The Common Room (edited)

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"Gotcha!" Draco laughed, slinging his arm over my shoulder and stopping me from running any further.

"No!" I whined, not liking the idea that I lost a challenge I proposed.


"Ugh, screw it. Let's go to the common room now, I am so sleepy." I said, yawning for exaggerated effect.

"Right."He said, giving me a grin that made me swoon internally.

We are just friends, nothing more than that.

I snapped out of my thoughts. Sighing, I started walking towards the common room with Draco following my trail. We hadn't seen it before, considering the fact that the law came into effect just that afternoon. Our partners were yet to be chosen though.

Seeing the picture which hung on the door of our dorm made my heart sink.

"Fred," I whispered, trying to hold back tears. No, I wasn't going to cry. I had to be strong.

"Relax, Hermione," he said, his stupid grin plastered on his face that made me want to hug him but I couldn't. "I'm still here, though being a talking painting isn't the best of ideas."

That made me chuckle lightly. He was still the jokester, determined to cheer me up despite knowing he would never physically be there.

His eyes fixed themselves on Malfoy and he gave him a small nod.

"Hello, Malfoy."

"Hi," He replied coolly, showing that he meant no harm to anyone. It was pretty obvious though, everyone knew that we had reached a truce and word spreads fast at Hogwarts.


"Unity," I said confidently.

The door swung open and before my eyes lay the most beautiful common room I had ever seen.

The room had pale pink walls and a starry ceiling just like the Great Hall.
In the middle of the room, there were huge portraits of Draco and I, entitled head boy and head girl. Sea blue curtains hid the portraits, though Draco and I came to an silent agreement that these curtains will always be open. It looked beautiful that way.

The elegance of the room was completed by modern furniture including a sofa, black and white rug, a coffee table and bean bags. I noticed there was even a library in the corner of the room, making me squeal internally. The room was beyond what I had expected.

"Beautiful," I managed to say at the same time Draco said, "breathtaking."

Taking the stairs to our rooms, we came across wooden oak doors adjacent to each other with our names engraved in gold on the name plate.

I walked in to my room and saw that the room walls had the lightest shade of red and a queen-sized bed in the middle. The wall above the bed was gold in colour and had the pictures of my best moments at Hogwarts with my picture the largest among them. There was a walk-in closet as well which had my clothes and some of the current trends. The french windows offered the view of the most beautiful landscape-The lake and the natural beauty of Hogwarts.

"Damn, I can spend my life forever in here." I gasped.

"Yeah, that's true."

I turned and saw Draco leaning on the door.

"We have to share bathroom,though"
He said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"That's fine."

It was already late so we bid each other good night and went into our respective rooms, catching up on sleep for a new day tomorrow.

ROYALTY (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now