Friends or Something More? (edited)

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Draco's p.o.v

"Hermione! Hermione, wait..listen please."

She moved to and fro in the room, tidying up the things and packing her books, but also pretending that she couldn't hear me.

Bloody hell, how was I supposed to take her to the Hall today for her birthday?

"Her—" I tried again but she cut me off.

"Don't talk to me, got it?" She said so fiercely I raised my hands in surrender.

"Listen, I—oh gosh, are you okay?"

I rushed over to her side just as she let out a hiss in pain. She was walking so fast, her foot slipped and it could be that she twisted her ankle.

"I'm fine, go away." She mumbled, caressing her foot to ease the pain.

"Here, let me see." I said and kneeled in front of her.

"No, I don't need you—"

"Hush, Hermione. Let me see." I said firmly and she promptly pursed her lips.

God, those lips. I wonder how they'd taste.

Get out of your dreamland Draco. I chided myself.

I took out my wand and muttered the healing spell. Sure enough, the swelling went down and her foot was back to normal.

"Thank you," she said.

"Great, now smile."

"Not until you tell me what's going on," she sighed, "look I'm just super tired of feeling insecure and doubting myself that y'all don't care about me."

My heart dropped. "Hey hey, we never meant to make you to feel that."

"I know," she put her head in her hands, "it's just me. I don't like these thoughts either."

"Well," I took her hands in mine, loving the warmth that swept through my body, "you don't have to wait any longer. Tonight is when we tell you what we were doing. It's nothing bad, I promise."

"Really?" She asked softly.

"Yeah," I smiled.

She gave me a smile of her own and boy, did it make my heart flutter.

"Let's get to class."
Hermione's p.o.v.

Ginny asked me why I was smiling like an idiot. I gave her a death glare in response. At least Draco cared for me by promising to tell the truth.

Wait, he cares for me?

With the whole marriage law thing, did he care for me as a friend or maybe, something more?

My heart did a somersault at that thought. What was wrong with me?

"Mione?" Ginny broke me away from my thoughts. "Class has started.You look... pale? What are you thinking?"

"Oh, yeah," I mumbled, "nothing."

I definitely did not pay any attention to professor Flitwick.

Suddenly a paper crane landed on my desk. Flitwick did not notice it. Good.

I put it ony lap and read the note.

Meet me in our room at 9 p.m. From there, I will tell you what to do and take you to your secret.Be on time.

"Love D.M?"Ginny smirked while looking at that parchment.

"Oh shut up, Gin," I said.

I looked over at him and saw that he was already staring at me with a soft smile.

What if my suspicions were right? Did I want him to he something more to me than friends?

But I loved what we had now. I didn't want to ruin our friendship.

I had been looking at him for minutes until he waved his hand. I blinked out of my reverie.

"Okay," was all I mouthed to him.

ROYALTY (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now