Chapter Twenty-Five: One Last Second Chance.

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A/N: I don't know if I'm going to do the "Don't Blow That Dough" episode. Because it's kinda not important. Enjoy the chapter!

re-edited on febuary 25th, 2021 @ 6:43pm

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"IT LOOKS THE SAME TO ME." Dominic said as we were all looking at what RJ said was the updated version of the Claw Cannon. "Well, it is the same. But instead of using Tiger, Jaguar, Dragon, Cheetah spirits, I tuned it to Elephant, Bat, and Shark spirits." RJ explained.

"Ah, because the Spirit Rangers are connected to the masters, who possess Elephant, Bat, and Shark spirits. It's either crazy or brilliant." Theo said. "Neither... It's simply fighting fire with fire. Now, I tuned the wavelength so that the cannon blast should cancel your opponent's spirit." RJ explained.

"By "cancel," you mean destroy the spirit?" Lily asked. "Yes." RJ replied. "Whoa. Did I miss something here? If you destroy the spirit, couldn't you destroy the master?" Casey asked. "I... don't know." RJ answered. We were morphed (Jungle Fury) as we walked through the forest.

"Keep your eyes open. Wait. I sense something." RJ said. Suddenly, the Spirit Rangers appeared. We began fighting them. I was helping Casey, Theo, and Lily fight the Shark Spirit Ranger until we decided to bring out the Claw Cannon that RJ made. "Powered by Animal Spirits!" We shouted as an Elephant, Shark, and Bat appeared. That's when the Shark Spirit Ranger walked towards us.

"I hope this works!" Lily said. "Rangers... fire!" RJ said when he saw our hesitation. "All right... fire!" Casey said. We fell back as the Spirit Ranger was destroyed. The other two disappeared. We were all demorphed as we walked in the forest.

That's where Camille and Flit came out. "So, you figured out how to destroy a Spirit Ranger. Hmm. Congratulations. You've also destroyed your Master Finn." Camille informed. "Oh, no. RJ!" Flit said. "Flit!" Camille said as she grabbed him and walked away.

All of us were in the Loft. "Well?" Casey asked. "Did you find him?" Dominic asked as well. Lily nodded her head. "He needs more time." Lily replied. That's when the alarm suddenly blared. "Time is the one thing we don't have." Theo informed. "Let's go." Casey said.

We all were morphed. "A Phantom Beast Unicorn?" Theo guessed. That's when the two Spirit Rangers appeared. "Yes." The Phantom Beast Unicorn replied. We all gasped. "Not so cocky now, huh? Pathetic Rangers!" The unicorn said. We began fighting the two Spirit Rangers. I was helping Casey and Dominic to fight the Phantom Beast unicorn. Casey tried to attack him but he ended up dodging and attacked Casey. He then went into Jungle Master Mode.

Casey, Dominic and I were still dealing with the Phantom Beast with both Casey and I in Jungle Master Mode. We all got attacked at once. We continued fighting.

That's when the two Spirit Rangers suddenly disappeared. "Hey, they're gone!" Casey exclaimed. "Rinzin Power!" The Phantom Beast shouted. All of us got attacked. "With you gone, the beasts shall rule the world!" The Phantom Beast said.

"Hey! That's not gonna happen!" RJ said as he showed up morphed. "I've already beaten five Rangers — one more is no challenge." The Phantom Beast said. "How's this for a challenge?" RJ asked as the three Spirit Rangers showed up beside him. Camille showed up.

"That's nothing. Here's a challenge. Rinshi!" Camille said as Rinshi showed up. Camille then morphed into her suit. The rest of us stood next to RJ and the Spirit Rangers. That's when we began our roll call.

"With the Strength of a Tiger — Jungle Fury, Red Ranger!"

"With the Stealth of a Jaguar — Jungle Fury, Blue Ranger!"

"With the Speed of a Cheetah — Jungle Fury, Yellow Ranger!"

"With the Fury of a Dragon — Jungle Fury, Green Ranger!"

"With the Courage of a Wolf — Jungle Fury, Wolf Ranger!"

"With the Power of a Rhino — Jungle Fury, Rhino Ranger!"

"With the Spirit of a Bat — Jungle Fury, Bat Ranger!"

"With the Spirit of a Shark — Jungle Fury, Shark Ranger!"

"With the Spirit of an Elephant — Jungle Fury, Elephant Ranger!"

"We summon the animal spirits from within! Power Rangers, Jungle Fury!" We all yelled. That's when we began fighting the Rinshi. "Jungle Katana!" I shouted as I got out my weapon and began fighting the Rinshi once more.

I ended up slicing a bunch of Rinshi as green energy came out from my katana as I did so. The Phantom Beast was finally destroyed by Master Phant, Master Finn, and Master Swoop.

We all headed back into the Loft. "Master Phant!" Lily exclaimed as she hugged him. "Welcome back, Master Swoop." Theo greeted. Casey laughed. "What a relief to see you again." He said.

"We thought after we fired the Claw Cannon..." Casey started to say. "Hey, you can't get rid of me that easily." Master Finn interrupted. "From now on, you'll have the Spirit Rangers to help you battle the Dai Shi." Master Swoop informed. "Fight strong. Fight together." Master Finn informed.

"And take the risk." RJ added.

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A/N:  This chapter took a little longer to write than I expected. Hope you enjoyed!

Word Count: 874 words.

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