Chapter Twenty-Three: Fear And The Phantoms.

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A/N: Welcome to the next chapter! Enjoy!

re-edited on febuary 25th, 2021 @ 6:37pm

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I TOOK OFF MY RACING gloves as I placed them in my trailer. I just finished a day of racing. With me getting first place of course. "Tanner!" I turned around to see three girls rushing over towards me. Normally, fans weren't allowed where the racers were. I looked at their passes and saw that they had VIP passes.

"Hello, ladies." I greeted. "Hi, Tanner! My boyfriend saw you at Jungle Karma Pizza and you gave him your autograph." The middle girl said. "Yeah, I work there as a side job when I'm not doing races." I stated. "Tanner, is it true that you're dating someone? There's been a rumor going around that you are in a relationship." One girl said.

I sighed. This was probably one of the worst parts about being famous. The paparazzi constantly make rumors of you. "Yes, I am in a relationship." I admitted. The three girls squealed. "Your girlfriend is so lucky! Though I bet she hates the long distance you two have." Another girl said. I cleared my throat, suddenly thinking of Xander. It's been a while since I've called him.

"Yeah, she does." I said. I gave the girls an autograph and they left. I looked at my cell phone and was about to call Xander until my morpher beeped. I took out my sunglasses. "What's up, Casey?" I asked. "I know you're busy racing right now but we need your help with something." He replied.

"I'll be right there." I said as I changed into my regular clothes. "Tanner, why aren't you practicing? You're on in a few hours." My manager, Edward, said. "I have an emergency, Ed. Can you hold my spot for me?" I asked.

He nodded. "I'll try. Be fast though." He said. I just nodded as I got on my motorcycle and I headed towards Jungle Karma Pizza.

I entered the kitchen as I met with Casey, Lily, Theo, and Dom. "Master Swoop is missing. Looks like he ran into trouble." Theo informed as he was holding a burned fan. "RJ went to check on his dad." Dominic said. "I'll check on Master Phant." Lily said.

We were all morphed (Jungle Fury) as we saw civilans running away. "He looks more powerful than one of Dai Shi's warriors." Casey said. "He has the spirit of the Boar!" Dominic explained. "If he's not Dai Shi's warrior, then where did he come from?" Theo asked.

"I am Sonimax, with powers you've never seen before! Behold the strength of a Phantom Beast warrior! Sonic attack!" Sonimax said. We all screamed as we covered our ears. We all fell to the ground.

"I guess we don't have to wonder about the Phantom Beasts anymore." RJ stated. "Let's give Sonimax a lesson." Casey said as we all got up and started fighting him.

We were all on the ground as we struggled to get up. "Now you'll see what real power is!" Sonimax informed. We continued fighting Sonimax. "Your power does not compare to mine!" Sonimax exclaimed. Lily then showed up. "With the Speed of a Cheetah, Jungle Fury, Yellow Ranger!" Lily shouted as we all rushed towards her.

"Guys, a Phantom Beast grabbed Master Phant." Lily informed. "They must have taken Master Swoop, too." Theo said. "I hope Dad's okay." RJ said. "Come on! Let's finish this fight so we can find our masters." Lily said.

"Who are you?" Sonimax asked. "I'm the Ranger that you're gonna wish you'd never met." Lily replied. All of us began attacking him. "Come on, guys! Let's finish this!" Lily exclaimed. "Sonic attack!" Sonimax exclaimed.

"Charge!" Lily shouted. We ended up destroying Sonimax. That is until he grew big. "We've seen that trick before." Lily said. We all got into our Megazords. We began fighting him as Sonimax attacked us and we fell to the ground.

"Man, this guy's too tough." Casey commented. "It's time for a little help." Lily said. We called on the Elephant Zord as it attached to our Megazord. The Jungle Mace wrapped around Sonimax as he went down on the ground. Dominic was about to attack until another Phantom Beast showed up. "Rangers, feel my power!" General Snapper said as Dominic went down.

"Oh, great. Who's this guy?" Casey asked. "That's the Phantom Beast who took Master Phant!" Lily replied. "Behold, the Ancient Might! Rinzin Power!" General Snapper said. "Rinzin Power? I don't like the sound of that." Theo stated. "Rinzin is the power of a Phantom Beast! It will rule this world!" General Snapper said.

He then attacked us. We headed towards him until he attacked us with Rinzin power. We flew back. I met up with the others. "My Dad's gone, too. Looks like they took all three masters." RJ informed. "I say we go to Dai Shi's temple." Theo said. "And fight Dai Shi and The Phantom Beasts? That's crazy." Casey stated. "We don't even know if the masters are there." Dominic added.

"Well, the bigger question is "why?" Why would they take the masters in the first place?" RJ asked as we saw lightning sparks forming on the ground. Thunder crashed. "I have a feeling we're about to find out." I replied. We all screamed as we got attacked. We all saw three figures that looked like Power Rangers.

"They look like..." Casey started to say.

"...Power Rangers." He finished.

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A/N: There you go! Hope you enjoyed!

Word Count: 930 words.

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