Chapter Seventeen: True Friends, True Spirits.

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A/N: Hello, readers! Enjoy the chapter!

re-edited on febuary 25th, 2021 @ 6:05pm

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WE WERE IN THE MIDDLE of fighting a monster. That's when RJ suddenly stopped. "RJ, is everything okay?" Theo asked. That's when his Megazord attacked us. "Did we just get blindsided by our own teammate?" Casey asked.

"It must've been a mistake." Theo stated. "He does know which one's the bad guy, right?" Lily asked. "Something tells me this is no mistake." I added. He continued attacking us. "RJ, what's wrong? We're your friends." Casey said. We were all back at the Loft. "I was so sure I had control over my animal form. If we don't fix this, I could put all our lives at risk." RJ stated.

"You can't morph — not till we figure this out." Theo informed. Casey hit the basketball towards something as it fell to the ground. "Got it." Casey said. "Ow, that hurts! No! Put me down!" Flit exclaimed. "Leave me alone! That's my wing!" Flit continued.

We all saw that it was Camille's fly. "You've got five seconds to tell us why you were spying." Casey informed. "Me? A spy? No, no, no. I was just following my new friend." Flit informed. "What friend?" Casey asked. "Uh, I think he means me. My name's RJ, and I'm not your friend, little fly dude." RJ informed. "But you—" Flit started to say.

"I kind of pulled him out from under some concrete." RJ interrupted. "Yes, you saved my life!" Flit exclaimed. "So you saved his life, and now he thinks you're friends. Oh, I think that's so sweet." Lily said.

"Of course he's being sweet — so we'll let him go." Theo told her. "Which we can't do. He heard us. He knows RJ can't morph. He'll tell Camille, and they'll—" Casey started to say. "No I won't — honestly. If I had another chance, I'd rid myself of that loathsome chameleon once and for all." Flit interrupted.

"Loathsome? That's a big word for such a cute, little fly." Lily said. "No, I'm not really a fly any more than my friend RJ is a werewolf. I'm a human just like you, but centuries ago, I was battling Camille when... suddenly, she cast ancient larva dust over me, changing me into a fly. Ever since the day she cursed me, I've been a fly — kept prisoner within Camille's yucky stomach." Flit explained.

We all groaned in disgust. "So, I guess you really know her inside and out, huh?" Casey asked. "Poor little guy. Maybe we can help break Camille's curse." Lily said. "Well, my new friend better get rid of that evil spirit fast or there is gonna be big trouble." Flit informed. "What evil spirit?" Casey asked.

"Grizzaka sent an evil spirit into him — made his animal spirit go haywire." Flit explained. "That's great. Then you didn't lose control, RJ." Theo said. We saw that RJ was in his animal form.

We tried to hold him but he ended up throwing us down. "Don't hurt him." Casey told Lily. We ended up chasing after RJ when he disappeared. We continued chasing after RJ with Flit following us. "I'll go after RJ. You three have got bigger fish to fry." Casey said.

"Be careful." Theo said. I followed Theo and Lily. We arrived to where Barrakooza was. "Stop right there. You got lucky last time." Theo informed. "Ha, foolish humans. This time I'll finish you." Barrakooza said as he attacked us. "What's the matter — all washed up?" Barrakooza asked.

We began fighting him. The three of us got ran into some trash cans. "Enough of this." Lily said. "Time for the gloves to come off." Theo started off. "And the claws to come out." I finished. "Jungle Master Mode!" The three of us shouted. We continued fighting Barrakooza. Suddenly, Rinshi appeared. RJ then appeared. "With the Courage of a Wolf — Jungle Fury, Wolf Ranger!" RJ said.

"RJ, you're back!" Lily exclaimed. "Indeed I am. My flea-bitten days are over." RJ informed as he began attacking the Rinshi. Casey then appeared. He got into Jungle Master Mode.

"Spirit of the Tiger — Jungle Master, Red Ranger!" Casey shouted. He began fighting the Rinshi. Everyone else did their roll call. "Spirit of the Dragon — Jungle Master, Green Ranger!" I shouted as I began fighting the Rinshi. RJ was fighting Barrakooza. Until he finally destroyed him.

That is until he grew big. "You want a supersized fight, you got it." RJ said. RJ began fighting Barrakooza. We ended up blocking the attack. "All right, let's give this guy a taste of his own medicine." Theo said. "Jungle Master, Fury Fists!" We all shouted.

We finally destroyed Barrakooza. "Hey, little buzz buddy. You okay?" RJ asked Flit. "This is all part of Camille's curse over me. I can't be out of her stomach too long, or I-I fade away." Flit explained. "We've got to get him back to Camille." Theo informed. "Are you crazy? He's not like them." Lily said. "RJ... it's okay. I have no choice. Maybe someday, I hope, we'll team up again." Flit said.

"It would be an honor." RJ said. That's when Camille suddenly grabbed him from us. "Picking on a poor, defenseless fly? Now, that's really scraping the bottom of the barrel." Camille told us. We were cleaning up JKP.

Casey tried swatting a fly that was buzzing around. We all joined into trying to swat the fly. I chuckled as RJ caught the fly and left to bring it outside. I chuckled as I remembered the time my original team of Rangers were all over the place trying to catch a frog who turned out to be Daggeron.

"Those were some good times..."

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A/N: Triple update? I'm on a roll. Hope you enjoyed!

Word Count: 977 words.

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