Shock and tears

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Hermione's p.o.v.
It's already an hour. My mind was racing,my heart was beating.
Mel had gone ahead and asked me to wait.
Since I didn't have anything to do,my thoughts moved to two letters. One by my parents I had received some minutes before I left. The other I didn't see. I hadn't read any,so I took my parents letter out.
The same paper,the same ribbon. Of course my parents sent it.
Dear Hermione,
It's high time to tell you something not even your parents knew.
We thought that it would be better to let you know when you come back to Albania,after completing your year at Hogwarts.
We know it is going to be tough. But sweetheart that's the only option you've got and the only option we have got. My princess, you are our sole heiress. The sole heiress to the kingdom we've been ruling. (not exactly a kingdom, but.. I hope you understand)
Anyway. Let me get straight to the point without beating around in the bush.
You have to return home but alone. We will choose your husband for your life.
Sorry dear but we have a promise which we need to keep. We don't know who your partner is but definitely we don't approve of him.
You will not choose on your own will.
Do not dare to go against us.
Your father.

Third person's p.o.v.
Hermione had tears in her eyes. Her father wanted her to leave Draco. Two years were almost complete. She had less than 4 months now.
4 months but not truly with him. She wished she had never taken up that responsibility. But then—
"Hermione!" A voice whispered.
She turned and saw Mel crouching next to her.
"Probably I know where the place is." She said and Hermione immediately understood.
She was not able to read the second letter. Little did she know,it was from her own son.

Quietly,we tip-toed in a black tunnel.
Probably underground, Hermione thought.
"It is underground." Mel said, voicing her thoughts.
They went in. The tunnel was dark and damp. A small torchlight was gleaming in the distance. That indicated someone has just been in.
"Stop." Mel said.
She was staring at a pile of dry sand. on the ground. Since the tunnel was damp,a pile of dry sand was out of place. Hence, suspicions.
She kneeled cleared it off.
A round,black opening,perhaps a manhole was hidden.
"But this means—" Hermione started,shocked.
"Yes. The dry sand indicates someone is still down there and has just went in." Mel finished, straightening.

Hey guys!! Thanks for your comments on my story! I am so happy that you are enjoying.
Ok. Now I apologise for making you wait so long. But I have a two week vacation!! Plenty of time to update,right?. Wrong.
The problem is that although I know the plot of my story well but I am having trouble in connecting one part to another,as in one incident to another.
But please,show a little more patience. The next part will be interestimg, because it will involve duelling and some truth.
Anyways! Please vote and comment!

Love, Silver_Green776

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