Chapter Twelve: Ghost Of A Chance, Part 1.

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A/N: Ah! Finally we are at Ghost of a Chance! You guys will find out why I couldn't wait to write this. Enjoy the chapter!

re-edited on febuary 25th, 2021 @ 5:39pm

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WE RUSHED TO A SCENE where a monster was terrorizing the city. "Rangers, just in time." Mog said. "We're not afraid of you." Theo informed. "Come on, guys, let's hop to it!" Lily exclaimed. We began fighting Mog.

"Maybe this will scare you." Mog said. Mog suddenly grew big as we called on our Zords and then changed into our Megazord. "Come on, show me what you've got!" Mog said. "Spirit of the Elephant, unite!" We shouted. Mog laughed.

"I'm not afraid of that." Mog said. "Jungle Mace, Spin attack!" We yelled. We broke Mog's force field that he put around himself. "Okay, enough of this." Mog said as he flew into the air. We combined with the Bat Zord as we caught up to him.

"Spirit of the Shark, combine!" We shouted. We finally destroyed Mog. We all entered JKP. Theo laughed. "We rule. We are not afraid of anything." He said. "You said it, Theo." Lily agreed. "They set 'em up, we knock 'em down." Casey added. I was wearing a green flannel. "Um, knock what down?" Fran asked. "Where have you been? Bowling?" Fran asked again.

"Uh..." Lily said. "Yes. Bowling, yeah." We all said. "Casey bowled a turkey, so we were excited." Theo said. "Actually, it was a frog." Casey corrected. Theo, Lily and I laughed.

"I would appreciate it if someone would inform me before you go on break." Fran said. RJ suddenly walked in. "Casey, Lily, Theo, Tanner, Loft." RJ ordered. "We're going on break." We all said to Fran. "Did you see that frog-whipping, RJ?" Casey asked.

"He didn't stand a chance against us." Theo added. "Yeah, when do we get our master tattoos?" Lily asked. "Masters? Not quite." RJ replied as he chuckled. "What do you mean? We're fearless fighting machines. We're unbeatable." Casey said.

"Confidence is good, but overconfidence is dangerous. It's time to go back to basics." RJ said. "Basics?!" We all yelled. "But we've come so far." Theo complained. "I want you to practice your stances." RJ told us. We all looked at each other. "Uh, now would be an appropriate time." RJ continued as the four of us just walked away. We were practicing until the buzzer went off.

"Face me, Power Rangers, if you dare." Dai Shi said. "He wants a fight, we'll give him one." Casey said. "There's something different about Jarrod. The sensors are off the charts." RJ stated.

"Don't worry, RJ. We're not afraid of him." Casey informed. "We're not afraid of anything." Theo added. "Let's do it!" Lily said. We all grabbed vines as we headed out. We rushed to where Dai Shi was. "Jarrod!" Casey shouted.

"I didn't think you were gonna show." Dai Shi said. "You and your buddies are going down." Casey said. "I highly doubt that." Dai Shi told him. He took off his coat as he morphed into his armor.

The four of us got into a fighting stance. Dai Shi then attacked us as we fell to the ground. "On your feet, Rangers." Dai Shi ordered. We got up as we got out our sunglasses. "Jungle Beast, Spirit Unleashed!" We all yelled. We morphed as we began roll call. Casey went first.

"With the Strength of a Tiger — Red Ranger!"

"With the Speed of a Cheetah — Yellow Ranger!"

"With the Stealth of a Jaguar — Blue Ranger!"

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