Chapter Twenty: Race To The Nexus.

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A/N: The chapter after this one is where the Jungle Fury Rangers find out Tanner is a Mystic Ranger. I will be writing it on my own. Enjoy!

re-edited on febuary 25th, 2021 @ 6:18pm

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"EVERYBODY READY?" RJ asked. I was finishing packing up stuff in a green duffel bag. "Keep in mind, there are good reasons why no one gets into the Nexus. They say there are hidden dangers, protectors, so keep your guard up." RJ said.

We ended up taking the Megazord to fly there with everyone in the cockpit. "All right, guys. We're almost there." Casey said. We then suddenly got hit. "What was that?" Casey asked. "It's the Overlords. They passed us." Lily replied. "They're heading to the Rhino Nexus, too. We have to beat them there." Casey said.

We saw Grizzaka grow big as we attacked him. "Rangers." He said. "You're not getting the dagger, Grizzaka. Right, guys?" Casey said. "Right!" We all agreed. "I will destroy the Rangers with my bare claws!" Grizzaka said as he attacked us.

We called on the spirit of the Shark as it combined with our Megazord. "You don't scare me. Zocato!" Grizzaka shouted. We all fell out of our Megazord as we were all demorphed. The other Overlords joined him. "There's nowhere to hide. This is your end." Grizzaka said. "I will enjoy eliminating you." He continued. That's when the protectors of the Nexus attacked them as they disappeared.

"We're running out of time!" Dominic said. All of us got up. "That won't hold them for long." RJ added. We all ran after Dominic. Carnisoar then attacked Casey, Theo, Lily, RJ and I.

Dominic stopped and looked at us. RJ gave him the signal to keep going. "You have proven to be resilient, but I am the Overlord who will finish the job." Carnisoar claimed. "You've picked the wrong day to mess with us." Casey informed.

"Jungle Beast, Spirit Unleashed!" We all shouted as we morphed. All of us started fighting Carnisoar. "Jungle Master Mode!" Casey, Theo, Lily and I shouted. We got out the Claw Cannon. All of us fired together.

We thought we destroyed Carnisoar but he ended up flying into the air as he attacked us. "After today, you and your masters will finally be out of the way." Carnisoar claimed. "We're not going down that easy!" Casey exclaimed. We began fighting once more. "Fighting you is tiresome. Perhaps you should fight each other in my world of illusions." Carnisoar said. We all disappeared into another illusion.

"Stay sharp. This is Carnisoar's game." Casey warned. Carnisoar appeared and Casey attacked him. But ended up attacking Theo instead. "Theo! Sorry I thought you were Carnisoar." Casey said.

"Be careful. Your mind will play tricks on you here in my world." Carnisoar informed. Both Theo and Casey were attacking Carnisoar until RJ appeared. "What? RJ!" Casey exclaimed. RJ started attacking Carnisoar who was behind him. Lily then showed up.

"RJ? Sorry. I thought you were—" Lily started to say. "Are we having fun?" Carnisoar asked as he attacked us. We all fell to the ground. "You will have to choose, Red Ranger, which of me is real and which is illusion." Carnisoar said as multiple Carnisoar's appeared.

"Hope my tiger instincts are right on this one." Casey said as he attacked the real Carnisoar and we were out of the illusion. "What? My illusion!" Carnisoar exclaimed. "I don't need an illusion to destroy you. I have the most powerful trick of all!" Carnisoar said as he grew big. We all got into our Zords and made the Jungle Master Megazord while RJ made the Wolf Pride Megazord.

We were busy fighting Carnisoar as all of us attacked at once. But Carnisoar ended up sending them right back at us. We all demorphed as we fell to the ground. "Your pitiful powers are no match for me." Carnisoar said.

That's when we heard a roar. "What is that?" Casey asked. "I don't recognize it." Lily said. "Grizzaka?" Theo guessed. "I don't think so." RJ told him. We saw Dominic riding on top of a Rhino Zord. "Is that... Dominic?" Casey asked.

"Looks like it." I answered. "No! The Rhino Ranger!" Carnisoar said. "Power of the Rhino!" Dominic shouted. "Go, Dom!" Lily cheered. We all cheered for him as I watched Carnisoar fall to the ground. We watched as the Rhino Zord changed into a Megazord.

"Another Megazord!" Theo exclaimed. "It's the Rhino Warrior Mode." RJ explained. "It's magnificent!" Casey commented. "Carnisoar, you're in for it now." I added. Dominic began fighting Carnisoar. Carnisoar tried attacking but Dominic blocked all of his attacks. Dominic attacked Carnisoar. "You may have one this battle, but this is far from over." Carnisoar said as he was finally destroyed.

We all cheered.

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A/N: Yes, I know that this was a short chapter. Mostly because it had Dominic in it. Hope you enjoyed!

Word Count: 833 words.

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