She looks so beautiful in white

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"Gin! Can you please complete my hair before daydreaming?!" Hermionr cried while Ginny snapped back in attention
"Yeah.Sorry" she apologized and continued.
Hermione looked extremely fabulous in her dress which she had matched with white stilettos and a silver hair loom.
"My Hermione! You look so good!!" Ginny exclaimed.
"Thanks. But put a non-tear charm on my face. Who knows when I will break down." Hermione laughed.
Ginny did so and then led her out.
Ronald(yes Ron!) Was helping Draco along side Blaise to get him ready.
Draco looked drool-worthy. White shirt,black trousers and a black blazer with a single white rose in the breast pocket.
"So Malfoy. There you go. " Blaise clapped him on his back.
"Be sure Malfoy. If Hermione gets hurt then it's you at the blame. And I won't hesitate to hex you at that very moment." Ron threatened.
"Don't scare me on my wedding day!" Draco sarcastically commented.
Ron rolled his eyes. They made their way towards the seats while Draco walked towards the small podium where he and Hermione would be tied into an eternal bond of love.
Hermione walked towards the aisle where Harry was waiting. Since Hermione's parents are not going to be there, Hermione had asked harry to walk her down the aisle because he was a brother to her along side her best friend. Someone she trusted with her life.
"Ready?" He asked.
"Yeah." She replied.
They started walking towards the small podium Hermione clutching at Harry's arm and walking with small steps.
When Hermione came into view,Draco gaped. She was and will be the most beautiful women he has ever seen.
And vice versa. Hermione gave a weak smile while Draco smiled encouragingly.
Harry handed over Hermione to Draco.
They faced each other and gazed deeply into each other's eyes.
"Do you take Hermione Jean Granger–" Hermione had slightly coughed.
"as your lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do" Draco smiled. The audience cheers.
"And do you take Draco Lucius Malfoy as your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do" now Hermione smiled. More cheer from the audience.
"I pronounce you as husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."
And that's where, ladies and gentlemen, a new chapter in the couple's love story starts.
All the audience cheers when they both kiss.
Hermione's bouquet had landed in Ginny's hand which meant she would have her wedding next.
All the guests had almost departed after the reception.
With the exception of McGonagall and Ginny.
Harry was congratulating the new couple.
Ginny whispered to the professor,"who knew,two former and the biggest enemies would be the first one to marry?"
McGonagall nodded in agreement.
"They are the first ones who have encouraged house unity. And not a simple one. But house unity between the two houses which have despised each other since the beginning of time— Slytherin and Gryffindor."
Well,that's true. But they are made for each other. Each other's prince and princess.

Sorry for the short chapter. But trust me,new adventures start from now.
Let me give you a spoiler
Hermione and Draco would have to save their love. And,........

Patience is the key, readers. Sorry!

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