Chapter Thirteen: Ghost Of A Chance, Part 2.

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A/N: Hello, readers! This is where things get interesting because Tanner fights his evil self! Enjoy!

re-edited on febuary 25th, 2021 @ 5:43pm

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"AH... THESE MUST BE OUR new students." Master Rilla said. "This is Master Rilla... Master Lope... and I'm Master Guin." Master Guin introduced themselves. "With all due respect, we don't have much time." Casey informed. "Patience. You must prove yourself worthy before you can be rewarded." Master Rilla said.

"Then lets get to it. What kind of tests do we need to past?" Casey asked. "Monsters, ghouls, demons? We're not afraid of anything you throw in front of us." Theo added. "Everyone is afraid of something. True courage comes from being able to face those fears. You will be the first to be tested." Master Guin said to Lily.

"What do you want me to do?" Lily asked. "Close your eyes." Master Guin replied. Lily closed her eyes as Lily disappeared. "What did you do with Lily?" Theo asked. "She has gone on her journey, and now it's time for you to go on yours." Master Lope replied. "Better do what he says, Theo." Casey told him.

Theo closed his eyes as he disappeared as well. "Guess I'm next. Bring it on, Master." Casey said. "Very well." Master Rilla said. Casey closed his eyes as he disappeared. I walked up to them. "Uh, what about me? I know I'm not originally from the school. But do I get a test too?" I asked. "You do." Master Rilla told me. I closed my eyes as I disappeared soon after Casey.

I opened my eyes to see a familiar forest, and a familiar dragon head. "Root Core? What am I doing here?" I thought. Suddenly, I saw familiar silver shoes and then a cape. It was the Silver Ranger in Legendary mode. "Hello, Tanner. It's been a while." The Silver Mystic Ranger said.

"I don't believe it." I muttered. "Oh you better believe it. See you switched to basic Green." The Silver Ranger said. "I'm not gonna fight you." I informed. "You have no choice, Tanner. This is your fear, right? Your fear of snapping and turning evil once more?" The Silver Ranger asked. I looked to find my sunglasses not there.

I began fighting The Silver Ranger. I got thrown to the ground. "You've become weak, Tanner. Just like how you were when Morticon picked you to be his pawn. You're nothing but weak and pathetic." The Silver Ranger taunted me. I got up and was prepared to fight him once more. But then I saw The Silver Ranger holding his staff to the Green Mystic Ranger.

"Tanner, help me... please." The Green Ranger begged in Xander's voice. "No! Don't hurt him!" I shouted. But it was too late. The Silver Ranger attacked the Green Ranger as he went limp. "Another one of your fears, hurting the one you love." The Silver Ranger informed.

I stood up and clenched my fists. "I'm not... afraid of you..." I said as the Silver Ranger and the Green Ranger disappeared. Master Rilla then appeared. "You knew I was afraid of myself. Did you?" I asked. "There's no greater fear then fearing yourself." Master Rilla said.

I joined in the spirit world forest with Casey, Theo and Lily. "You have all passed our challenges." Master Rilla stated. "Our animal spirits will be with you now. But we have much more to teach you, students." Master Lope added.

"No, we can't stay. We have to get back and help our master, RJ." Lily said. "That is impossible. You must remain here for eternity." Master Guin informed. "Eternity?!" Casey exclaimed.

"It's not just our master. We are Pai Zhuq Guardians, the chosen three... and four." Theo added, looking at me. "We have to protect the world from Dai Shi." Theo continued. "Dai Shi has escaped?!" Master Guin exclaimed. "There are times when even unbreakable rules can be bent. You may return." Master Lope said.

"Go back knowing that your animal spirits will now be stronger than you've ever imagined." Master Rilla added. The four of us closed our eyes. We all rushed to where Dai Shi was. "We're ready for you." Casey said. "But this time, things are going to be a little different." Lily added.

We put on our sunglasses. "Jungle Beast, Spirit Unleashed!" We all shouted. We then morphed. "I see you didn't learn the last time." Dai Shi said as he took off his coat and morphed into his armor. "It ends here, Rangers." Dai Shi said. We began fighting him.

"I call on the beast inside! Free the Tiger!" Casey shouted as his tiger spirit attacked Dai Shi. We were on the ground. "We're still not strong enough!" Theo exclaimed. "Hey, remember what Master Rilla said. We've got more power than ever before. Well, I'm gonna see just how much we've got." Casey said as he got up.

"Jungle Master Mode!" Casey shouted. A claw appeared as Casey's suit turned white with red stripes and jets. "Yeah! We do have more power!" Casey exclaimed. "What do you think, Lil, Tanner. Are you feeling it?" Theo asked. "Oh, yeah!" Lily replied. "You bet I am." I added.

"Jungle Master Mode!" Theo, Lily and I shouted. My suit was now white with green stripes and jets just like Casey, Theo, and Lily's were. "Reminds me of Legendary mode and Super Dino Mode..." I think to myself. We once again, did roll call.

"Spirit of the Tiger... Full Fury! Jungle Master Red Ranger!"

"Spirit of the Cheetah... Full Fury! Jungle Master Yellow Ranger!"

"Spirit of the Jaguar... Full Fury! Jungle Master Blue Ranger!"

"Spirit of the Dragon... Full Fury! Jungle Master Green Ranger!"

"We summon the animal spirits from within. Power Rangers Jungle Fury!" We all yelled. Theo, Lily and I began attacking the guards while Casey fought Dai Shi. We finally freed RJ from the pole.

"RJ, are you okay?" Casey asked. "Totally. No sweat." RJ replied. We saw that the two guards have grown. "Whoa! Shocking!" RJ said sarcastically. "Let's show them our new technique, guys!" Casey said. "Spirit of the Gorilla!" Casey shouted.

"Spirit of the Penguin!" Lily yelled. "Spirit of the Antelope!" Theo added. We each ended up taking a guard. We then changed into a Megazord. "Jungle Master Megazord... Full Fury!" We all yelled. We finally destroyed the guard.

We arrived back at the Loft. "Guys, that was unbelieveable. Oh you really saved my hide!" RJ stated. "You would have done the same for us." Lily said. "Ah, Loft, sweet Loft. It's great to be back home." RJ said.

That's when he picked up a chip from an empty bowl. "Somebody's been eating my chips. Somebody's been watching my tv." RJ sat down in his chair. "Somebody's been sitting in my chair." RJ said. That's when somebody cleared their throat.

"Hello, Rangers... Power Rangers." Fran greeted.

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A/N: Second update in one day? Wow. Hope you enjoyed!

Word Count: 1174 words.

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