Chapter Thirty-One: Now The Final Fury.

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A/N: Ah!! Last episode! As you guys know, I don't ship Theo x Lily so the talk between Theo and Lily towards the end will be Tanner and Lily. Enjoy the last episode chapter!

re-edited on febuary 25th, 2021 @ 7:16pm

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WE WERE ALL TRAINING IN the Loft. "Eat up, guys. You've been in a tough fight. You need to recharge." Fran said. "Oh, Fran, what would we do without you?" Dominic asked as we all grabbed some pizza and Dominic kissed her cheek. "Wish we knew what Dai Shi's plan was." Theo said.

"Well, he's been gathering fear and growing stronger. If he gets enough power, he could raise the spirits of all of his fallen army." RJ said. "And start a new Beast War." Dominic finished. "Great. We barely made it out of the last battle." Lily stated. "Right. If it weren't for Jarrod. That's it! We don't have a chance if we don't have his lion spirit on our side again. We've got to convince him to help us." Casey informed.

That's when the alarm blared. "Go talk to Jarrod. Dom and I will check this out." RJ said. "I told you, it's too late for me." Jarrod was saying to Camille. "No. You're wrong, Jarrod. It's never too late to start over." Casey said. "And whatever happened in the past, the fact is we need you now." Theo said. "The human race needs you. We can't defeat Dai Shi alone." Lily added.

"I was once in your place, Jarrod. Fighting with evil. Where do you think I would be now if the Mystic Rangers hadn't given me a second chance? Definitely not here." I stated. We waited for his answer. "No. I'm sorry. But with all the harm I've caused with it. I'll never call on my lion spirit again." Jarrod said.

That's when our morphers beeped. We sighed as we left. The four of us appeared in front of the masters, RJ, and Dominic. "So you've come to protect your masters, but who is protecting the city from the Rinshi invasion?" Scorch asked.

"You go. We'll take care of Scorch." Casey said as all of them left. The four of us began fighting Scorch. We tried to combine our strength but Scorch dodged it. We all attacked him with our power. "Quadruple-Claw Attack!" Casey shouted as our hands glowed with red, blue, yellow, and green.

"I'm a Phantom Beast General! You can't defeat me!" Scorch claimed. "We're Pai Zhuq Masters!" Lily said. "There's nothing we can't do!" Theo exclaimed. "Right! And now you'll feel our power!" Casey added. We ended up defeating him. We joined RJ, Dominic, and the rest of the masters. "Scorch?" RJ asked. "Scorched. We struck out with Jarrod." Casey replied.

That's when Dai Shi laughed evilly. "I have harvested your fear! Now I have power enough for my final stand! The portal to the Spirit World has opened! The time for the final Beast War is here!" Dai Shi exclaimed as all of the warriors that we defeated appeared. "They're back — The worst of the worst!" Theo exclaimed.

"Come on, team! Let's show them who we are!" RJ said. "Pai Zhuq! Order of the Claw!" We all shouted. We all got out our sunglasses and got ready to morph. "Jungle Beast, Spirit Unleashed!" We all shouted. We morphed as we began roll call.

"With the Strength of a Tiger — Jungle Fury, Red Ranger!"

"With the Stealth of a Jaguar — Jungle Fury, Blue Ranger!"

"With the Speed of a Cheetah — Jungle Fury, Yellow Ranger!"

"With the Fury of a Dragon — Jungle Fury, Green Ranger!"

"With the Courage of a Wolf — Jungle Fury, Wolf Ranger!"

"With the Power of a Rhino — Jungle Fury, Rhino Ranger!"

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