Chapter Four: A Taste Of Poison.

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A/N: I completely forgot that this book existed, oops. Enjoy the chapter!

re-edited on febuary 25th, 2021 @ 3:14pm

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I WALKED INTO THE KITCHEN of JKP and saw Casey and Lily throwing food at each other. "Look at the kitchen! It's trashed." I shouted. "He started it." Lily said. "Did not." Casey told her.

"I don't care how it started. We've got hungry customers out there. Clean this place up. And, Casey, take whatever that is off your face." I told him. That's when our morphers beeped. "We gotta bolt!" Lily said. "Fran!" All of us said as Casey, Lily, Theo, and I rushed up to the Loft. We got on our vines and headed out and morphed.

We saw five monsters in the town as we landed on the ground. "Surprise! We're here to stop you!" Casey informed. "Surprise! Think again!" A monster said as all five of them jumped up to join us.

"Ah, so these are the Pai Zhuq students. I'm so not impressed." One monster said. "They look pretty sorry to me." Another monster added. "By the power of Dai Shi, inner beast arise!" All five of them said. "And they couldn't get uglier." I commented as Lily chuckled at my comment. Then they did their own roll call.

"A hundred legs to strike you — Rantipede!"

"Fangs full of venom — Naja!"

"Queen of the toxic dance — Stingerella!"

"Master of trickery and deceit — Gacko!"

"Skin stronger than armor — Toady!"

"We are the Five Fingers of Poison!"

"Poison?" Casey questioned. "That doesn't sound good." I stated. We got out our weapons and started fighting. I was busy fighting Stingerella when I saw Theo fall to the ground. "Theo!" I shouted as I got up. I stood in front of Rantipede. "En Garde, beast!" I said. "Pleasure!" Rantipede said. I began punching him as he threw me back. "Tanner! Whoa." Theo said. "And they say I have fast hands." I stated.

"Well, watch me!" Stingerella said as she began using her legs to kick Theo and I. We fell to the ground. I saw as Casey got demorphed by Naja. Lily, Theo, and I all went to Casey demorphed as well. "They're too strong. We have to regroup." Lily informed.

We all rushed to a field. "I liked it better when we were just fighting one at a time." Casey stated. "I feel you there." Theo agreed. We suddenly got attacked by a blast. "How did they find us?" I think to myself. There was more crackling as Dai Shi showed up.

"Whoa! Who's that?" Theo asked. All three of them looked in recognization. "Jarrod?" Casey finally said. "Jarrod? What are you doing here?" Lily asked. "Okay, you guys are gonna have to catch me up. Who is this Jarrod guy?" I asked them.

"The one you call Jarrod is gone. I am now filled with the evil of Dai Shi." Dai Shi said. "Great. It was bad enough when you were just a jerk who got kicked out of our school." Casey said.

"And you were responsible for that humiliation. Now you will pay." Dai Shi told him. "Oh, this is going to be good." Camille said. Dai Shi took off his cape and morphed into his armor. "I challenge you to a battle!" Dai Shi said.

"I beat you once. I can do it again." Casey stated as he stepped up. "No, Casey. Not if he has the power of Dai Shi." Lily told him. "Can't back down now." Casey said as he got out his red glasses. "Jungle Beast Spirit Unleashed!" Casey shouted as he morphed into his suit.

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