Chapter Twenty-Six: Tigers Fall, Lions Rise.

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A/N: I decided to skip "Don't Blow That Dough" episode. Also, Casey will be jogging with Tanner instead of RJ. I need to give him some more appearances. Enjoy!

re-edited on febuary 25th, 2021 @ 6:48pm

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"SO, CASEY, HOW'S TEACHING THE Kung Fu class coming along?" RJ asked as we were walking in a forest for some training. "Yeah. It's coming along. The kids remind me of when I first started." Casey replied. "I'm sure you're a great teacher." Dominic said.

"Hey, maybe we can sign up Theo. His moves are getting a little rusty." I added as Casey chuckled. "I heard that, Dragon boy." Theo said. "Ooh. At least his hearing's okay." I said. Theo began playfighting with me as I dodged his attack. "Come on, guys. Save it for the Phantom Beasts. Break it up." Casey said.

"Wow. You really got that teaching thing down cold. So, what's the first lesson, sir?" RJ asked as he chuckled. "The element of surprise." Casey replied as he attacked RJ but RJ fought back. Casey flew back into the bushes. "I guess I learn fast." RJ commented. Casey then appeared out of the bushes morphed.

"Lesson's not over!" Casey said. All of us got out our morphers. "Jungle Beast, Spirit Unleashed!" We all shouted. The five of us morphed. We then began training. I was wearing a green tank top and white sweatpants as I was jogging throughout the forest with Casey. "You're quiet today, my friend. You got something on your mind?" I asked.

"Yeah. There's this bully in my class, picking on another kid. I'm afraid if I step in too much, I'll just escalate the situation. But if I don't step in, the weaker kid is gonna get hurt." Casey replied.

I nodded, remembering the time Ethan was being picked on by Derrick. "Ah, but who is weaker — the kid getting picked on or the bully who bullies, trying to cover up his own feelings of weakness?" I asked. Casey chuckled. "Did anyone ever tell you you're smart, Tanner?" Casey asked.

"I wouldn't call myself smart. Just someone who's been through a lot. Race you to the cliff." I replied. Casey started running ahead of me. I was morphed as I saw Casey being attacked by a Phantom Beast. "Casey!" I shouted. I grabbed ahold of the Phantom Beast as I got in my fighting stance.

"Spirit of the White Tiger!" Whiger shouted. "Whoa! He has the Spirit of the Tiger!" I exclaimed as I began fighting him. I got up off the ground but RJ disappeared. I returned back to Casey demorphed as I helped him up. "It was a Phantom Beast with a Tiger Spirit like yours. Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah, but... I've felt better." Casey replied.

We were back at the Loft as Casey sat down. "I can't believe you were attacked by a Phantom Beast out of nowhere." Dominic said. "I can't believe he has a Tiger Spirit just like yours." Lily said. I looked at where he was sitting.

"I can't believe RJ's letting you sit in his chair." I added. "Uh, don't get used to it. I'm having a moment of weakness. Are you all right?" RJ asked. "I'm fine, really. Just a little..." Casey trailed off. "I'm not so sure, amigo. I think he took a little tiger out of your tank. Try unleashing your spirit." RJ said.

Casey stood up. "Spirit of the Tiger!" Casey shouted as nothing came. "Spirit of the Tiger!" Casey shouted again but once again nothing came out. "What do I do?" Casey asked. "We get your spirit back — that's what we do." Dominic replied. "Who's this Whiger?" Dominic asked.

"Ah. During the Ancient Beast Wars, Whiger and his ugly compadres, Scorch and Snapper, they fought against the humans, but... they also tried to overthrow Dai Shi. Now, if Dai Shi forgives them and they all join powers, Dai Shi could be... unstoppable." RJ explained. We were all at JKP as Casey walked in.

"Oh. Perfect timing. We're almost done." RJ said. "How are you feeling?" Lily asked. I could tell that she was worried about him. "Yeah, okay." Casey replied. He suddenly groaned as he grabbed his head.

"I know this scene all too well. Same thing happened to Nick when Koragg called him." I think to myself. "What's wrong?" RJ asked. "I, uh... I heard Whiger's voice in my head, calling me. I could see him, too. He's at the quarry. I've got to go. I've got to get my spirit back." Casey informed.

"Uh, in your condition — bad idea. We'll check it out." RJ said. We all arrived at the quarry to meet Whiger. "Where is the Red Ranger?" Whiger asked. "You want one of us, you get all of us." RJ replied as we all got into a fighting stance.

We then began fighting him. "You're weak!" Whiger exclaimed. That's when Dai Shi appeared. "Dai Shi?" Whiger said. Whiger went up to join them. That's when Camille and Dai Shi suddenly morphed. "The Phantom Beast King has risen! Soon, he shall rule the world!" Scorch informed. Then, they did their own roll call.

"Phantom Beast General Camille, with the Spirit of the Phoenix!"

"Camille's a General now." Theo stated.

"Phantom Beast General Snapper, with the Spirit of the Snapping Turtle!"

"Phantom Beast General Whiger, with the Spirit of the Tiger!"

"Phantom Beast General Scorch, with the Spirit of the Dragon!"

"Hold up, he has the Spirit of the Dragon as well?" I questioned.

"There is no point resisting. Our power exceeds anything you can imagine. All bow before me!" Dai Shi ordered. "Since we weren't invited to this party, I suggest we crash it." RJ said as we all got out our morphers.

We morphed as we began fighting. I went into Jungle Master Mode as I tried to attack Scorch but he blocked me and I fell to the ground. Both Theo, Dominic, and I got attacked. All the Generals returned to Dai Shi's side.

"Rangers...  you will submit to the power of the Phantom Beasts or you will be destroyed resisting us." Dai Shi said as he attacked us. We were all back at the Loft. "I should have been there to help." Casey said. "It wouldn't have made a difference." RJ said. "They threw us around like rag dolls." Theo added. "I'm useless without my Tiger Spirit." Casey muttered.

Everyone was silent. "I got to go. My class is waiting for me." Casey said. "Whoa. Wait a minute. You got it all wrong. Your spirit doesn't make you stronger. You make your spirit stronger. Think about it." RJ told him. Casey just nodded. We all appeared morphed as we attacked Whiger. Casey then showed up morphed.

"Whiger! It's me you want!" Casey said. We rushed up to Casey. "Casey, are you all right?" Lily asked. "I think so." Casey replied. We got out the Claw Cannon. We tried firing it up but it failed. "It's not charging!" Lily said.

"It's me. I don't have enough tiger spirit." Casey informed. That's when a kid suddenly came up to us. "I have tiger spirit." He said. "Get out of here, kid!" Theo exclaimed. "No, wait. Maybe he can help." Casey said.

"Put your hand on mine." Casey told the kid. The kid put his hand on Casey's. "You're mine!" Whiger exclaimed. That's when a red Tiger spirit appeared and then quickly disappeared soon after. "It's working!" Theo exclaimed. We fired the Claw Cannon at Whiger as he fell to the ground.

We all cheered. Casey thanked the kid as he high fived him. The kid then left. Whiger suddenly grew big. "And he grows!" RJ exclaimed. We all got into our Megazords. "Tiger attack!" Whiger shouted as he began fighting us. "We're here to take the Tiger Spirit back!" RJ exclaimed. He got flipped over.

"I could use a hand here!" RJ said. Dominic then showed up. "Somone call for help?" Dominic asked. He changed into his Megazord. "Careful, Dom! He has the power of two tigers!" RJ warned. Casey groaned as he struggled to get up.

"Casey, your spirit is drained!" Theo said. "Come on, buddy. Focus your energy." Theo told him. We all combined the Zords. "Calling on animal spirits! Fury Fists!" We all shouted. Whiger dropped back to the ground as we cheered. Casey fell to the ground. "Casey!" Lily shouted, holding onto his arm.

Casey's helmet suddenly disappeared as he held his chest.

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A/N: Can I just say how cute Casey and Lily are? Like, I'm so upset they never got together in the show. Ugh. Hope you enjoyed!

Word Count: 1459 words.

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