Oh that's a Yes!

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Hermione's p.o.v.
I woke up a little late. I don't know how but it was already Sunday.
I stripped off my clothes and stepped in the shower letting the water pour on me. After 10 minutes,I stepped out and put on a grey off-shoulder and long sleeved crop top and paired it with blue jeans. I left my hair open.
I walked out of my room to see if Draco was awake or not. But I found a note on his door.
Go in my room and open the drawer on the right of my closet.
I went in his room,confused. He wasn't there and his bed was made.
I opened the drawer and found that it was filled with sheets of paper. But I found a note with my name.
I read it.
Now go straight out from here, 16 steps and there would be another note.
I measured my steps and found myself at the potrait door. I looked for a note and found it on the edge.
Go to Gryffindor tower and say 'happiness' to whoever you find in there
That's all it said.
I went inside the tower.
I looked for someone in that room. I noticed Ginny sitting by the fire.
"Hi" she said.
"Looking for something?" She asked
But what connection would Ginny have with Draco's note? Should I ask her about it? No. She might think I am stupid.
"Happiness" I blurted out without thinking.
We stared at each other for some moments. She then finally smiled and got up. She took a book from the piles of some other books above the fireplace and opened a random page.
She read it,atleast I thought she did.
She took a page and handed it to me.
"Go" she ordered.
I obeyed and until I wasn't out,I didn't read it.
Great going love.Now go to Hagrid's hut.
I was getting frustrated at this little game he was playing. Is it the answer to my challenge?
If yes then he is losing because neither I am happy nor i am crying tears of joy.
As if he knew I would get frustrated,his next note said,
Sorry baby but this is the last note.
Go straight from here and there will be arrows marked in a certain direction.
What you have to do is simply go in the opposite direction of the way the arrow will be pointing. You'll find something there.
I walked straight and I saw an arrow. It was pointing in the direction I came from.
I went straight.
This way,I stopped at all the indicators figuring out which direction to go in.
Curiosity was killing me now. I picked up my pace and I reached a dead end.
The only thing I found there was an old,rusty wooden door.
It was so old that it blended and it was really difficult to see if you don't look closely.
I searched for some clue. I stepped on something
I picked it up and saw that it was an envelope. I read the note it carried.
Now you are just a step close but yet a step behind
Figure this out. What is a key to do with a heart and a door?
I tried to make sense of the last sentence.
Then it clicks. He gave me the answer in the question itself.
A key. I had to search for a key to the door.
I searched everywhere. I looked for something unusual.
Then I noticed that there was a door mat below.
I looked underneath it. There,I found a key. Not a ordinary one but a heart-shaped one,bordered with small diamond-like glowing crystals.
A note was attached to it.
You now hold the key to my heart.
I slid the key in the hole and it clicked.
It opened with a creaking sound.
I stepped in the darkness.
I searched for a light switch. I found it and I switched the lights on.
I gasped at the sight before me.
Red heart balloons are all over the floor,there was a big heart in the central wall and only pictures of mine covered the walls
The room was beautifully lighted because of the glow coming from the crystal Chandelier above. The scene was perfect for a...
"Like what you see ?" A voice asked.
I spun around and saw Draco. He was wearing a white shirt and a black blazer with black trousers.
He looked really dashing
"Its..its beautiful!" I gasped in awe.
"Not more than you" he chuckled.
I giggled and he took my hand.
"Can I have this dance,my lady?" He asked
"Of course!" I said and slid my hand in his.
We danced for a while and then ate.
I felt like I was complete now but again something was missing.
"Draco?" I asked,stroking his hair as he lay on my lap.
"Hmm?" He said
"Don't you think something is missing?"
"What is it?"
"I really don't know"
"You'll figure that out soon."
"You know what is missing?!"
"To be honest,yeah"he said,getting up on his feet.
''then what it is?'' ''you really wanna know?''


''ok then.close your eyes''

''no more suprises please''i groaned.

''last one,trust me''


i closed my eyes and waaited. one minute,two minutes....


no response

''i am opening my eyes''

no response

i slowly opened my eyes and saw no one. but then i gasped because there,on one knee was none other than DRACO MALFOY.

my hand flew to my mouth when he started to speak.

''i was brought up in a family that believed in blood line. i was pampered and spoilt.i behaved badly with anyone other than a pure blood.i teased them mercilessly. i made many wrong choices and the year i realised that i had been a douchbag,i found myself surrounded by darkness and no one to help me. until you came along that day i met you in the starting of this year. you showed me light even though i had been horrible to you. i may have not realised from the third year but this year,i truly fell head over heels for you. and i want you to make me happy everytime i see you. so,will you marry me?'' he asked producing a velvet box from his pocket and revealing a beautiful diamond ring,surrounded by small emeralds.

i realised that tears had already begun to form in my eyes. i managed to say,''yes''

he grinned and slid the ring on my finger.''perfect fit. i knew you would say yes. doesnt really matter beause you cant say no'' he laughed.
"And by the way,I completed your task, haven't I?"
'' yeah but would you still be happy if i said no?'' i asked.

his expression softened and he said,''you would be forced to stay with me. you cant be happy.i wouldnt have been happy if you would have said no but i wouldnt show it. after all how can a person stay happy with a monster like me? i hadnt actually expected you to stay yes but its the bitter truth. i would face--''

'' just shut up. i love you you know that and i will continue loving you. dont make me regret my decision by saying things like this ok?'' i said,putting my finger on his lips.

''never,my cupcake'' he smiled and his lips devoured mine,claiming me.

that was my longest chapter! 1135 words! vote and comment please

Thank you guys!! I reached 1.03K reads!
I love you all!
By the way,my exams are going on so I won't be able to update until the 18th.
But don't worry! I will update 2 chapters atleast that week to compensate

Love you all!

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