Chapter Twenty-Two: Arise The Crystal Eyes.

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A/N: We're back on track with the episodes! Since Tanner has his magic back I'll specify which form he uses. Enjoy the chapter!

re-edited on febuary 25th, 2021 @ 6:33pm

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WE WERE ALL AT JKP, as all of us were setting up for the day. "Hey, guys. How about a little powwow?" RJ asked. He set down a newspaper on the counter. "This archaeologist has found five crystal eyes." RJ said. "Five what?" Theo asked as all of us sat down in front of him.

"Crystal eyes. During the Beast Wars 10,000 years ago, the phantoms were the baddest beasts around, but one by one, the masters destroyed all eight of them, saving the human race. When each beast was destroyed, a crystal eye was left in the ashes about this size." RJ explained as he took an apple that Dominic was about to eat as an example.

"Tonight, the stars are in a very rare alignment. If the starlight shines through the eye — bingo, bango, bongo — the Phantom Beasts are brought back to life." RJ finished. "If Dai Shi gets his hands on those crystal eyes..." Lily started off. "We've got a whole army of Phantom Beasts to worry about." Theo finished.

"Precisely. There are eight crystal eyes. She only has five. That means Dai Shi may already have three." RJ stated. "Dr. Silvia Jennings — She's probably got no idea what they are." Dominic said. "We have to make sure those crystal eyes are safe tonight." Casey informed as RJ nodded in agreement.

I decided to tag along with Casey to Dr. Jennings Research Center. I was wearing a green tank top with my black leather jacket that Xander got me over it. "The retinal scan was negative for crocodile." Dr. Jennings was saying.

"Iguana." Casey said. "Pardon me?" Dr. Jennings asked. "I read that you hadn't identified one of the eyes. That one is an iguana's eye." Casey explained. "I've been trying to determine that for a long time. I'm Silvia Jennings." She said as she shook both mine and Casey's hand.

"How did you know?" She asked. Both Casey and I sat down in front of her. "I went to a school that specialized in animal spirits. My teacher used to always say that everyone has an animal spirit inside." Casey said. "Really? My father used to say, "Live in harmony with your animal spirit, and you'll be in harmony with yourself."" Silvia said.

"Gentle, playful, likes water—" Casey started to say as he saw a picture of her in water. "Your spirit is a dolphin." Casey finished. "Right again." Silvia said. Casey looked around. "Listen. I know this sounds crazy, but there are certain people who'd do anything to get their hands on your crystal eyes." Casey said. "Why?" Silvia asked.

"The eyes have powers — powers that are dangerous in the wrong hands." Casey replied. "What kind of powers?" Silvia asked. "Well, I-I can't tell you." Casey answered. "Okay, then, who's after them?" Silvia asked.

"Well, I can't tell you that, either. I'm asking you, please. Give us the crystal eyes, just till the danger passes." Casey said. Silvia chuckled. "You must be kidding. I've spent my entire life searching for them. So did my father. And now you're asking me to hand over my life's work?" Silvia asked.

"None of that will matter if they come, okay? And nothing you can do will stop them." Casey informed. Silvia stood up. "The answer is no! Now, I have other appointments." She said. Casey said nothing as he got up and left. I followed him. Casey and I came down the stairs where RJ was waiting for us.

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