"you know what i want.."

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Ginny's p.ov.
And this is the day of the match. The Slytherin team has already entered into the field.
In walks the Gryffindor team.
Hermione is sitting right next to me,finger crossed, figuring who should she support. She gives up and decides to cheer only but not with the names.
"Oh Ginny!Who do you think will win?!" Hermione asks
"Can you shut up for a while? This is the hundredth time you are asking me that one bloody question!" I hissed.
I wasn't playing today as my arm was hurting bad and I had a feeling something weird is about to happen.
That's when a bludger flew at Ron and Lavender cried "watch out Won-Won!"
I rolled my eyes but it widened when the Slytherin team scored a goal at the goal post Ron had previously been flying near.
He avoided the bludger but couldn't avoid the goal.
Perfect timing I thought in astonishment.
Draco was flying to his right now.
Looks like he got the snitch.
Harry followed him at a faster pace
And something happened...

Draco's p.o.v.
I remembered a trick in the book.
Lure your enemy in your trap.
I didn't understand it at first but then I had a brilliant idea.
I flew past Harry pretending I found the snitch. He followed me,just like what I had thought.
I flew straight towards​ bigger stands and took a sharp turn.
I heard Harry lose his control and almost dash into the stands.
I flew quickly towards the Gryffindor stand because that's where I found a shimmer of gold.
I kept for it keeping my balance on the front part of the broom and hand outstretched.
The audience was standing up slowly and waited
The Slytherin voice boomed when I caught the snitch in my hand.
The Gryffindors stood there but then soon clapped, cheering.
House unity. I know.
But there was a person who clapped the loudest and cheered the loudest.
That's the person who was I looking for.
I flew towards her and dropped my broom.
The crowd gave way for me.
It separated in two sides.
That was the moment I saw only one person. Who will soon officially be mine. Who I was made for.
Hermione.My Hermione.
I stepped towards her stopping only when we were inches away.
"You did well,Draco" She said,smiling.
"I know. But there's something I want as a reward." I said, smirking slightly.
"What?" She asked.
"You know it too well." I smirked openly and took her face in my hands."
"Well,then you shall have it." She smiled and threw her arms around my neck.
I closed the distance between us.
The crowd cheered again. This time with more enthusiasm.
The Gryffindor princess and The Slytherin prince, together.
Finally. It gives rise to double house unity. But I wasn't aware of anything but the feel of Hermione's lips on mine. The soft lips of hers and her hands tangled in my hair.
Oh god. How much I love this girl.
We are made for each other.
Forever and Always.

Ginny's p.o.v.
Hermione and Malfoy are kissing!?
Oh god! That's so good!
Ron and harry are watching them, gaping. But they soon cheered along with the crowd. I too joined them.
Harry was right. They have to accept each other. Whether they like it or not.

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