Chapter Nineteen: Dash For The Dagger.

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A/N: Hello, readers. I will have a chapter that I will make that won't follow the episodes. After "Race to the Nexus" So keep on a look out for that. Enjoy!

re-edited on febuary 25th, 2021 @ 6:16pm

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WE WERE ALL IN THE Loft as I was reading a magic book I bought with me just in case my visions returned. Theo was reading a book and Lily was making breakfast with Casey next to her. "Morning." Lily greeted. Casey handed him a glass of orange juice. "Mm! Thanks." Dominic said.

"Last night, I dreamt of Master Mao." Dominic continued. This got Theo's attention as he stopped reading. "Master Mao?" Theo questioned. "What did he say?" Lily asked. "It was more like a memory of the day I left Pai Zhuq. He gave me a control dagger." Dominic replied.

"A what dagger?" Casey asked. I closed the magic book I was reading and walked up to them along with Theo. "A control dagger. It's an ancient blade about yea big. All he said was, "Someday, it'll help guide you on your path."" Dominic answered. "Maybe it's not just a legend. Hmm." RJ suddenly said.

"What's not just a legend?" Dominic asked. "The dagger — It controls the Rhino Nexus. You see, in the jungle of spirits, there's this massive tree, and at the top, the powers of the Rhino. And without the dagger, no one gets through. But if you have the dagger, you're sweet. You go straight in. That's the legend, anyway." RJ explained.

"And I possess the spirit of the Rhino, so unlocking the powers of the Rhino is my destiny." Dominic said. "So... where is the dagger?" Theo asked. "Oh, don't worry, I keep it in a very, very safe place. I'll be back." Dominic replied.

"Maybe I'll just go with you." Theo said. We arrived to a scene where Whirnado was causing trouble. "Huh? One, two, three, four! Where are the other Rangers?!" Whirnado asked. "Four is enough against you!" Lily exclaimed.

"Ha! I'll destroy you first, then I'll find your friends!" Whirnado said as we began fighting him. Suddenly, Camille joined the fight as I began fighting her. "Your time is up, Ranger! We have the control dagger!" Camille exclaimed.

"If you had it, you'd be at the Nexus." I said. "Dai Shi is on his way now." Camille informed. "Liar! The dagger is safe and sound." I stated. "Safe and sound with one of your buddies. Thanks for the tip!" Camille said.

She attacked me as I fell to the ground and she disappeared. We contined fighting Whirnado. "I can't believe my eyes! I'm about to beat the Rangers!" Whirnado exclaimed. We kept falling to the ground.

"Come on! Is that all you got?! My feathers aren't even ruffled!" Whirnado said. "We aren't getting anywhere with this dude." Casey informed. "I've been thinking about how this guy fights, and I have an idea." Lily said.

"Do tell." RJ told her. "We can't keep attacking one at a time." Lily said. "Yeah. We've got to join our power." RJ agreed. "Yeah. There's no way he can handle all of us at once." Casey added. "They get up, and I knock them back down!" Whirnado exclaimed.

"Jungle Master Mode!" Casey shouted as he, Lily and I got into Jungle Master Mode. "Wolf beam!" RJ shouted as he attacked Whirnado. Lily went next, then Casey, and then finally me. "Powers unite!" We all shouted as we all attacked at once. "And now it's goodbye." RJ said as Whirnado was finally destroyed.

That was until he grew big. "We need the Megazord!" Casey exclaimed. "Without Theo?" I asked. "Let's see what I can whip up." RJ stated. RJ got into the Wolf Pride Megazord. He began fighting Whirnado. Theo suddenly came in. "Yeah, Theo!" Casey cheered. "I'm on it, guys." Theo said. "Let's put them together!" RJ exclaimed.

We ended up creating the Jungle Master Megazord. We began fighting Whirnado. "Spin fury, launch!" RJ shouted as he attacked Whirnado. "I'm out of here!" Whirnado said. We combined with the Bat Zord as we finally destroyed Whirnado.

We arrived back at the Loft. "Dom?" Theo shouted. "He must have run into trouble. Come on!" Theo said. We followed him out. RJ stopped Camille from getting the dagger. "Don't worry, guys! I still have it safe and sound. I'll let you know if I need help." Dominic informed.

"Oh, yeah? You would have lost it if we hadn't shown up!" Casey said. "And thank you very much. But I've got everything under control." Dominic stated as Camille grabbed the control dagger from his hand. "Why didn't you just gift wrap it for me, Rhino Ranger?" Camille asked. She then disappeared.

We saw an egg appear from the ground. "What is that?" Casey asked. The egg then turned into another Whirnado. "Hello, Rangers!" The chick said. "That's not Whirnado. That's a chick!" Lily exclaimed. "I'm more powerful! I have new weapons, too. Want to see them, or are you chicken?" The Whirnado copycat said as he puffed up his wings and headed for us.

We began fighting him. All of us began roll call.

"With the Strength of a Tiger—"

"With the Speed of a Cheetah—"

"With the Stealth of a Jaguar—"

"With the Fury of a Dragon—"

"With the Courage of a Wolf—"

"With the Power of a Rhino—"

"Six animal spirits, unite as one! Power Rangers Jungle Fury!" We all shouted. All of us began attacking the Whirnado copycat once more. "Firing jets!" We all yelled.

"Rhino Morpher, Super Blade Attack!" Dominic shouted. The Whirnado copycat was finally destroyed. That is until he grew big. "We'll take it from here." Casey told Dominic. We made our Jungle Master Megazord. We began fighting the Whirnado copycat.

"You Rangers get slower when you get bigger, but I get faster and smarter." The Whirnado copycat said. "Jungle Master Fury Fist!" We all shouted. We finally destroyed the Whirnado copycat.

We were all back at the Loft. "Dom, wait. I kind of wanted to say sorry, you know, for coming down on you so hard. If Theo and lose a dagger, I guess anyone can." Casey said. "There's only one reason to have the control dagger—" RJ started to say. "To get the Rhino power." Theo finished. "And you get that from the Rhino Nexus." Lily finished. RJ sighed.

"Don't get too comfortable. Looks like we're going on a field trip." RJ said.

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A/N: There you go. Hope you enjoyed!

Word Count: 1100 words.

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