The Soulmates (edited)

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Draco and I, after our truce, had started to enjoy each other's company. We always had a good laugh when we pulled pranks on each other.

We were talking and laughing when suddenly someome cried,"Oi you! Get lost!"

I realised it was Ron, Harry and Ginny, who stood there with their jaws dropped.

From the murderous look on Ron's face, I knew things were about to go downhill quick.

"Ron! Draco's not hurting me," I cried when he pointed his wand at Draco's throat. "Please, stop!"

"So you are telling me that you are happy with a friend like him!"
He yelled back but dropped his wand.

"Ron, let Hermione do what she likes," Harry spoke to him calmly, "I know you care for her as your sister, but that doesn't mean that you can interfere in her life."


"Harry's right, brother," Ginny said, putting a hand on her brother's shoulder.

"Fine,"He said, sighing.

"I genuinely appreciate my friendship with Hermione. I won't hurt her and also make sure she doesn't get hurt either. "Draco said, causing me to look at him gratefully.

"Malfoy, do something wrong and it's your neck." Ron said, getting an approved look from Harry and Ginny.

"Now let's walk back. We have to find our, erm, soulmates," Ginny said, nervously.

We all walked back and found that everyone was sitting quietly and a sense of nervous tension filled the air.
We took our seats at the Gryffindor table while Draco walked to his own.

Mcgonagall cleared her throat and said,"Welcome to the ceremony. Your sorting will take place via the Goblet of Fire. I'm sure you already know how this works. The names of the girls will be put in and the name which will be returned would be of her soul mate. So, let the sorting begin!"

Names were called out. From the expression on their face, most of them weren't happy with their partners. Exceptions were Ginny and Lavender,who got Harry and Ron respectively. They squealed in delight as they walked over to the other end of the hall, hands interlaced with their partners.

I was worried about mine. But finally, in between my prayers, I heard my name.

"Hermione Granger."

The goblet glowed in green colour until a piece of parchment flew out of it. Mcgonagall read it and called out the name which was the last thing I remembered because I passed out the very moment the name was announced. Dramatic? I know. But you can't blame me when I was supposed to be married to my once arch enemy.

"Draco Malfoy."

ROYALTY (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now