An Unexpected Visit ( heavily edited)

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Draco's p.o.v.
As much as I love Hermione, the woman had spoiled my mood. 

It was a quarter past nine and she wasn't there yet. 

"Sorry," She huffed just as the dorm room swung open, "I was caught up with work."

"I'll scold you later, now here go dress up," I said, handing her a garment bag with a dress that Pansy had picked out for her. 

I was pleasantly surprised when Pansy said she no longer harboured bad feelings for the Gryffindors. 

"Why - "

"Hush, go!" I ushered her into her room. 

While she got ready, I sat down and thought about how nothing should go wrong tonight. It was her birthday eve and I really wanted to make a good impression. 

My foot wouldn't stop shaking from nervousness. 

After waiting for an hour and a half, I heard the bedroom door open. 

"Finally - oh my god," I started to roll my eyes at her tardiness but they widened in shock instead. 

There stood the woman of my dreams dressed in a silver knee-length dress with intricate black patterns decorating the hem. Her hair was curled into an elegant half up-do and she had minimal makeup on. 

"How do I look?" She asked, her voice shy and soft. 

"Breathtaking," was all I could say.

Pick your goddamn jaw up from the floor, Draco. 

I cleared my throat. 

"Let's go?" I asked, holding out a hand to her. 

She blushed beautifully. 

"Yeah," she said and took my hand. 


"Here we are," I said, suddenly nervous. 

I pushed the door open at exactly 11.30 p.m. and gently led Hermione inside the dark hall. 

"What's going on - ahhh!" She started to say but our ears started ringing from the party crackers that burst. 

"Surprise!" Everyone said in unison and the lights flooded the room, putting me at ease to see everything the way I knew Hermione would love.

"Oh My God!" She gasped, covering her mouth. I could see the tears forming in her eyes and I chuckled. 

"Do you like it?" I asked her. She immediately turned to me and gave me the biggest, warmest hug. 

"Like it? I freaking love it!" She said excitedly. 

I pressed a chaste kiss on the top of her head, my insides turning all mushy from her reaction. 

"Let's have fun."

All of Hermione's favourite songs played in the background and we had fun dancing, playing games and teasing each other to no end. Everyone was having a great time together and it made me happy to see the most important person in my life was having a great time too. 

When the clock struck twelve, everyone dived in with their wishes and Hermione almost cried, overwhelmed from all the love and care she was being showered with. Well, she deserved it. Everyone deserved love and care. 

She used the knife to cut the beautiful cake someone baked for her (I forgot who, but I would definitely thank them later for it). She gave everyone a piece of the cake, though she fed some to her best friends and me, sending me over the moon. 

"Happy birthday," I said mischievously and splattered some cream across her cheek. 

"Hey!" She cutely protested, using a tissue to wipe it off. 

Suddenly the doors flew open and in came a tall guy, fit and handsome. He had a cheesy smile on his face, his hair slightly messy but it really looked cool. 

"'Mione," He said and I felt jealousy bubble in the pits of my stomach. 

Who was this guy and how did he know my girl?

"Marcus," Hermione whispered, "how - "

I snapped my head towards her so fast, that it could've broke. She let go of my hand in hers and ran towards the guy, engulfing him in the same kind of hug she had given me half an hour ago. 

"I missed you so much, sweetheart," He said and I felt like choking him. 

What Hermione said next broke my heart into pieces though. 

"I missed you too."

I saw Harry, Ronald and Ginevra give me unsettling and worried looks but I paid no attention to them. I couldn't bear the sight of the only woman I had truly loved in the arms of another man, smiling like she should be smiling at me. 

So I did the only thing I could do. 

I walked out. 

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