Chapter Five: Can't Win Them All.

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A/N: Whoop, we are back with another chapter! Enjoy y'all!

re-edited on febuary 25th, 2021 @ 3:26pm

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WE WERE ALL IN THE Loft training. Casey, Lily, and I were grabbing at Theo's arms. "Come on. Is this the best you can do?" Theo asked them. "Stop your jabbering and just get out of it. If you can." Lily challenged.

"'If' being the operative word here." Casey added. "You gotta be kidding me. This is child's play. It's not even worth breaking a sweat over." Theo stated. "Knew it. Theo can't get out of it." Lily said. That's when Theo suddenly threw all three of us onto the ground.

"He got out of it." I groaned. "Oh, yeah!" Theo said, dancing in victory. We were at JKP working. Theo came out with pizzas. "Get 'em while they're hot!" Theo said. He tossed the pizzas into the air as they landed on flatboards and he threw them on two tables without breaking a sweat.

"He's amazing." Casey commented. "That's Theo. When he does something, he does it better than anyone." Lily said. I just rolled my eyes. "Guys, make yourself useful." Theo said to us as he grabbed someones check. He took someones check to cash it in.

"I wonder how he does it." Lily stated. "I wonder how he's so good." Casey added. "I wonder if he could teach me." Fran said. "I wonder why you're making such a big deal about it." I told them.

RJ came up behind us. "I wonder if he's the only employee I need." RJ commented. We all turned to him. "A joke. It was a joke." RJ said, chuckling nervously.

That's when our communicators beeped. We all handed our stuff to Fran as we left. We all got on our vines as we left the Loft. We finally raced to downtown where we saw Gakko on one of the buildings. "Up there!" Lily said, pointing to him. "How predictable you are!" Gakko said as he hopped down.

"What a joke!" He added. "Lets Ranger up!" Theo said. Casey, Lily, and I nodded as all four of us got out our glasses. "Ready." Casey said. "Ready!" Theo, Lily, and I replied. "Jungle Beast, Spirit Unleash!" All of yelled as we morphed. Then we did roll call.

"With the Strength of a Tiger — Jungle Fury, Red Ranger!"

"With the Stealth of a Jaguar — Jungle Fury, Blue Ranger!"

"With the Speed of a Cheetah — Jungle Fury, Yellow Ranger!"

"With the Fury of a Dragon — Jungle Fury, Green Ranger!"

We all got out our weapons. "Bring it, kiddies!" Gakko said. We started to fight with him. "With the Spirit of the Tiger — Junglechakus!" Casey shouted. He attacked Gakko but he ended up dodging it. "Come up here, kiddies!" Gakko said as he was on top of a building. "Come and fight on the ground, coward!" Casey shouted.

"What's the matter? Did you lose your roar? You may be able to fight on the ground, Rangers, But on the side of a building, that's where real warriors battle!" Gakko stated. "Fine! I'll come to you!" Casey said as he headed up towards Gakko. But he was immediately kicked back down.

"Casey!" Lily shouted. We rushed over to him. "Are you okay?" Lily asked. "Just a little sore. How can we fight him from up there?" Casey asked. "Now, pay close attention. Geckos have an uncanny ability to stick to anything they walk on." Gakko informed. Theo took out his weapon.

"If you want to fight up there, tell you what — I'll bring it on!" Theo exclaimed. He headed up towards Gakko but before he could make an attack, he was thrown down but managed to hold onto the side of the building.

Gakko threw a star at him as he lost his grip and started falling. "Theo!" Lily shouted. Casey, Lily, and I rushed up to him. "Are you alright?" Lily asked.

"I'm clearly superior. You're lucky, Rangers. Cause us no more problems, or I'll return and show you no mercy. Bye-bye." Gakko informed. "Another day, Gakko!" Casey shouted. "Good try, Theo. You almost got him." Casey told him. "No, he made a fool of me." Theo stated.

"What?" Casey questioned. "Theo!" Lily said. All three of us looked at one another. We were back at JKP. "Hey, what's up with Theo? He ordered that pizza an hour ago and he still hasn't even taken a bite." Lily stated. All three of us walked up to him as Lily sat down.

"What's up, Theo? You want to do something, have some fun, go for a—" Lily started off. "Go... away." Theo told her. Lily said nothing as she got up. Casey tried next. "Hey. You know Lily drives me crazy sometimes always trying to be so peppy. Oh, by the way, can you show me how to spin pies like you were doing before?" Casey asked.

"No." Theo replied. Lily walked up to the table as I followed her. "Snap out of it, T. If RJ finds out you've just been sitting here all day, he could fire you." Lily told him.

"Good. Fire me, please." Theo said. I sighed. "Look, I'm just a new guy here, and I may not have the right to say this, but you lost a fight. We lost a fight. It's not a big thing you can't just fold your tent and go home." Casey said.

"You're right." Theo said. Lily and I smiled. "You don't have any right, and, yeah, I can fold my tent and go home. Just watch me." Theo said as he got up. Lily sat down in his place and I sat down next to Casey.

"That went well." Casey said. We arrived where Gakko was with Rinshi and Camille. "Oh, too bad. Only three. But that'll do." Camille stated. "Get them!" She ordered as she snapped her fingers.

Casey, Lily, and I began fighting the Rinshi. One of the Rinshi flipped me over as I grabbed another ones arm. "When Theo gets here — If Theo gets here, he's gonna have to fight me as well." I informed as I flipped the Rinshi down on the ground.

We continued fighting the Rinshi. I high fived Casey and Lily. "Well done, Rangers." Gakko said as he and Camille stepped up. "That should've tired you nicely. Now for the real battle to begin." Gakko continued. "This is not a good day." Casey stated. Casey, Lily, and I were fighting Gakko.

Lily caught Casey as he was thrown back. Camille came next as we began fighting her. Casey, Lily, and I were thrown to the ground. "I'm getting tired of this." Lily said. "Me too." Casey agreed.

All three of us got up as we got out our glasses. "Jungle Beast, Spirit Unleash." All three of us shouted as we morphed. "Allow me." Gakko said as he began fighting us.

"Catch me if you can, kiddies." Gakko said as he sticked himself to a building. "Come down and fight like a monster." Casey shouted. "You come here." Gakko told us. "And where's the blue kiddie?" He asked.

That's when Theo appeared on the building. "Right here, Gakko!" Theo answered. "I see you need another lesson about fighting on my turf." Gakko informed. Theo and Gakko began fighting. Casey, Lily, and I cheered for him on the ground. Theo fought him as they flew to the ground and finally defeated him.

"You were great, Theo." Lily complimented. "Great isn't the word for it. You were awesome." Casey added. "Thanks guys." Theo said. Gakko suddenly got up and started attacking but Theo dodged every one of them. They began fighting once more.

That's when Gakko suddenly grew big. "Animal spirits, unite as one!" We all yelled as we made our Megazord. "Jungle Pride Megazord!" We shouted. "Give it your best shot, Rangers." Gakko said. Everytime we attacked, we kept missing.

We finally grabbed Gakko by the arm. Theo used his Zord to kick Gakko back. "Spin attack!" We all shouted. We finally destroyed Gakko. We were at JKP as Theo was happily throwing pizza dough. We all watched him. "Looks like he's back to being Theo." Fran said. "Confident..." Lily started off. "Self-assured..." Casey said. "Working." RJ added. Pizza dough fell on Theo's face.

"You forgot "only human."" Theo told us.

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A/N: Two updates in one day? I'm on a roll lmao. Hope you enjoyed!

Word Count: 1418 words.

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