Meeting The Head Boy (edited)

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Hermione's pov

We waited for the Hogwarts express,which was running five minutes late(though in very rare cases).

I was talking to Ginny when a certain blonde caught my eye. Draco Malfoy, the bully. He had dark circles under his eyes and his skin looked paler than usual. Sleep deprived, I thought. I wonder why—

Oh snap out of it Hermione. This is none of your business.

But really, people do change over the course of time. Take me for example.
I am still the same nerd back then but physically, I have to admit I have changed. My hair falls in smooth brown curls on my back, my skin is flawless and I guess I was a little taller.

My train of thoughts were broken when I saw the Hogwarts Express arriving. Everyone jumped aboard and we found an empty compartment.

I took my usual seat near the window with my book in my hand. Damn! I can't stop myself from reading. Guess some things never change. 

As I turned the pages, the others took sweets from the Trolley Witch. Oh God. My parents would have a heart attack just looking at their teeth.

I was halfway through my book when the compartment door slid open. I didn't pay any notice but nearly jumped when the person called me by my last name and I was very familiar with the person that voice belonged to—the certain someone.

"Granger."Malfoy called.

"What?"I snapped,clearly not in the mood of talking.

"Professor McGonagall wants to see us."He said and walked off.

I kept my book down and moved towards the last compartment,which is where the professor was.

I knocked and the professor looked up and asked me to come in.Malfoy was already there.

"Sit down both of you."She said.
"Now.As you know that you both are the heads for the year—"

I glared at Malfoy who appeared undisturbed.

"—and you have your duties. You both will get your routine when we reach school and you have got the authority to deduct points. You must work as a pair and be a role model for the other students. Any questions?"

I simply shrugged.

"Now you both move to the first compartment where the prefects will be and you have to give the call for changing into robes to the students aboard. You are dismissed."

I quickly walked to my compartment and packed up my things and told everything to my best friends. They gave me a sympathetic look.

I left the compartment to tell everyone to change, pitying myself the whole time.

"Great beginning." I muttered.

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