The letter

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"Well,our wedding is going to be before the potters. No more arguments. Final date is 15."
"Agreed" Hermione sighed.
Today,being 12 her mind was already out of place.
She had to plan for her wedding,shop with Ginny at 3 in the afternoon and what not.
She sat down on the couch,her head in her hands.
Draco was sitting on the table, checking plans, striking unimportant things in their list and setting up all the other arrangements.
Since nobody wanted to talk, Hermione got up and went to her room. She was about to sleep when a peck on the window awakened her.
A brown,royal owl flew in and sat on her desk. She gave it two biscuits to eat and it flew off not before Hermione untied the letter at its feet.
She shut the window. The Letter was brownish-yellow in colour,tied with a royal red ribbon.
Hermione, it read.
Your mother and I are pleased to know that you are doing really well. Now the marriage law ,I am sure must be giving you headache but stay strong, princess. Remember one thing always. Your secret should not be known to the world unless we tell you so. You are our daughter and you are expected to obey what we say until you are at a stage wherein you can take your own decisions. And we are sorry to tell you that we can't attend your wedding. Your mother and I have a very important meeting with the Minister of Magic on 15,which we assume is the special day.
Your father.
They aren't coming.
They aren't even interested in seeing their daughter happy. They just care about their business. Hermione nearly cried but she knew she had to stay strong.
I am the sole heiress of the Abbotts. I am a princess by birth. My parents already sacrificed 17 years without me. Now I need to be patient. Because I know they are right.
She put the letter in her desk drawer and went to her closet to get ready for the bride and bridesmaids dress shopping.
Who knew that her father was hinting at something in the letter......

Sorry for the short chapter
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