The unsuccessful wedding plans.

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Hermione and Draco were sitting in the common room of their dorm and planning their wedding. Hermione had sighed since she had to put down her studies for that thing. the N.E.W.T.s are approaching and Hermione was halfway done with revising the third time. Draco had muttered 'typical granger'. Hermione heard that and she mocked him in the same tone by saying 'nevertheless Malfoy'


''oh malfoy. WE ARE DEFINITELY INVITING RON IN THIS WEDDING.'' Hermione threw daggers at him.
"Fine.Thats your point." He shrugged.
"Now..about the flowers" she said, striking the last name on the guest list
"Roses" Draco said.
"Lilies"Hermione said.
Both at the same time. Great.
"Draco atleast agree with me on something!" Hermione said, clearly frustrated with him now
"No,the last point was yours. Even the second last one. I agreed for a winter theme and I agreed for—"
"Then agree on this too."Hermione cut him off.
"No! Why should I ?" He said, slamming his hands on the table.
"You have to because lilies are better ok?!" Hermione did the same.
Ginny came in at that moment and found them..with their wands pointing at each other's throats.
"WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?!" Ginny cried.
They dropped their wands but did not stop glaring.
"Can anyone tell me? Hello?" Ginny asked
"Ask him/her" both said at the same time
"Hm?" Ginny cocked her eyebrows and crossed her arms over her chest.
"We were planning our wedding and he.." Hermione started.
"You are getting married?!" Ginny exclaimed but shut up when she saw their faces.
"She did not agree with me on anything." Draco finished Hermione's sentence.
"Me?!it was you!" Hermione yelled.
"No it was. You!" Draco yelled back.
"Both of you shut it!" Ginny yelled, surprisingly much higher than them making both of them shut up.
"Ok. Now tell me what's wrong. One at a time." Ginny stated
"Ok I'll start. We were planning our wedding and came for the flowers. He said roses while I said lilies. Now you tell me what's better." Hermione scoffed.
"For me,roses look romantic and compliment the winter theme decoration." Draco said.
"But lilies look better."
"Ok. Draco wins this round. Roses will look better." Ginny stated
"And now. Do not fight. Consult a specialist for wedding plans." She wore a smug smile.
"Who?"both asked.
"Me,dumbheads."the fiery haired girl said.
"Ok" both gave in.
"I came here for a favour." She continued.
"Mione.i want you to be my maid of honour."
"I'd love to! Thanks Ginny." The brown-eyed girl hugged her.
"Wedding is on the 17th this month." She said before walking out
"Ok. Now let's forget everything that happened." Hermione said,a moment later.
"So you accept your fault?" He smirked.
"What? I never said anything like that— Come back here Draco! You moron,jerk,prick and arrogant bastard!" Hermione yelled when Draco ran from the room after making all the papers fly in the air, leaving Hermione throwing curses and fuming after him.

Note: the marriage law year has been extended from one to two.
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