Chapter Twenty-Four: Blue Ranger, Twin Danger.

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A/N: Can you guys believe we're halfway through this book? Enjoy!

re-edited on febuary 25th, 2021 @ 6:40pm

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ALL OF US STOOD UP. All of the Spirit Rangers got in a fighting stance. "Let's power up." Casey said. "Jungle Beast, Spirit Unleashed!" We all shouted. The Spirit Rangers headed for us. We began fighting them. "They know every move we're gonna make." Lily said.

"They're Power Rangers except that they fight us with our master spirits." Theo started to say. "Bat technique." He finished. "Elephant technique." Lily said. "Shark technique." Casey added. "They're Spirit Rangers." RJ said. "Jungle Master Mode!" Casey, Theo, Lily and I shouted.

We began fighting the Spirit Rangers once more. Suddenly, all of the Spirit Rangers disappeared. "What was all that about?" Casey asked. "Not sure. But I may have an idea." RJ replied. We were all back at the Loft. "So, you think the Spirit Rangers are being remote-controlled from the masters?" Casey asked.

"Yeah. Mental radio waves, if you will." RJ answered. "Well, that would explain why they can fight just like our masters." Lily stated. "You've lost me totally. Just tell me how to destroy them." Dominic said. "Destroy them? I have no idea. Right now, I'm just hoping to slow them down." RJ said. Theo was looking at something Fran gave him.

"What?" Theo said. "So, explain to me — how's that thing going to slow the Spirit Rangers down?" Casey asked. "It can... detect a signal and then, if my math is correct... it'll jam the radio waves." RJ replied. "Great." Casey said.

"Yeah, not so great. Until we rescue the masters, the Spirit Rangers will keep coming back, like a bad rash." RJ explained. "Sorry, Luen, but I'm way too busy. Call me. Don't just show up. Bye." I heard Theo say as he hung up the phone.

"Who's Luen?" I asked. "My brother. He wants to visit." Theo replied. "I didn't know you had a brother. Older? Younger? Is he cute?" I asked. "Nothing like me. We're day and night." Theo answered. "I like him already." Dominic commented.

We were inside Jungle Karma Pizza as a guy was playing the guitar and a crowd of people were around him. "Theo, you didn't tell us he was your exact twin brother. How cool." I said as I walked off. Theo got off the phone. "Great. Dominic didn't deliver that pizza yet." Theo informed. "He probably ate it." Fran said as she chuckled.

"Uh, what's the address?" RJ asked. Fran grabbed the piece of paper and handed it to RJ. He looked at Casey and I as we headed upstairs. "Problem?" Theo asked.

"Uh... just being cautious. Carry on." RJ replied. Casey, RJ, and I went to the address where Dominic was supposed to deliver the pizza. "Uh-oh." RJ said. That's when RJ's machine started beeping. Then, the Spirit Rangers appeared.

They headed for us as we began fighting them. I morphed (Jungle Fury) and started fighting once more. That's when RJ, Casey, and I disappeared into coins. "My mirrors are six for six. Not bad." The Phantom Warrior said. "Get me out of here!" Casey shouted.

Luen ended up coming out of the coin when Theo was attacking the Phantom Warrior. The rest of us came out of the coins as well. Theo then demorphed. "Theo?" Luen questioned. "You okay?" Theo asked. "You're a... Power Ranger." Luen exclaimed. Theo nodded. "Yeah." Theo said. The Phantom Warrior then got back up. "Breaking mirrors is bad luck. For you." Casey informed.

"Jungle Beast, Spirit Unleashed!" We shouted. We morphed and got into Jungle Master Mode. We then started fighting. Casey, Lily, and I ended up leaving our Megazord as RJ and Theo came to save Dominic. Dominic finally destroyed him.

I was in the Loft, focusing on writing as I watched Theo hug his brother. I groaned as I got a huge headache. I ended up seeing that Red Ranger once more that I had in my dream. And then I saw Xander laying on the ground.

"What's happening? Why am I having these visions?"

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A/N: I know this chapter is short. But there wasn't really much to add. Hope you enjoyed anyway!

Word Count: 717 words.

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