A Shock For All (edited)

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Hermione's P.o.v.

As we all sat in the Great Hall, enjoying the feast and discussing about our holidays, McGonagall cleared her throat and the chatter in the hall died down to hear the usual yearly announcements.

"You may be already aware of the yearly announcements like the forbidden forest and the seventh floor corridors are out of bounds. So now I would like to welcome professor Thomas as our DADA teacher."

There was a loud applause and then sorting started. I zoned out after probably the third or fourth kid and my thoughts wandered along the abyss in my mind.

McGonagall got up after the sorting and I snapped back to reality as Harry nudged me. She asked everyone but the sixth and seventh years to go back to their dormitories.

After they were gone, she awkwardly cleared her throat and said,"Well this is going to be difficult for you all but I have to say this-The ministry has announced a marriage law-"

There were loud groans and a series of no's from the students but they silenced when she raised her hand.

"Now. According to the law,the students will be paired up with each other and get married, plus produce the children. Not the usual way of reproducing but madam Pomfrey will help put in this. You have to stay married for 2 years and if you love each other more than anything then you may continue by legalising the marriage. If you don't obey the law then you will be removed from the wizarding world and your wands will be snapped. Any questions?"

No one raised their hands.

"The sorting will take place the next week, Saturday. Your partner will be selected on the basis of with whom you will be the most happy. You may disperse to your dorms and the heads will be patrolling the corridors making sure of no activity."

Everyone filed out of the Hall with sunk faces. I found Malfoy waiting for me.

He smiled and asked,"Ready?"

I returned a small smile and said,"Yes."

ROYALTY (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now