Chapter Fourteen: Bad To The Bone.

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A/N: Hello, everyone. This is where Lily finds out Tanner is gay. Enjoy the chapter!

re-edited on febuary 25th, 2021 @ 5:52pm

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WE WERE ALL AT JKP. Fran entered the kitchen. "Rangers, party of three, your table is ready." Fran announced. "Fran, you don't have to announce it to the world." Theo informed. "What part of keeping it a secret is so hard to understand?" I added.

"Relax, Theo, Tanner. I can understand her excitement." Lily said. "Thank you, Lily." Fran said, looking at Theo and I. "Hot — coming through. Yikes. Very hot." Casey said as he placed a pizza on the table, spilling some pizza sauce in the process. "No problem. I can make more sauce." Lily said.

"Uh, Theo, you were supposed to put on extra sausage, not pepperoni." RJ informed. "Come on, I'll help you make a new one." Lily told him. Casey chuckled. "Hey! Ugh! I just bought this!" Fran said when she saw Casey cleaning up the sauce with her new shirt.

"Oh, sorry. I was wondering why a rag would have buttons on it." Casey said. "I think you guys need to be a little more considerate, like Lily." Fran said. "No, we don't. Lily is considerate enough for all of us." Theo informed. That's when the telephone rang. Fran went to answer it. "Guys, this order to go was meant to be a delivery." Fran said. "Don't worry. I'll take it." Lily offered. "No, no, let me. I want to be considerate too." Casey said.

That's when RJ grabbed onto his chest as he groaned in pain. We all rushed over to him. "RJ, you okay?" Theo asked. "Uh, y-yeah. Yeah, I pulled a muscle yesterday, so... I'm gonna go upstairs and take a break." RJ replied as he headed up towards the Loft.

I ended up going with Casey to the delivery place. "Whoa, what a strange place for a delivery." Casey commented. "Tell me about it." I agreed. I followed Casey out of the scooter and took of my helmet.

Casey took out the pizza. "Looks like the wrong address." Casey said. I nodded in agreement. "That's right, and for you two, it's your last address." A monster said as he headed towards Casey and I. Casey put down the pizza as we began fighting. He threw us into some trash cans as both Casey and I got up.

"Do I have your attention now, Rangers?" The monster asked as he changed into a pig carrying sausage. "My bad, porker. Apparently, we should have delivered in uniform." Casey replied as him and I unzipped our JKP jackets and got out our sunglasses. "Jungle Beast, Spirit Unleashed!" Casey and I shouted. Casey and I morphed as we began fighting once more.

The monster continued attacking Casey and I with his sausage. "Casey! Tanner!" Lily shouted. "Lil!" Casey said. "We've got your back." Theo said. Lily helped Casey up while Theo helped me up.

"We're fighting a pig?" Theo asked. "And a pretty gnarly pig at that." Casey replied. "Jungle Master Mode!" All four of us shouted. We got into Jungle Master Mode as we began roll call.

"Spirit of the Tiger — Full Fury. Jungle Master Red Ranger."

"Spirit of the Jaguar — Full Fury. Jungle Master Blue Ranger."

"Spirit of the Cheetah — Full Fury. Jungle Master Yellow Ranger."

"Spirit of the Dragon — Full Fury. Jungle Master Green Ranger."

The four of us fired our jets as we all attacked him. "Claw Cannon!" Casey shouted as the Claw Cannon appeared. The monster ended up growing big. We changed into our Jungle Master Megazord.

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