"I'll personally do the honour"

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Rigorous training was on. Some Aurors had come today to give her some extra training in Dark spells.
Hermione was practicing the patronus charm so that she could send an SOS instantly if she had to.
Lately,she had mastered the art of non-verbal spells.
She could perform almost every charm non-verbally.
She was sitting on the soft grass chatting with Ginny. Ginny had gone to harry after he complained that James (their son) wanted food and he didn't know anything about it.
She sat there,gazing in the sky which was almost dark blue.
"The stars look lovely, don't they?" Someone sat beside her.
"Oh hi Mel" Hermione greeted.
Melissa was the senior most Auror and had personally come to give her training.
She and Hermione had instantly become friends and Hermione enjoyed her company.
"They're good aren't they?" She asked.
Mel sighed. "I don't get time to even look at them. So many crimes take place every hour.  But I like my job" she answered.
"So you are—" Hermione started but got cut off when Mel's sight dropped to a suspicious object lying near Hermione's right leg. She picked it up and saw the object.
"Eavesdropping ear" Hermione said.
"Someone's been listening to our conversations." She then saw a camouflaging thread attached to it. They looked at each other and nodded.
Then they sprinted off in the direction of that thread.

"Hermione sorry to keep—" Ginny had come back to her friend and she saw noone.
"You waiting." She finished, sighing.
"I don't think I can lately understand her. " She looked around and heard a shout.
"Ginny come back!" Harry shouted.
She raced there.

Mel and Hermione tip-toed and silently made their way. Suddenly, a man,out of nowhere,ran in the other direction. The women ran behind him.
"Stupefy!" Hermione yelled but the stranger dodged it.
He shot a non-verbal spell towards Hermione. But Mel blocked it.
Soon the two were out of breath and they lost track of the person. He must have crossed the boundaries for they heard a 'pop' sound indicating,he apparated.
"Shoot. We lost him." Hermione kicked a tree.
"Yeah and we couldn't even see his face. I think he heard us nearing him." Mel gazed in the path ahead of them.
"But I wonder,why was that person eavesdropping us?" Mel thought.
"Perhaps to know our plans?" Hermione suggested.
"We are smart enough to not let our plans leak. After all,even walls have ears." Mel rejected her idea.
"Then what?" She asked.
"Perhaps a small detail,that's right in front of us is what we're missing. But what?" Now Mel kicked the tree.

Stranger's p.o.v.

Phew. That was close.
But I got what I needed. Those people are so stupid that they didn't even realise that I was hiding right among them and I completed my job so easily.
Time to tell Master. He knocked on the door.
"Come in." The cold voice said.
"Master. Two weeks are over and i have everything you need." The servant said.
"Tell me first about the surroundings."
"Slightly weak security, but Aurors patrol the whole area."
"The corridors?"
"The teachers patrol the corridors in the night. But the corridors are bustling with activity in the morning so no one is patrolling the corridors."
"The rooms especially near the room where the Mudblood is."
"No one but the senior most Auror, Melissa Williams and the Mudblood sometimes are awake in the night,patrolling the corridor near the dorms."
"Meaning they take turns. Each night one of them is awake and in the weekend,both patrol together."
"Anyone else with them?"
"Anyone aware that the Mudblood is on the mission with the Aurors?"
"No,except McGonagall. In fact,the students don't even know that Aurors are present there. Those people have hidden themselves very nicely."
"Ok. And who's the Mudblood's partner?"
That's the worst part. The servant thought.
"Well.. it's the son of..um..." He stammered.
"Stop stammering and tell me!" The master ordered.
"Yes-yes master. It's the son of Lucius Malfoy." He finished quickly.
The master stood up in anger.
"Draco Malfoy." He said,venom dripping in his voice.
"They have a son called Scorpius Malfoy." He added.
"Never mind. I will make sure that the  Mudblood sees her husband and her son die in front of her eyes. That family will die first and I'll personally do that honour." The master laughed evilly.

And there,at Hogwarts, Hermione felt something bad's going to happen. Something really,very bad.

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