Chapter Two: Going Green, Part 2.

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A/N: Here's the part where Tanner gets his animal spirit and becomes a Ranger! Enjoy!!

re-edited on febuary 25th, 2021 @ 3:00pm

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IT'S BEEN THREE WEEKS SINCE I started training for Pai Zhug. And in those three weeks I haven't been able to find my animal spirit. The alarm went off again and Casey, Theo, and Lily headed out. I wish I was able to help them. I felt useless just sitting around the Loft, watching them get beaten out there. They needed a Ranger with experience.

Of course, they don't know that I've been a Ranger. And I don't think they'll ever find out. I lost my powers when I was with both the Mystic Rangers and the Dino Thunder Rangers. I decided to let it all out and scream as loud as I can. That's when a green dragon came out of me. RJ looked at me.

"Congratulations, you found your animal spirit. It's the spirit of the Dragon." RJ informed. He walked over to a dresser and pulled a case out. He opened it and pulled out green sunglasses. "This will help you morph. Just say 'Jungle Beast, Spirit Unleased' and you will morph." RJ explained.

I took the green sunglasses and headed out. I arrived where Casey, Lily, and Theo were. There was a woman there and a monster. I think RJ told me the woman's name was Camille. "It's over, Power Rangers." Camille said. "Not when I'm around!" I shouted.

"Free the Dragon!" I yelled as my animal spirit attacked both her and the monster and disappeared. Casey, Lily, and Theo came up to me in morphed form. "That was great, Tanner!" Lily said. "I see you found your animal spirit. But you can't defeat them by just using your animal spirit." Casey informed.

"I know. That's why RJ gave me these." I said as I pulled out my green sunglasses. "Stand back guys, let me handle this." I said. I put on my sunglasses. "Jungle Beast, Spirit Unleased!" I shouted. I morphed into a green suit. It was like the Casey, Theo, and Lily's suit but my helmet had dragon-like ears.

"With the Fury of a Dragon! Jungle Fury Green Ranger!" I shouted. "Another one makes no difference." Camille said as the Rinshi began to attack. "Jungle Katana!" I shouted and began attacking them. A few moments later, I defeated them. I walked over to Camille and the monster. "Do you want some too?" I asked.

"This isn't over, Green Ranger!" Camille informed as she and the monster disappeared. "Power down!" I shouted. Casey, Theo, and Lily powered down as well and walked up to me. "That was amazing, Tanner!" Lily exclaimed. "Forget about everything I said about you not having experience. You looked like you were a natural at it." Casey said.

"Casey has no idea how right he is..." I think to myself. We headed back to the Loft. "Hey, RJ. Tanner makes a great addition to the team." Casey announced. "What made you decide to have him join our team?" Theo asked. I looked at RJ. Hoping that he wouldn't tell them that I was once a Power Ranger.

"He found his animal spirit so I thought that he could help you guys out in battling Dai Shi." RJ said. I sighed of relief and silently thanked him for not telling them that I was a Power Ranger before. "Well, we're glad to have him on the team." Lily said as all three of them left the Loft. "Thanks for not telling them, RJ." I said, going up to RJ.

"You'll tell them when the time is right." RJ said. I nodded and headed out of the Loft. I started helping the others with work. Theo was tossing pizzas. I walked into the kitchen and a pizza ended up falling onto my face. "Oh. Sorry, Tanner." Theo said. I took the pizza off my face. "It's quite all right, Theo." I stated. I helped serving the pizzas to the tables and taking orders.

Some people recognized me and asked me for my autograph, which I gave them. I walked back to the counter. "It must be cool to be famous, Tanner." Theo said. "Not when you're away from your boyfriend almost every year." I think to myself.

I smiled. "It can be great, at times. But it can get lonely as well. Especially since I'm never around friends and family every year." I told him. "Not to mention my boyfriend." I thought.

I didn't tell them that part. I didn't want to come out to them just yet. It took me a long time to come out as gay to the Dino Thunder Rangers. It would probably be a long time for me to come out to them as well.

"I see, I never really thought about that." Theo said. "Well, Tanner. You won't be lonely this time. You have us." Casey informed as Lily and Theo nodded in agreement.

"Thank guys, it means a lot. But hey, as long as I'm here. Please don't treat me any differently. Treat me like I'm just your friend. And your co-worker." I told them.

All three of them nodded. "Hey, does this mean we'll get free passes to come to your races?" Theo asked. "Theo!" Casey and Lily said at the same time. "What? Thought I would ask." Theo said.

I chuckled. "I'll see if I can get you guys passes to every race I have in Ocean Bluff." I promised Theo. Casey and Theo both high fived each other as Lily just rolled her eyes. I grabbed a notepad to take orders. As I set the notepad down on the counter, I went to check my phone. No notifications. Nothing from Xander. "I'll call him later." I told myself.

"Expecting a call?" Lily's voice made me jump. "Yeah. My bo— best friend was supposed to call me to check in and make sure I made it safely to Ocean Bluff. But he hasn't called me yet." I told her. I had to stop myself from saying boyfriend. Lily nodded. "Don't worry, Tanner. I'm sure he'll call you. He's probably just busy." Lily said. "Yeah, you're right." I smiled at her as she smiled back.

"He's just busy..."

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A/N: Sorry it took so long for me to update! Hope you enjoyed!

Word Count: 1074 words.

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