice weapon flew towards Casey and I as we ducked. "I couldn't hold it." Lily said. "There's grease on them." Theo informed. "So he made his decision and decided to leave." RJ explained.

"Dominic left?" Fran asked. "It's for the best, right? We gave it a try. It didn't work." Casey replied. "Did you? Did you really... try? So, he jokes around. I kind of liked it." Fran said. "Me too." Lily agreed. "Did you ever give him a chance to show you what he was really made of? Even once?" Fran asked. The telephone rang.

"Jungle Karma. Yeah, I'm sorry. I will get those pizzas to you right away. Bye." Fran said. Fran took the pizzas and left. "Go." Lily told Casey. "I'll come with you, Casey." I said as I followed him. Casey was driving and Fran was in the passenger seat while I was in the back.

"Look, there's Dominic." Fran said. "Hey. Where are you going?" Casey asked. Fran ignored him. Fran was about to be crushed by a sign that fell off. Casey and I rushed out of the car to help her. "Fran! Rhino Power!" Dominic shouted as he made a circle through the sign and it fell right through them.

Casey and I looked at him. "Hey, Casey, Tanner." Dominic greeted. "Dominic. Wow. I made a mistake. I'm sorry.. You know, for thinking you were just a goof-off. I mean, you are a goof-off, but, uh... you're also a lot more. You've got the Rhino spirit and the Ranger spirit. And I think you should join us." Casey said as I nodded in agreement.

Our morphers beeped. "We're on it." Casey said. Casey and I arrived where Crocovile was. "Hey, guys. Miss us?" Casey asked.

"Dominic, I thought you left." Lily said. "I almost left." Dominic told her. "Well, right now, you'd better step aside." Theo told him. "Hey, give him a chance. You're in for a surprise. Right, Dominic?" Casey asked. "Dom. This will Ranger up your Rhino spirit." RJ said.

"Thanks." Dominic said as he placed the bracelet on him. "Rhino Morpher initiate." Dominic said as a morpher appeared. "Jungle Beast! Spirit! Unleashed!" Dominic shouted. He morphed into a white suit. "With the Power of a Rhino — Jungle Fury, Rhino Ranger!" Dominic yelled. "Just like in my vision..." I think to myself. Rinshi then appeared as Dominic attacked them.

"Now try me, Ranger!" Crocovile challenged. "Anytime, Crocovile. You think your fist is tough? Well, you've never met a Rhino before." Dominic said as he began attacking Crocovile.

"That croc has met his match." RJ commented. "What do you mean, RJ?" Theo asked. "The Rhino spirit is one of the toughest animal spirits there is. And Dominic knows how to use every bit of it." RJ replied. We watched as Dominic was fighting Crocovile. Until he finally destroyed him.

"Now that's Rhino power. Welcome to the team." Casey said. We were all at JKP. "Okay, so, he has a certain charm." Casey said. "And business is up since he started." Lily informed.

"I've had time to catch up on my reality shows." RJ added. "Something you wanted me to get, but it took me a while." Dominic informed. Casey opened the box. There was a ball of used gum. "The gum?!" Casey exclaimed. 

"Ugh, Dom!" Casey added.

We all laughed.

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A/N: All right, this is my last update for today, I promise. More tomorrow. Hopefully. Hope you enjoyed!

Word Count: 1494 words.

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