My part of the bet.

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Hermione's p.o.v.


Oh god! that was so good.I couldnot think of anything else but that for the whole week. Ha! maybe such kisses could happen again.

'''mione? you still here or not?'' draco asked waving his hand in front of me.

''huh? did i just go into dreamland?again?''i asked,finally snapping into reality.

''yeah.Welcome back to reality.'' he laughed.

i rolled my eyes at him. but i still love him. his laughter echoed in the room like bells.

he saw me gazing intensely at his face. ''what?'' he asked softly.

''nothing''i replied,not taking my eyes off his angel face.

''oh! that reminds me....'' he started.

''of what?'' i cut in.then

''what would have you asked me if i lost the bet and i would have confessesd first?''

''i- i really dont know.'' i said,thinking.

''good you dont.'' he said absent-mindedly but then reality hit him and he slapped a hand on his mouth.

''what do you mean?'' i asked,thinking about what he just said.

''nothing'' he said.

''tell me''

''its nothing,really''

''spill it''



''because there isnt anything to say.''

''draco....'' i said,in a threatening voice.


i raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms over my chest,waiting.

''you are very stubborn you know.'' he said in a small voice.

'' i know'' i mocked.

he groaned.

''i-i loved you...''he started.

''i already know you love me.'' i cut in.

he shook his head. ''pay attention to the past tense.''

''you mean you used to love me and now you dont?!'' i gasped in horror

''What? No!! Thats not what i meant. calm down. And, DO.NOT.INTERRUPT.''

he said.

i calmed down. ''i loved you since we were in the third year. Thats all.''

he said,shrugging.

''thats all? seriously?'' i asked.

''yep.thats all.'' he replied.

i sat thinking for a few minutes. he loved me since we were in the third year. he loved me since we were in the third year. he loved me.....

thats when it hit me.


my eyes widened. i picked up a pillow and threw at him.


''yeah'' but he was laughing at my sudden outburst.

''YOU.BROKE.THE.RULE.'' i yelled,hitting him with each word. he used his hand to protect his face but he was still laughing.

suddenly he grabbed me by my waist and pinned me to the wall.

''so'' he started. i could feel his minty breath on my cheek.

''since you win the bet,what do you want me to do?'' he asked,his lips grazing my cheek and then my jawline.

i thought. but first i pushed him away. i laughed when he groaned.

''i have a task for you.''

''your majesty'' he bowed. i giggled.

''make me the happiest person alive.'' i said.

''is that all?'' he asked,straightening.


''thats way too easy'' he said.

overconfident, i thought.

''get off your high horse,mr.malfoy. making me happy is not so easy.'' i claimed.

''oh really?'' he said,proud.

''yeah. lets see if you can do that.''


''but. i can make the challenge hard anytime i want.''

''hey! thats not fair.''

''everything is fair in love and war. and this is war. a war for love''

''ms. proverbs,i meant that it is not fair to change the rules'' he said.

''why? you just said a minute ago that its very easy. i am just making it a bit tricky.'' i said,simply.

''no wonder people call you the brightest witch of our age'' he muttered.

'' so I am'' i said and went to my room.

''be ready!'' i called from my room,earning a groan in reply.

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