Secret Revealed (majorly edited)

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Hermione's p.o.v

Draco and I headed towards the great hall for breakfast, bickering like we always did.

After what had happened earlier, it seemed my senses were even sharper. As we walked, I noticed students giving me weird looks and I frowned, confused. They were whispering amongst themselves, pointing at the Daily Prophet and then at me.

Just what was going on?

Draco seemed to have noticed but he didn't say anything. Instead, he gave me a small smile and a thumbs up as we parted for our respective tables in the hall.

As I walked towards my table, the whispers became even louder. Suddenly, Ginny grabbed my hand and led me outside. I did not protest, hell I was curious about what was going on.

"What is this?" She shoved the newspaper in my hands and crossed her arms across her chest.

I read the article on the front page and paled instantly.

The lost daughter of Abbott's found.
It is strongly believed that the lost daughter of the sacred pureblood family, the Abbotts was reunited with her family on the 28th of August.
The girl, who looks eerily similar to the Golden trio's brains, Hermione Granger and her new family were unavailable for a comment.
Our reporters tried reaching Ms. Granger for her statement regarding the similarity but were refused to pass inside the school grounds where she is currently studying.

I sighed. Didn't the media have anything better to do than snooping into people's life? Clearly, the Abbotts wanted to stay low.

I could clarify for everyone else but what about the redhead in front of me? She looked like she was holding a dagger against my neck, forcing me to tell her the truth.

"So?" She asked and I gulped. "It's you, isn't it?"

"No?" I said but it came out like a question. Blame her ferocious glare that made me nervous.

"Hermione." She warned.

"Alright, fine," I sighed in defeat. "Apparently, my parents thought it was a good idea to keep me away from danger by giving me to my muggle parents. This was when Hannah, my twin and I were born. The Abbots had big enemies and my family couldn't afford having two weaknesses. But after Hannah died in the war, my parents asked me to come back."

"Weren't you angry?" Ginny asked.

"Of course I was. I refused to go back to them but I changed my mind soon because, I don't know. They're my biological parents after all. Besides, my muggle parents had forgotten me anyway."

It had hurt in the beginning but saying this out loud no longer pinched. I was finally coming to terms with my reality, who I was.

"Okay," she said, thankfully not asking any more questions. "But everyone knows about this now and a rumor never does any good at Hogwarts. What are you going to do now?"

"McGonagall." I simply replied.


After explaining the situation to Professor McGonagall, she agreed to arrange an interview with the reporters for my statement. Of course, I did not tell her the truth but only that the rumor had to be stopped.

There was no way I was letting them find out about me just like that.

The interview was a success and three hours later, I found myself back in my shared dorm with Draco.

"You okay?" He asked as soon as I entered, "after everything today, I mean."

I nodded, blushing. Don't ask me why, I just did. I guess I felt good that someone actually bothered to ask how I was instead of gossiping and believing in the rumors about me.

"Great," he said and smiled.

We were silent for a while before he spoke again.

"Are you free tomorrow?"

"Yes, why?"

"I have a surprise."

I raised an eyebrow at him, seeing a hint of smirk playing on his lips.

Whatever his slytherin brain was thinking, it couldn't be good.

But I was a gryffindor, I was excited merely at the idea of danger.

"Okay." I said, smirking at him.

A full-fledged smirk of his own took over his lips at my agreement.

"See you at the quidditch ground at 4 tomorrow."

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