Chapter Twenty-One: A Mystic Return.

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A/N: FINALLY, I'm writing the chapter where Tanner gets his magic back. This chapter I will be writing on my own. Enjoy!

re-edited on febuary 25th, 2021 @ 6:27pm

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(Tanner's Dream)

I was walking around the magical forest of Briarwood. But my color was different. Instead of Silver, I was the Red Ranger. I had a cape and a symbol on the right side of my chest. I was looking for something... or rather, someone.

"Xander... where are you?" I thought to myself. War raged on around me. Until I finally spotted the love of my life under a bunch of rocks. He was in Ranger form. "T-Tanner..." Xander stuttered. I lifted the rocks out from him.

"I'm here, love. What happened?" I asked. "Koragg attacked me. Bad. I'm dying, Tanner." Xander informed. "Don't you say that. Don't you dare say that, Xander!" I shouted. That's when Xander demorphed. "I can feel my magic fading away. Y-You have to defeat The Master, Tanner." He said.

I demorphed as well. Xander grabbed his staff and handed it to me. "There's no magic in it. But keep it as a memory of me." He said. "Don't leave me, Xander. I wanted to start a life with you. You can't go." I told him. He smiled. "I love you, Tanner." Xander said. A tear rolled down my cheek. "I love you, too. I always will." I informed. Xander took his last breath as his body went limp.

I held his staff in my hand as I morphed into the Red Ranger once more. More angry then I was before.

"All of them are gonna pay..."

(End Dream)

I JOLTED AWAKE AS I realized that it was just a dream and it was morning. "What a weird dream to have..." I thought. I got up and sighed. I looked at the picture that was on my nightstand.

It was of the Mystic Rangers. Nick, Chip, Vida, Madison, Daggeron, Jenji, Leanbow, Udonna, Clare, and most importantly, Xander. Xander had his arm wrapped around my shoulder. I ran my finger over the picture and smiled.

"I miss you guys..." I thought. I then looked at the time. "I'm late for work!" I think to myself. "Tanner? Are you up here?" Fran asked. She walked up to my room. "Oh, hey Fran." I greeted, still holding the picture.

"The others noticed that you didn't show up for work so they sent me up here to see if you were here." Fran explained. "Yeah, I overslept." I said. "What's that you're holding?" Fran asked. "Oh, just a picture of some old friends." I replied. "May I?" Fran asked. I handed her the picture as I walked next to her. "What are their names?" She asked.

I pointed to Nick. "This guy is Nick Russell. His true name is Bowen. But we just continued calling him Nick after we found his birth parents because Bowen didn't sound right." I continued down the line.

"The two girls are Madison and Vida Rocca. They're sisters. Madison is Nick's girlfriend." I explained. I then pointed to Chip. "This is Chip Thorn. He's Vida's boyfriend. And the biggest nerd that you would ever meet." Fran laughed. I finally, pointed to Xander.

"And finally, this is Xander Bly. He's Australian and the biggest goof-off you would meet. Seriously, he and Dominic would make such good friends. He also tries to talk his way out of trouble. And... he's also my boyfriend." I added. Fran raised an eyebrow. "You're... gay?" She asked. I nodded.

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