My Breathtaking Surprise (edited)

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Hermione's p.o.v

When I came back from lunch today, I saw a note sitting on my bedside table. I set myself on the bed and read the note.

Please don't freak out when you see your suprise at the quidditch grounds and please don't come running after, hitting me. I wrote this note so that You are mentally prepared at 4 to face one of your fears.


The note did creep me out a little, not gonna lie. One of my fears? What did he mean by that?

I checked the time on my watch and realised it was two-thirty. Since I had a lot of time until my suprise, I picked up a novel that I was halfway through reading. It was a cute story with the female and male lead fighting really, really hard for their love.

I didn't realise when I fell asleep. I was woken up by an owl pecking at my window which I remembered distinctly was Draco's.

Where are you? Looks like Miss Perfect is running late today..


I checked time then on to watch and cursed.

"Merlin's beard, I'm late!"

I ran all the way to the Quidditch ground, tying my hair up in the process and hoping to look at least presentable and not half-asleep.

I saw Draco tapping his foot impatiently, waiting for me. When he saw me, he sighed in relief.


"Sorry, I am a bit late—"

"A bit?" He said with mock anger. "You made me, a Malfoy wait for half an hour."

"Please, you don't have to be dramatic."

"Well, I knew you'd forget," He grinned.

I laughed and asked, "Where's the suprise?"

"Look down," He smirked.

I looked down and saw a broom.

"A broom?"

Then it hit me. I was afraid of heights.

"Oh no Malfoy. You are not going make me fly, are you?"

"Of course I am going to. That's what the suprise is all about."

"No," I violently shook my head, "I am not going to fly."

"You'll be fine, 'mione," he rolled his eyes at my dramatic ass, "I'm here."

I had to admit that my heart did a somersault when he called me 'mione.

He picked up the broom and made me sit in the front while he sat behind me.

"Hold me tight, will you?" I said, shivering slightly.

His arms brushed by my side and he had a firm grip on my hands which were clasped to the front part of the broom.


I nodded and he kicked from the ground.

At first, I closed my eyes tightly but then I soon opened them. An amazing view of the Black Lake and the forest lay before my eyes. I gasped at the scene, amazed.

I had forgotten my fears for a while.
We slowly descended and I took a deep breath when my feet touched the ground. Draco slowly removed his hand and I felt a gush of wind on my hands which became cold at the loss of warmth.

"That was beautiful," We gasped together and looked into each other's eyes. I looked away, smiling and blushing. His eyes were still on me.

"Draco?" I asked meeting his eyes again.


"Thank you. It was magical."

"Anytime. Because that makes you happy."

I hugged him. At first, he was taken aback but then responded by putting his hands on my waist. I sighed internally at just how good it felt to be in his arms. I let go soon and we both blushed.

We sat on the soft grass, enjoying the view of the sun setting in the comfort of each other's company.

ROYALTY (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now