Chapter Eleven: One Master Too Many.

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A/N: Hello, everyone. We're so close to "Ghost Of A Chance" I'm excited to write that because, well, you'll have to see. Enjoy the chapter!

re-edited on febuary 25th, 2021 @ 5:35pm

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THEO AND LILY WERE TRAINING with their new weapons. Casey was doing whatever RJ ordered him to do. I was writing in my journal. "Nice. Nice." RJ complimented. "Nice? Nice? Whoa. It's more than nice. Theo and Lily are rocking the Loft. Come to think of it, RJ, when am I getting a new master, a new weapon?" Casey asked.

"You have a master — me. And your weapon is you. Stop worrying about what you don't have and concentrate on what you're doing." RJ replied. "And what is it that I'm doing?" Casey asked.

He was balancing on books until he finally fell to the ground. "Working on balance." RJ answered. The pizza parlor rumbled as Theo, Lily and I stumbled into the kitchen. "Let's check it out!" Lily said. "RJ, we'll talk about this when I get back, okay?" Casey said. The four of us morphed as we headed to the shore.

There, we saw a water tornado. "That's not good." Theo said. "Come on, guys, let's get out there." Casey told us. "Hope you're good swimmers. But first, I have a little welcoming party for you." Camille said as a few Rinshi were beside her. Casey was fighting Camille as Theo, Lily and I were fighting the Rinshi. "Jungle Katana!" I shouted as I used my weapon to attack them.

Casey suddenly got saved by an old man carrying two swords. He began fighting the Rinshi. "That guy's incredible!" Casey exclaimed. We all stopped fighting to see the man walking up to the water tornado.

"Power of the Shark!" The man shouted as Crustaceo flew out. We all rushed over to him. "Wow! That was something!" Casey said. "Who are you?" Theo asked. "Pai Zhuq Master Finn." Master Finn replied.

"My new master!" Casey exclaimed. We were all back at the Loft. "Can I get you something to eat?" Lily asked. "Or drink?" Theo added. "Surprise me." Master Finn replied. Casey walked towards RJ. "RJ, you won't believe it. I found my new master." Casey said.

"Hello, Dad." RJ greeted. "Dad?" Casey questioned. Theo was trying to get RJ's attention. "I think he's asleep." Theo said. "I'm not asleep. I'm trying to visualize a positive future for me to live in." RJ explained. "Does that work?" Lily asked. "Is my dad gone?" RJ asked her. "No." Lily replied. "Then it's not working." RJ said as he got up from his chair.

"I don't know. Maybe I have to get used to losing Casey." RJ stated. "What am I, a rotten egg?" I asked. "You're not losing him. Lily and I have new masters, but we're still with you. If you ask me—" Theo started to say.

"He didn't, so zip it." I told Theo. "No, it's okay to talk." RJ said. "Good. Look, RJ, you mean a lot to Casey — To all of us. You're not losing Casey just because your dad's teaching him." Lily stated. "Yeah, maybe you're right. I'm letting old baggage get to me. I'm still Casey's master." RJ said.

That's when Casey came in with Master Finn. "RJ, your dad is the bomb. He started teaching me the shark sabers. Whoa. Amazing. I never thought I could do stuff like that." Casey said. "I'm glad you're so... happy." RJ told him.

"Let's not get carried away. There's still a lot of hard work before you can truly master the shark sabers." Master Finn informed. "I know, I know. RJ, how come you never took on your dad's..." Casey started to say but RJ was gone. "...skills?" Casey finished the question. He looked around. "It was something I said, wasn't it?" Casey asked. Theo, Lily and I just nodded in reply.

"I'll go find him." Casey said as he left. Theo, Lily and I ended up joining Casey. "Nice, Casey!" Lily said. "Having fun without us?" Theo asked. "All four of us can play!" Casey exclaimed. "Claw Cannon!" We all shouted. Crustaceo ended up dodging our attack.

Then, he grew big. "Let's cook this crab!" Casey said. We called out our Zords and then changed into a Megazord. We began fighting Crustaceo. "Come on, Rangers! Follow my lead!" Casey said. "Calling on the spirit of the Shark!" We all yelled. A Shark Zord appeared.

The Shark Zord attacked Crustaceo. That's when the Shark Zord attacked us. We fell to the ground. "No one told us this freak controls anything that lives underwater!" I exclaimed. "Spirit of the Elephant, combine!" We all shouted.

We used the Mace to hit the Shark Zord and Crustaceo lost control of it. Theo, Lily and I rushed up to Master Finn. "Where's Casey?" Master Finn asked. "He went to find RJ and tell him about the fight." Theo replied. "I see. You fought a great battle. But I let you down. I let Casey down. You had to fight my Spirit Zord." Master Finn stated.

"That wasn't your fault. Things happen." Lily told him. "Yes, but not to me." Master Finn said as he walked away. Theo, Lily, Master Finn and I were skipping rocks in a lake when Casey joined us. "Wow!" Theo exclaimed, impressed.

"Nice skip, huh?" Casey asked. "You know how RJ taught me that? By ironing his shirts. Go figure. Guy's a little off center, but his training really works." Casey said. Lily and I nodded in agreement.

"Yes. He is good at what he does." Master Finn agreed. "What's this? A Pai Zhuq master teaching his students how to feel sorry for themselves?" Camille asked. "Very unbecoming and very vulnerable. Attack!" Camille ordered the Rinshi. Casey, Theo, Lily and I got out our sunglasses.

"Jungle Beast, Spirit Unleashed!" We all yelled. We morphed as we began fighting the Rinshi. "Jungle Katana!" I shouted as I got out my weapon and began fighting the Rinshi. Casey went to attack Crustaceo. Casey finally destroyed Crustaceo. That is until he grew.

"I'm getting tired of this!" Lily exclaimed. We called out our Zords then changed into our Megazord. "Calling on the spirit of the Shark!" We shouted as the Shark Zord came up. "Spirit of the Shark, combine!" We yelled as the Shark Zord combined with our Megazord. "Jungle Pride with Shark Power!" We shouted. We began fighting Crustaceo underwater. Until we finally destroyed him.

Casey, Theo, Lily and I walked into the kitchen to see RJ teaching his dad how to make a pizza. "It's nice to see you two working together. Kind of a father/son project." Casey said. "You know, if it wasn't for you guys, I would never have known what a good son and what a fine master RJ's become." Master Finn stated. The four of us smiled.

"As I look at Casey, Theo, and Lily. I remind myself what a good team this is. But don't worry, Xander. You and the others will always be my favorite team. No matter what."

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A/N: Whoop! No one is reading this anymore. Hope you enjoyed!

Word Count: 1206 words.

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