Keeping Her Away (heavily edited)

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Hermione's p.o.v

I sighed for the upteenth time that day. What on earth was wrong with Ginny? She had been on my heels the entire day!

Just as I walked out of my Charms class, Ginny pulled me aside.

"Let's have lunch in your dorm today." she said.

"Why?" I furrowed my brows, confused.

"Well," she dragged the word, eyes darting around as she tried to speak.

"Well what?" I crossed my arms.

"The elves prepared lunch for you specially because you helped them a lot last year." She said finally.

"Oh?" My mouth parted, "why did they only prepare mine? Why not - "

I looked over her shoulder and saw Draco sneaking into the Great Hall.

"Why not Draco's?" I asked, loud enough for him to hear. I wanted to know why they weren't allowing me inside the hall.

Ginny shot a deadly glare at the blonde who shuddered.

"Come here, Draco." I called out. He muttered a curse under his breath before plastering a smile on his face, trying to seem innocent.

But bloody hell, I wasn't blind. There was definitely something they were cooking up and I wanted to know what.

"Sorry, Hermione, I've got something to do," He said, backing away. "Prof Sprout's called me."

He took off immediately and I frowned.

"He doesn't even take his class," I told Ginny who's eyes widened. "what the hell is going on?"

Of course Draco lied. I knew his timetable. He had no classes today.

"Nothing," Ginny said, sighing irritably. "now go."

She pushed me in the direction of my dorm and made sure I was walking in that direction.

The gears in my brain were churning with scenarios. There was definitely something that they were not telling me and I was about to find out what.


At midnight, I sneaked out of the dorm and towards the Great Hall. I was dying to know what was up.

"Just why are you so stubborn?" A voice suddenly spoke before I opened the door to the hall and I jumped.

Before I could scream, a warm hand clamped over my mouth and I was pinned to the nearest wall.

I kicked and my attacker let out a hiss in pain.

"Geez, Hermione it's me," I recognised Draco's voice.

I removed his hand from my mouth and glared.

"Maybe next time you shouldn't sneak up onto me like that." I said angrily.

"You should have listened to us then," Draco said coolly, "Ginevra Weasley nearly broke off my arm today because of the trouble you caused."

"Trouble? Me? I'm not dumb, Draco," I said, running a hand through my hair in frustration, "tell me what's going on."

"Nothing great, the hall's being repaired so you shouldn't go in for your safety. You're clumsy and I don't want you to get hurt."

"We live in a magical society, Malfoy," I scoffed, "dont try to fool me into believing your story."

"Well, believe what you want but for now, we're going back to our dorm."
He said.






"God, Granger you're going to be the death of me." He sighed and swooped me up in his arms before I had the chance to react.

"Hey! Let me down!" I exclaimed.

"No can do, woman."

We bickered all the way back to the dorm. When we reached, Draco put me on my bed gently and I was about to retort but he sneaked into the covers beside me.

A fiery red coated my cheeks.

"Why are you sleeping here?" I asked, trying to keep my voice stable.

"Because you'll sneak out again once I go back," he yawned, seemingly oblivious of the effect he has on me, "so I'm crashing here tonight."

This brat.

"But - "

"Goodnight, Hermione," he whispered and wrapped his arms around my waist, his face resting on the crook of my neck.

I was definitely not sneaking out.

"I hate you so much, Malfoy." I mumbled before my eyes fluttered shut.

"I know," I could hear the smile in his voice.

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