Chapter Twenty-Nine: To Earn Your Stripes.

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A/N: I wasn't going to have Tanner get his master stripes since he didn't go to the school, but I figured why not let him. RJ will be the one testing him since he didn't have a second master. Enjoy!

re-edited on febuary 25th, 2021 @ 7:07pm

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CASEY FLIPPED THE SIGN TO where it said "Open" and turned to us. "Okay, crew, ready for business?" Casey asked. "Uh, not quite. Casey, Lily, Theo, Tanner, we're going on a little trip today." RJ informed. "Is this one of your "It's not about the destination, it's about the journey" kind of trips?" Theo asked.

"No. This time, it's about the destination." RJ replied. "Where are we going?" Lily asked. "Well, you'll find out when we get there." RJ answered. "Fran, you and Dom okay to handle things here?" RJ asked. "Oh, sure, Dom and I make a great team." Fran answered dreamily. "I mean, yeah, no problem." Fran said.

"We got it covered, boss." Dominic told him. "Let's go." RJ said as we followed him. We arrived at the school. "So this is where you three went to school." I muttered. "The Pai Zhuq school — RJ, what's going on?" Casey asked.

"Today is a very special day." RJ started off. Master Phant, Master Finn, and Master Swoop appeared. "This is the day all Pai Zhuq students have worked hard to reach — your Master's test." Master Phant explained. "Yes!" Theo and Lily cheered. "We're finally gonna get our master's stripes." Theo said. "Only if you pass the test, Theo." Master Swoop informed. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's do it." Theo said. Lily agreed.

"Hey, time out here. Are we ready for this?" Casey asked. "That's what we're here to find out." Master Finn replied. "I just have one question though. I never went to the school like these three did. Not to mention I don't have a second master. So why am I here?" I asked.

"Ah, that's where I come in. I will be testing you, Tanner. You learned the same things Casey, Theo, and Lily did. You deserve it." RJ told me. I just nodded. "Take a few moments to mentally prepare yourselves, and then we'll begin." Master Swoop said as Theo and Lily both sat down.

I ended up joining them. "The time for your Master test has arrived. To pass, you will have to defeat your master." RJ informed. Casey, Theo, and Lily were facing their masters while I was facing RJ. RJ bang on the gong as we began. I began fighting with RJ. While Casey, Theo, and Lily were fighting their masters below.

I was using my techniques that I had from the Mystic Rangers. From the corner of my eye I could see Casey copying what Theo, Lily, and I were doing. Theo glowed blue and Master Swoop glowed purple as they both called out their animal spirits. Both a jaguar and a bat appeared. Lily glowed yellow and Master Phant glowed a light green as they called out their animal spirits as well. A cheetah and an elephant appeared and then disappeared.

I was next. I glowed green as RJ glowed purple. A dragon and a wolf appeared as my dragon fought off RJ's wolf. RJ smiled at me and I smiled back. Finally, Casey was next. He glowed red and Master Finn glowed a light blue.

A tiger and a shark appeared. The shark ended up disappearing. Once we were finished, RJ banged on the gong once more. We all bowed. "Theo, I'm very proud to tell you have reached the level of Pai Zhuq Master." Master Swoop said as Casey, Lily and I cheered for him. His wrist glowed blue as his stripes appeared.

"Lily, I have the honor to be the first one to address you as Cheetah Master. I knew you could do it." Master Phant said. Lily's arm glowed yellow as her stripes appeared as well. "Check it out, T." Lily said as she showed me. I could tell Casey was proud of his crush.

RJ turned to me. "Tanner, you were never trained your whole life like Casey, Theo, and Lily were. But you have been with them on this journey. Welcome to the family, Dragon Master." RJ said. My arm glowed green as I lifted up my sleeve and saw my stripes. "Yeah, Tanner!" Theo cheered. "I can't wait to tell Xander when I return." I think to myself. "Casey... I'm afraid you haven't passed." Master Finn informed.

"What?" Lily said, shocked. "But he did everything we did." Theo argued. "I'm sorry the decision is final." Master Finn said. We were all back at JKP. Theo, Lily, and I were wearing long sleeves while we were working. "Hey, what's with the long sleeves?" Casey asked us. "Well, you know, it's always kind of chilly in here." Lily replied. "Yeah. Brrr." Theo agreed. "Definitely cold." I added, rubbing my hands up and down my arms to make it seem like I wasn't lying.

"Yeah. It's real cold with all these pizza ovens. And Tanner you're an ice wizard. Even if it was cold, you wouldn't be affected." Casey informed, seeing through our lies. Theo, Lily, and I looked at him. "Listen, you don't have to hide your master's stripes from me. You should be proud. You earned them." Casey told us.

"Ah, don't feel bad, Case. Not everyone's cut out to be a Master. Look at me. I'm fine just the way I am." Dominic stated. "Uh, can you guys cover for me? I'm gonna take my break and go for a run." Casey said as he disappeared into the kitchen. "Casey's been gone awhile now." RJ said. "Oh, I think he was pretty bummed." Lily stated.

"I still don't get it. How come we passed the test and he didn't?" Theo asked. "Well, Casey's an amazing fighter and a great leader. But a Pai Zhuq Master doesn't ask. He knows." RJ replied. Dominic suddenly came from the kitchen with a worried look on his face. We said nothing as we followed him in. We showed up next to Casey morphed. "Nice timing. These guys are brutal." Casey said. "There's more help where that came from." RJ said.

Casey, Theo and Lily called out the Spirit Rangers. The four of us then got into Jungle Master Mode. We all began fighting. "Claw Cannon!" Casey shouted. All of us fired as we sent the warrior to the ground. That is until she grew and we got into our Zords as each of them took turns attacking her. "Animal Spirits, Stampede!" Casey shouted.

All of the animal spirits appeared. We finally ended up destroying her. We were all outside JKP. "I'm telling you, I saw him. I saw Jarrod, the person we used to know." Casey explained to us. "Well, if memory serves me, Jarrod wasn't that great of a person even before he was possessed by an evil dragon spirit." Lily informed.

"Believe me, I know. But this time, he was different, almost kind. What if there is some humanity, some part of Jarrod that's still in there?" Casey asked. "Our job is to protect people. Dai Shi, Jarrod, or whatever you want to call him tries to hurt people — that's all I need to know." Theo replied.

"Theo has a point. I've seen evil too many times. I should know the difference. People don't change overnight, Casey." I added as Theo and Lily nodded in agreement.

"Look, just because I don't have my master's stripes doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about." Casey informed. "Casey, this isn't about that. You know I always try to see the good side of people. But even I can see that Dai Shi has taken over completely. Now, you need to face the facts. Jarrod's gone." Lily said as Theo, Lily and I headed inside.

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A/N: Double update! You're welcome. Hope you enjoyed!

Word Count: 1339 words.

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